danieldelcore / learning-italian


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Let's Learn Italian 🇮🇹🍕🍝

...word association with emojis!

Table of contents

~1000 most used Italian words
  • io: I
  • il suo: his
  • che: that
  • lui: he
  • era: was
  • per: for
  • su: on
  • sono: are
  • con: with
  • essi: they
  • essere: be
  • a: at
  • avere: have
  • questo: this
  • da: from
  • da: by
  • caldo: hot
  • parola: word
  • ma: but
  • cosa: what
  • alcuni: some
  • è: is
  • esso: it
  • voi: you
  • o: or
  • aveva: had
  • il: the
  • di: of
  • a: to
  • e: and
  • un: a
  • in: in
  • noi: we
  • lattina: can
  • fuori: out
  • altro: other
  • erano: were
  • che: which
  • fare: do
  • loro: their
  • tempo: time
  • se: if
  • volontà: will
  • come: how
  • suddetto: said
  • un: an
  • ogni: each
  • dire: tell
  • fa: does
  • set: set
  • tre: three
  • desiderare: want
  • aria: air
  • bene: well
  • anche: also
  • giocare: play
  • piccolo: small
  • fine: end
  • mettere: put
  • casa: home
  • leggere: read
  • mano: hand
  • porto: port
  • grande: large
  • compitare: spell
  • aggiungere: add
  • anche: even
  • terra: land
  • qui: here
  • mosto: must
  • grande: big
  • alto: high
  • tale: such
  • seguire: follow
  • atto: act
  • perché: why
  • chiedere: ask
  • maschi: men
  • cambiamento: change
  • è andato: went
  • luce: light
  • tipo: kind
  • spento: off
  • bisogno: need
  • casa: house 🏠
  • immagine: picture
  • provare: try
  • noi: us
  • di nuovo: again
  • animale: animal
  • punto: point
  • madre: mother
  • mondo: world
  • vicino: near
  • costruire: build
  • se stesso: self
  • terra: earth
  • padre: father
  • qualsiasi: any
  • nuovo: new
  • lavoro: work
  • parte: part
  • prendere: take
  • ottenere: get
  • posto: place
  • fatto: made
  • vivere: live
  • dove: where
  • dopo: after
  • indietro: back
  • poco: little
  • solo: only
  • turno: round
  • uomo: man
  • anno: year
  • è venuto: came
  • spettacolo: show
  • ogni: every
  • buono: good
  • me: me
  • dare: give
  • il nostro: our
  • sotto: under
  • nome: name
  • molto: very
  • attraverso: through
  • solo: just
  • forma: form
  • frase: sentence
  • grande: great
  • pensare: think
  • dire: say
  • aiutare: help
  • basso: low
  • linea: line
  • differire: differ
  • turno: turn
  • causa: cause
  • molto: much
  • dire: mean
  • prima: before
  • spostare: move
  • diritto: right
  • ragazzo: boy
  • vecchio: old
  • troppo: too
  • stesso: same
  • lei: she
  • tutto: all
  • ci: there
  • quando: when
  • su: up
  • uso: use
  • il tuo: your
  • modo: way
  • circa: about
  • molti: many
  • allora: then
  • loro: them
  • scrivere: write
  • sarebbe: would
  • come: like
  • così: so
  • queste: these
  • lei: her
  • lungo: long
  • rendere: make
  • cosa: thing
  • vedere: see
  • lui: him
  • ha: has
  • guardare: look
  • di più: more
  • giorno: day
  • potuto: could
  • andare: go
  • venire: come
  • ha fatto: did
  • numero: number
  • suono: sound
  • no: no
  • più: most
  • persone: people
  • il mio: my
  • oltre: over
  • sapere: know
  • acqua: water 💧
  • di: than
  • chiamata: call
  • primo: first
  • che: who
  • può: may
  • giù: down
  • lato: side
  • stato: been
  • ora: now
  • trovare: find
  • testa: head
  • stare in piedi: stand
  • proprio: own
  • pagina: page 📃
  • dovrebbe: should
  • paese: country
  • fondare: found
  • risposta: answer
  • scuola: school 🏫
  • crescere: grow
  • studio: study
  • ancora: still
  • imparare: learn
  • impianto: plant 🌱
  • copertura: cover
  • cibo: food
  • sole: sun 🌞
  • quattro: four
  • fra: between
  • stato: state
  • mantenere: keep
  • occhio: eye 👁
  • mai: never
  • ultimo: last
  • lasciare: let
  • pensiero: thought
  • città: city
  • albero: tree 🌲
  • attraversare: cross
