danielemansillo / Network-Dynamics-and-Learning

Teaching material that prepared by Laura Arditti as a TA for the laboratories of the Network Dynamics and Learning course for the MSc in Data Science and Engineering at Politecnico di Torino.

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Material for the laboratories of the Network Dynamics and Learning course for the MSc in Data Science and Engineering at Politecnico di Torino.


Lab00: Introduction to NetworkX

  • Graph Types
  • Drawing graphs
  • Algorithms

Lab01: Algebraic Graph Theory

  • Introduction to numpy
  • Spectral graph theory
  • Invariant probability distributions
  • Centrality measures
  • Visualizing centrality measures
  • Testing centrality measures

Lab02: Network Flows

  • Max Flow - Min Cut Theorem and the Ford Fulkerson algorithm
  • Python implementation of the Edmonds-Karp Algorithm
  • Network flows optimization with CVXPY

Lab03: Averaging Dynamics with Stubborn Agents

  • Simulating the averaging dynamics with stubborn nodes
  • Optimal placement of stubborn nodes

Lab04: Markov Chains

  • Random Walks on graphs and the Flow Dynamics
  • Discrete Time Markov Chains
    • Simulating DTMC
    • Computing and approximating invariant probability distributions
  • Continuous Time Markov Chains
    • Modelling CTMC: two equivalent approaches
    • Simulating CTMC
    • Estimating invariant probability distributions
    • Katz Theorem: equivalence of spatial and time averages

Lab05: Game Theoretic Learning Processes

  • Discrete-time asynchronous Best Response dynamics
    • D-T BRD as a random walk on the BR transition graph
    • Asymptotic behaviour and invariant probability distribution
    • BRD for non-potential games: the Rock-Scissor-Paper game
  • Continuous-time asynchronous Best Response dynamics
    • C-T BRD for network games: the network coordination game
    • BRD for potential games: local optimization of the potential function
  • Continuous-time asyncronous Noisy Best Response dynamics
    • C-T NBRD for network games: the network coordination game
    • NBRD for potential games: asymptotic behaviour and invariant probability distribution
    • Global optimization of the potential function and the effect of noise

Lab06: Epidemic Models on Networks - Random Graphs

  • Pairwise Interacting Network Systems
  • Epidemic models on networks: SI, SIS, SIR models
  • Example: the SI model on a grid graph
    • Modelling and simulation of the infection spread
  • Random graphs as a model for a real world citation network
    • approximation with the Erdos-Renyi-model
    • approximation with the configuration model
    • approximation with the preferential attachment model
    • Comparing models


Teaching material that prepared by Laura Arditti as a TA for the laboratories of the Network Dynamics and Learning course for the MSc in Data Science and Engineering at Politecnico di Torino.


Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%