danielecook / fastq-profiler

Centralized management of FASTQs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


fastq-profiler is a command line utility for keeping track of fastqs and process and store information associated with them. fastq-profiler generates summary statistics from processed fastq files and stores the data using the files md5sum as an identifier in Google Datastore.

I chose Google Datastore because it is centralized - allowing you to profile fastqs locally, or within cluster environments and elsewhere in parallel without having to track/combine files. fastq-profiler also integrates with FastQC and can be used to output fastq statistics for analysis. Importantly, when duplicates are identified, fastq-profiler keeps track of both locations, allowing you to identify manage duplicate files if necessary.


pip install https://github.com/danielecook/fastq-profiler/archive/v0.0.4.tar.gz


  • Setup an account with google cloud.
  • Authorize Google Cloud using the gcloud SDK:
gcloud auth login
  • Set your project and default Google Datastore "kind" using:
fq set <project> <kind>


fastq-profiler generates a hash of every fastq submitted and uses it to track and store data about fastqs. The end result looks like this within the browsable Google Datastore interface:


The following pieces of information about fastqs (properties) are stored:

Array Elements

The three properties below are stored as arrays. Elements within those arrays correspond with one another (e.g. [1,2] ~ [A,B])

  • hostname - Hostname
  • basename Fastq basename
  • filename - Absolute path of Fastq (in every location identified)

Singlular properties

  • md5sum Hash of the file
  • locations_count - Count of identified locations.
  • date_created Earliest identified date created
  • flowcell_lane Flowcell lane
  • filesize - Filesize in bytes
  • hfilesize - Filesize in human readable form
  • total_reads - Read count
  • [ATCGN]_count - Base counts
  • GC_content - GC content
  • min_length - Minimum read length
  • avg_length - Average read length
  • max_length - maximum read length

Additional fields included if applicable

  • instrument Instrument name if available
  • flowcell_lane
  • flowcell_number
  • run_id
  • pair 1/2 for paired end sequencing.
  • barcode Index/barcode of read for pooled sequencing
  • control_bits

Illumina Filename

If the filename follows the Illumina filename conventions, these items will be parsed out as well:

  • illumina_filename_sample
  • illumina_filename_barcode_sequence OR illumina_filename_sample_number
  • illumina_filename_lane
  • illumina_filename_read
  • illumina_filename_set_number

For example:

EA-CFB-2-421_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz would be parsed into:

  • illumina_filename_sample = EA-CFB-2-421
  • illumina_filename_sample_number = S1
  • illumina_filename_lane = L001
  • illumina_filename_read = R1
  • illumina_filename_set_number 1

fq profile creates a .checksum file in every directory containing fastqs that it is run on. The .checksum file is used as a cache of file hashes to make retrieval of data easier and help with file tracking.

FastQC Stats

fastq-profiler can optionally store FastQC results in datastore as well, and these results can be output as one file, enabling easy aggregation of fastqc results. To incorporate FastQC data, be sure to use the --fastqc flag:

fq profile --fastqc <fq>

fastqc-profiler will store the following data in Google Datastore as unindexed properties:

  • per_base_sequence_quality
  • per_tile_sequence_quality
  • per_sequence_quality_scores
  • per_base_sequence_content
  • per_sequence_gc_content
  • per_base_n_content
  • sequence_length_distribution
  • sequence_duplication_levels
  • overrepresented_sequences
  • adapter_content
  • kmer_content


Set your project and kind:

fq set <project> <kind>

Set <project> to your google cloud project name. Set kind to the name of the kind you want to store fastq data in within Google Datastore.

fq set 'my-google-cloud-project' 'fastq-set'

Profile a fastq

The profile command is designed to be run on any/all fastqs you have, even if they are duplicates. When duplicate files are identified, the path and filenames are both stored under the same entry. However, because they have the same file hash, fastq-profiler does not repeat profiling or fastqc operations.

fq profile [options] <fq>...

Run fq profile on multiple fastqs

fq profile myseq1.fq.gz myseq2.fq.gz myseq3.fq.gz

Run fq profile on an entire directory

You can use a * wildcard:

fq profile *.fq.gz

Read files from stdin

find . -name *.gz  | egrep "(fastq|fq)" - | fq profile - 

Storing Additional Data

Using .description

The .description file is intended to specify data that should be attached to every fastq within a folder. .description files are located in the directory containing fastqs that will be processed. For example:

├── 20150505_fastq_files
│   ├── .description
│   ├── sample_001_R01.fq.gz
│   ├── sample_001_R02.fq.gz
│   ├── sample_300_R01.fq.gz
│   └── sample_300_R02.fq.gz

The format of the description file is key, value pairs separated by a :. For example:

species: C. elegans
source: ftp_site
sequencing_center: UChicago
seq_folder: 150406_D00422_0191_BHBDWCADXX-EA-CB12
sequencing_type: DNA
date_submitted: date-2015-03-05
date_sequenced: date-2015-04-06
lab: Andersen Lab
description: DNA sequencing of new wild isolates!

