danielforgacs / VendingMachine

VendingMachine example implementation in Python for an interview.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Python Pytest testing template


  • Multiple item types available
  • Can accept different coins e.g. 50p and two 20p's for a value of 90p
  • The machine must be capable of handling change


  • I left a few unused standard files, like docker compose files, .env, ... in the repo. Those come from my automated git repo initialiser bash func. (See my .dotfiles repo)
  • The actual vending machine logic is tiny. I focused on a framework design that other programmers can use in their tools.
  • the tests use some hardcoded values. A configuarion update will break them. I wouldn't do that with actual code base.
  • optional future directions:
    • items coming from a centralized DB with the vending machine tracking inventory across the company.
    • coins also stored in a DB.
    • singleton object, so it woulnd't matter where a developer instantiates the class.

Git branches:

  • master: latest tested & approved code ready to be deployed
  • staging/release.dddd: container branch to test multiple feature/ticket/etc... branches together before merging into master
  • dev: wip branch


Python 3.8

start env:

$ pipenv shell

install dependencies:

# dev
$ pipenv install --dev

# live
$ pipenv install


# in the project root dir:
$ python -m pytest

# if the project root is added to the PYTHONPATH:
$ pytest


The functional tests cover most use cases with examples.

# import the module:
import VendingMachine.vendmach as vendmach

# get an instance of the vending machine
# with the requested item and the budget:
machine = vendmach.VendingMachine(
    itemrequest='nuke license',
    coins=[20, 50],

# As part of a module it can make sense and it's possible
# to instantiate a machine without arguments and set those
# attrs when they became available:
machine = vendmach.VendingMachine()
machine.coins = [20, 10, 50, 50]
machine.itemrequest = 'nuke license'

# If the coins are enough the requested item
# is in the item attr:
print('requested item:', machine.item)

# The actual price of the item is in the cost attr:
print('requested item cost:', machine.cost)

# if the budget was enough, change is in the change attr:
print('change:', machine.change)

make targets:

makefile targets assume the project virtualenv is active.

  • test: run all tests


VendingMachine example implementation in Python for an interview.


Language:Python 99.5%Language:Makefile 0.4%Language:Shell 0.1%