  • fattoria: farm
  • difficile: hard
  • inizio: start
  • forza: might
  • storia: story
  • sega: saw
  • lontano: far
  • mare: sea
  • disegnare: draw
  • sinistra: left
  • tardi: late
  • run: run
  • non: don’t
  • mentre: while
  • stampa: press
  • close: close
  • notte: night
  • reale: real
  • vita: life
  • pochi: few
  • nord: north
  • libro: book
  • portare: carry
  • ha preso: took
  • scienza: science
  • mangiare: eat
  • camera: room
  • amico: friend
  • ha iniziato: began
  • idea: idea
  • pesce: fish
  • montagna: mountain 🏔
  • stop: stop
  • una volta: once
  • base: base
  • sentire: hear
  • cavallo: horse 🐴
  • taglio: cut
  • sicuro: sure
  • orologio: watch ⌚️
  • colore: color
  • volto: face
  • legno: wood
  • principale: main
  • aperto: open
  • sembrare: seem
  • insieme: together
  • prossimo: next
  • bianco: white
  • bambini: children
  • inizio: begin
  • ottenuto: got
  • camminare: walk
  • esempio: example
  • alleviare: ease
  • carta: paper
  • gruppo: group
  • sempre: always
  • musica: music 🎼
  • quelli: those
  • entrambi: both
  • marchio: mark
  • spesso: often
  • lettera: letter
  • fino a quando: until
  • miglio: mile
  • fiume: river
  • auto: car 🚗
  • piedi: feet 🦶
  • cura: care
  • secondo: second
  • abbastanza: enough
  • pianura: plain
  • ragazza: girl
  • solito: usual
  • giovane: young
  • pronto: ready
  • sopra: above
  • mai: ever
  • rosso: red
  • elenco: list
  • anche se: though
  • sentire: feel
  • Discussioni: talk
  • uccello: bird 🦜
  • presto: soon
  • corpo: body
  • cane: dog 🐶
  • famiglia: family
  • diretto: direct
  • posa: pose
  • lasciare: leave
  • canzone: song
  • misurare: measure
  • porta: door 🚪
  • prodotto: product
  • nero: black
  • breve: short
  • numerale: numeral
  • classe: class
  • vento: wind 💨
  • domanda: question
  • accadere: happen
  • integrale: complete
  • nave: ship 🛳
  • area: area
  • metà: half
  • rock: rock
  • ordine: order
  • fuoco: fire 🔥
  • sud: south
  • problema: problem
  • pezzo: piece
  • ha detto: told
  • sapeva: knew
  • passare: pass
  • da: since
  • top: top
  • tutto: whole
  • re: king
  • strada: street
  • pollice: inch
  • moltiplicare: multiply
  • niente: nothing
  • corso: course
  • soggiornare: stay
  • ruota: wheel
  • completo: full
  • vigore: force
  • blu: blue
  • oggetto: object
  • decidere: decide
  • superficie: surface
  • profondità: deep
  • luna: moon 🌚
  • isola: island 🏝
  • piede: foot
  • sistema: system
  • occupato: busy
  • test: test
  • record: record
  • barca: boat
  • comune: common
  • oro: gold
  • possibile: possible
  • piano: plane
  • vece: stead
  • asciutto: dry
  • meraviglia: wonder
  • ridere: laugh
  • migliaia: thousand
  • fa: ago
  • corse: ran
  • controllare: check
  • gioco: game
  • forma: shape
  • uguagliare: equate
  • caldo: hot
  • perdere: miss
  • portato: brought
  • calore: heat
  • neve: snow
  • pneumatico: tire
  • portare: bring
  • : yes
  • lontano: distant
  • riempire: fill
  • est: east
  • dipingere: paint
  • lingua: language
  • tra: among
  • unità: unit
  • potenza: power
  • città: town
  • fine: fine
  • certo: certain
  • volare: fly
  • cadere: fall
  • portare: lead
  • grido: cry
  • scuro: dark
  • macchina: machine
  • nota: note
  • aspettare: wait
  • piano: plan
  • figura: figure
  • stella: star
  • scatola: box
  • sostantivo: noun
  • campo: field
  • resto: rest
  • corretto: correct
  • in grado di: able
  • libbra: pound
  • done: done
  • bellezza: beauty
  • unità: drive
  • sorgeva: stood
  • contenere: contain
  • frontale: front
  • insegnare: teach
  • settimana: week
  • finale: final
  • ha dato: gave
  • verde: green
  • oh: oh
  • veloce: quick
  • sviluppare: develop
  • oceano: ocean
  • caldo: warm
  • gratuito: free
  • minuto: minute