Every datastore entity corresponding to a fastq in the folder will have these data attached when you run fq profile.

Using .fqdata

If you want to store data specific to the fastq file, for the sequencing library or other properties, you can use a .fqdata file. The .fqdata file functions similar to the description file except that you must specify the fastq using its basename (e.g. /fq_set/myfastq.fq.gz would be myfastq.fq.gz) or md5sum hash.

By the way, you can use both .description and .fqdata files!

├── 20150505_fastq_files
│   ├── .fqdata
│   ├── .description
│   ├── sample_001_R01.fq.gz
│   ├── sample_001_R02.fq.gz
│   ├── sample_300_R01.fq.gz
│   └── sample_300_R02.fq.gz

The .fqdata file is tab-separated. For example:

#file	Library prepared_by dna_prep_kit
sample_001_R01.fq.gz	LIB1	Robyn	A
sample_001_R02.fq.gz	LIB2	Robyn	B
sample_002_R01.fq.gz	LIB3	Mostafa	C

The table looks like this:

file Library prepared_by dna_prep_kit
sample_001_R01.fq.gz LIB1 Robyn A
sample_001_R02.fq.gz LIB2 Robyn B
sample_002_R01.fq.gz LIB3 Mostafa C
... ... ... ...
Specifying Dates when storing data

To specify dates use the date- prefix and use YYYY-MM-DD. For example, date-2015-03-05.

Fetching fastq data

Once you have profiled fastqs, you can fetch data associated with them using the fetch command:

fq profile fetch myseq1.fq.gz myseq2.fq.gz

The fetch command omits FastQC data tables stored in Datastore.


Output is in JSON format.

    "A_count": 94645601,
    "C_count": 59898634,
    "barcode": "GAATCTC",
    "basename": [
    "bases": 309854148,
    "basic_statistics": "pass",
    "control_bits": 0,
    "cum_length": 309858000,
    "date_created": "2015-03-02T10:24:08+00:00",
    "filename": [
    "filesize": 245108588,
    "filtered": "N",
    "flowcell_id": "HGMN3ADXX",
    "flowcell_lane": 1,
    "fq_profile_count": 1,
    "hfilesize": "233 MiB",
    "hostname": [
    "sequence_length_distribution": "pass",
    "total_reads": "3098580",
    "unique_reads": "2002529"

Dump fastq data

Alternatively, you can dump fastq data stored that is stored in the kind you set with fq set:

fq dump

The command above will dump all fastq data in JSON format. Data tables saved by FastQC are ommited.

Dump FastQC data

fastq-profiler can store FastQC data, enabling easy aggregation of fastqc results. To use, you must profile fastqs with the --fastqc flag. For example:

fq profile --fastqc <fq>

Then, you can output data using:

fq fastq-dump <fastqc-group> [<fq>...]

Where is one of:

  • per_base_sequence_quality
  • per_tile_sequence_quality
  • per_sequence_quality_scores
  • per_base_sequence_content
  • per_sequence_gc_content
  • per_base_n_content
  • sequence_length_distribution
  • sequence_duplication_levels
  • overrepresented_sequences
  • adapter_content
  • kmer_content

For example:

fq fastqc-dump per_base_sequence_content *.fq.gz

Will output all fastqc data in one file among files matching the *.fq.gz wildcard.


filename    base    G   A   T   C
NIC1_130123_I186_FCC1GJUACXX_L2_CHKPEI13010005_1.fq.gz  1   39.08   25.0    12.36   23.56
NIC1_130123_I186_FCC1GJUACXX_L2_CHKPEI13010005_1.fq.gz  2   15.952184666117065  22.176422093981863  41.13767518549052   20.733718054410552
NIC1_130123_I186_FCC1GJUACXX_L2_CHKPEI13010005_1.fq.gz  3   17.0    28.360000000000003  33.0    21.64
t_IndexQX1791_2.fq.gz   84-85   18.82   30.54   32.28   18.360000000000003
t_IndexQX1791_2.fq.gz   86-87   18.58   30.159999999999997  33.18   18.08
t_IndexQX1791_2.fq.gz   88-89   18.44   29.439999999999998  31.96   20.16
t_IndexQX1791_2.fq.gz   90  18.6    30.48   31.28   19.64

If you specify a list of fastqs, only fastqc results for those files will be dumped. If you leave <fq>... empty, all fastqc data for the <fastqc-group> specified will be output under the set kind. Note: If a fastq is duplicated, it will only output the first filename that has been stored.


Use --fastqc-threads to speed up fastqc.

fq profile --fastqc --fastqc-threads 8 <fq>

Reading data into R

If you use fq dump or fq fetch you can import data into R using jsonlite:


Additional Options

--kv=<k:v> can be used to store custom data.

Use the date- prefix to store a date. Other data types are automatically inferred. You can alternatively use a .description file.

fq profile --kv=date_sequenced:date-20160610,sequencing_center:UChicago *.fq.gz

In the example above, a 'date_sequenced' property will be added to the fastq entity in google datastore.

--verbose - Provide additional information on what is going on under the hood.


Centralized management of FASTQs

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%