  • forte: strong
  • speciale: special
  • mente: mind
  • dietro: behind
  • chiaro: clear
  • coda: tail
  • produrre: produce
  • fatto: fact
  • spazio: space
  • sentito: heard
  • migliore: best
  • ora: hour
  • meglio: better
  • vero: true
  • durante: during
  • ricordare: remember
  • passo: step
  • presto: early
  • tenere: hold
  • ovest: west
  • terra: ground
  • interesse: interest
  • raggiungere: reach
  • veloce: fast
  • verbo: verb
  • cantare: sing
  • ascoltare: listen
  • tavolo: table
  • viaggi: travel
  • meno: less
  • mattina: morning
  • semplice: simple
  • alcuni: several
  • vocale: vowel
  • verso: toward
  • guerra: war
  • porre: lay
  • contro: against
  • modello: pattern
  • lento: slow
  • centro: center
  • amore: love
  • persona: person
  • soldi: money 💵
  • servire: serve
  • apparire: appear
  • strada: road
  • mappa: map 🗺
  • pioggia: rain
  • regola: rule
  • governare: govern
  • tirare: pull
  • freddo: cold
  • avviso: notice
  • voce: voice
  • energia: energy
  • caccia: hunt
  • probabile: probable
  • letto: bed 🛏
  • fratello: brother
  • uovo: egg
  • giro: ride
  • cella: cell
  • credere: believe
  • forse: perhaps
  • scegliere: pick
  • improvviso: sudden
  • contare: count
  • piazza: square
  • motivo: reason
  • lunghezza: length
  • rappresentare: represent
  • arte: art
  • soggetto: subject
  • regione: region
  • dimensione: size
  • variare: vary
  • risolvere: settle
  • parlare: speak
  • peso: weight
  • generale: general
  • ghiaccio: ice
  • materia: matter
  • cerchio: circle
  • coppia: pair
  • includere: include
  • divide: divide
  • sillaba: syllable
  • feltro: felt
  • grande: grand
  • palla: ball
  • ancora: yet
  • onda: wave
  • cadere: drop
  • cuore: heart
  • am: am
  • presente: present
  • pesante: heavy
  • danza: dance
  • motore: engine
  • posizione: position
  • braccio: arm
  • ampio: wide
  • vela: sail
  • materiale: material
  • frazione: fraction
  • foresta: forest
  • sedersi: sit
  • gara: race
  • finestra: window
  • negozio: store
  • estate: summer
  • treno: train 🚂
  • sonno: sleep
  • dimostrare: prove
  • solitario: lone
  • gamba: leg
  • esercizio: exercise
  • muro: wall
  • prendere: catch
  • monte: mount
  • desiderio: wish
  • cielo: sky
  • pensione: board
  • gioia: joy
  • inverno: winter
  • sat: sat
  • scritto: written
  • selvaggio: wild
  • strumento: instrument
  • tenere: kept
  • vetro: glass
  • erba: grass
  • mucca: cow 🐮
  • lavoro: job
  • bordo: edge
  • segno: sign
  • visita: visit
  • passato: past
  • morbido: soft
  • divertimento: fun
  • luminoso: bright
  • gas: gas
  • tempo: weather
  • mese: month
  • milione: million
  • sopportare: bear
  • finitura: finish
  • felice: happy
  • speranza: hope
  • fiore: flower
  • vestire: clothe
  • strano: strange
  • gone: gone
  • commercio: trade
  • melodia: melody
  • viaggio: trip
  • ufficio: office
  • ricevere: receive
  • fila: row
  • bocca: mouth
  • esatto: exact
  • simbolo: symbol
  • morire: die
  • meno: least
  • difficoltà: trouble
  • shout: shout
  • tranne: except
  • ha scritto: wrote
  • seme: seed
  • tono: tone
  • aderire: join
  • suggerire: suggest
  • pulito: clean
  • pausa: break
  • signora: lady
  • cantiere: yard
  • salire: rise
  • male: bad
  • colpo: blow
  • olio: oil
  • sangue: blood
  • toccare: touch
  • è cresciuto: grew
  • cent: cent
  • mescolare: mix
  • team: team
  • filo: wire
  • costo: cost
  • perso: lost
  • marrone: brown
  • indossare: wear
  • giardino: garden
  • pari: equal
  • inviato: sent
  • scegliere: choose
  • caduto: fell
  • adattarsi: fit
  • flusso: flow
  • fiera: fair
  • banca: bank
  • raccogliere: collect
  • salvare: save
  • controllo: control
  • decimale: decimal
  • orecchio: ear
  • altro: else
  • abbastanza: quite
  • rotto: broke
  • caso: case
  • mezzo: middle
  • uccidere: kill
  • figlio: son
  • lago: lake
  • momento: moment
  • scala: scale
  • forte: loud
  • primavera: spring
  • osservare: observe
  • bambino: child
  • dritto: straight
  • consonante: consonant
  • nazione: nation
  • dizionario: dictionary
  • latte: milk 🥛
  • velocità: speed
  • metodo: method
  • organo: organ
  • pagare: pay
  • età: age
  • sezione: section
  • vestito: dress
  • nube: cloud ⛅️
  • sorpresa: surprise
  • tranquillo: quiet
  • pietra: stone
  • piccolo: tiny
  • salita: climb
  • fresco: cool
  • design: design
  • povero: poor
  • lotto: lot
  • esperimento: experiment
  • fondo: bottom
  • chiave: key 🔑
  • ferro: iron
  • singolo: single
  • bastone: stick
  • appartamento: flat
  • venti: twenty
  • pelle: skin
  • sorriso: smile 😄
  • piega: crease
  • foro: hole
  • salto: jump
  • bambino: baby 👶
  • otto: eight
  • villaggio: village
  • si incontrano: meet
  • radice: root
  • acquistare: buy
  • aumentare: raise
  • risolvere: solve
  • metallo: metal
  • se: whether
  • spingere: push
  • sette: seven
  • paragrafo: paragraph
  • terzo: third
  • deve: shall
  • tenuto: held
  • capelli: hair
  • descrivere: describe
  • cuoco: cook
  • piano: floor
  • o: either
  • risultato: result
  • bruciare: burn
  • collina: hill
  • sicuro: safe
  • gatto: cat 😸
  • secolo: century
  • considerare: consider
  • tipo: type
  • legge: law
  • bit: bit
  • costa: coast
  • copia: copy
  • frase: phrase
  • silenzioso: silent
  • alto: tall
  • sabbia: sand
  • suolo: soil
  • rotolo: roll
  • temperatura: temperature
  • dito: finger
  • industria: industry
  • valore: value
  • lotta: fight
  • bugia: lie
  • battere: beat
  • eccitare: excite
  • naturale: natural
  • vista: view
  • senso: sense
  • capitale: capital
  • non sarà: won’t
  • sedia: chair
  • pericolo: danger
  • frutta: fruit
  • ricco: rich
  • spesso: thick
  • soldato: soldier
  • processo: process
  • operare: operate
  • pratica: practice
  • separato: separate
  • difficile: difficult
  • medico: doctor
  • per favore: please
  • proteggere: protect
  • mezzogiorno: noon
  • raccolto: crop
  • moderno: modern
  • elemento: element
  • colpire: hit
  • studente: student
  • angolo: corner
  • partito: party
  • fornitura: supply
  • la cui: whose
  • individuare: locate
  • anello: ring
  • carattere: character
  • insetto: insect
  • catturato: caught
  • periodo: period
  • indicare: indicate
  • radio: radio
  • raggio: spoke
  • atomo: atom
  • umano: human
  • storia: history
  • effetto: effect
  • elettrico: electric
  • aspettare: expect
  • osso: bone 🦴
  • ferrovia: rail
  • immaginare: imagine
  • fornire: provide
  • concordare: agree
  • così: thus
  • dolce: gentle
  • donna: woman
  • capitano: captain
  • indovinare: guess
  • necessario: necessary
  • tagliente: sharp
  • ala: wing
  • creare: create
  • prossimo: neighbor
  • lavaggio: wash
  • pipistrello: bat 🦇
  • piuttosto: rather
  • folla: crowd
  • mais: corn
  • confrontare: compare
  • poesia: poem
  • stringa: string
  • campana: bell 🔔
  • dipendere: depend
  • carne: meat
  • strofinare: rub
  • tubo: tube
  • famoso: famous
  • dollaro: dollar
  • ruscello: stream
  • paura: fear
  • vista: sight
  • sottile: thin
  • triangolo: triangle
  • pianeta: planet
  • fretta: hurry
  • capo: chief
  • colonia: colony
  • orologio: clock 🕐
  • miniera: mine
  • cravatta: tie
  • inserire: enter
  • maggiore: major
  • fresco: fresh
  • ricerca: search
  • inviare: send
  • giallo: yellow
  • pistola: gun
  • consentire: allow
  • stampa: print
  • morto: dead
  • spot: spot
  • deserto: desert
  • tuta: suit
  • corrente: current
  • ascensore: lift
  • rosa: rose 🌹
  • arrivare: arrive
  • master: master
  • pista: track
  • genitore: parent
  • riva: shore
  • divisione: division
  • foglio: sheet
  • sostanza: substance
  • favorire: favor
  • collegare: connect
  • Messaggio: post
  • spendere: spend
  • accordo: chord
  • grasso: fat
  • felice: glad
  • originale: original
  • quota: share
  • stazione: station
  • papà: dad
  • pane: bread 🍞
  • carica: charge
  • corretto: proper
  • bar: bar
  • offerta: offer
  • segmento: segment
  • schiavo: slave
  • anatra: duck
  • immediato: instant
  • mercato: market
  • grado: degree
  • popolare: populate
  • pulcino: chick
  • caro: dear
  • nemico: enemy
  • rispondere: reply
  • bevanda: drink
  • verificarsi: occur
  • supporto: support
  • discorso: speech
  • natura: nature
  • gamma: range
  • vapore: steam
  • moto: motion
  • sentiero: path
  • liquido: liquid
  • log: log
  • significava: meant
  • quoziente: quotient
  • denti: teeth
  • guscio: shell
  • collo: neck
  • ossigeno: oxygen
  • zucchero: sugar
  • morte: death
  • piuttosto: pretty
  • abilità: skill
  • donne: women
  • stagione: season
  • soluzione: solution
  • magnete: magnet
  • argento: silver
  • grazie: thank
  • ramo: branch
  • partita: match
  • suffisso: suffix
  • particolarmente: especially
  • fico: fig
  • impaurito: afraid
  • enorme: huge
  • sorella: sister
  • acciaio: steel
  • discutere: discuss
  • avanti: forward
  • simile: similar
  • guidare: guide
  • esperienza: experience
  • punteggio: score
  • mela: apple
  • comprato: bought
  • portato: led
  • pece: pitch
  • cappotto: coat
  • massa: mass
  • scheda: card
  • banda: band
  • corda: rope
  • slittamento: slip
  • vittoria: win
  • sognare: dream
  • sera: evening
  • condizione: condition
  • alimentazione: feed
  • strumento: tool
  • totale: total
  • di base: basic
  • odore: smell
  • valle: valley
  • : nor
  • doppio: double
  • sedile: seat
  • continuare: continue
  • blocco: block
  • grafico: chart
  • cappello: hat 🧢
  • vendere: sell
  • successo: success
  • azienda: company
  • sottrarre: subtract
  • evento: event
  • particolare: particular
  • affare: deal
  • nuoto: swim 🏊‍♀️
  • termine: term
  • opposto: opposite
  • moglie: wife
  • scarpa: shoe
  • spalla: shoulder
  • spread: spread
  • organizzare: arrange
  • campo: camp
  • inventare: invent
  • cotone: cotton
  • nascita: born
  • determinare: determine
  • quarto di gallone: quart
  • nove: nine
  • camion: truck
  • rumore: noise
  • livello: level
  • possibilità: chance
  • raccogliere: gather
  • negozio: shop
  • tratto: stretch
  • gettare: throw
  • shine: shine
  • proprietà: property
  • colonna: column
  • molecola: molecule
  • selezionare: select
  • sbagliato: wrong
  • grigio: gray
  • ripetizione: repeat
  • richiedere: require
  • ampio: broad
  • preparare: prepare
  • sale: salt 🧂
  • naso: nose
  • plurale: plural
  • rabbia: anger
  • richiesta: claim
  • continente: continent

A cognate is a word derived from the same root as another word. Cognates are words that have a common origin. They may happen in a language or in a group of languages.

I have classified all 475 nouns into groups based on the available meaningful connections for an English speaker learning Italian:

  • 208 are very easy, meaning they’re very close to their English counterparts (Group 1)
  • 54 are still fairly easy, being cognate with their English counterparts, and similar enough if you’re looking for it (Group 2)
  • 101 are harder to see, but are still cognate (Group 3)
  • 77 are still cognate, but more difficult (Group 4)
  • 23 have cognates, but with obscure words or common French or Spanish words, or the similarity is much less evident (Group 5)
  • 12, and only 12, are unrelated, and thus require a mnemonic connection (Group 6)
Group 1
  • abilità: skill, ability
  • accordo: accord, agreement, chord (mus.)
  • animale: animal
  • appartamento: apartment, flat
  • area: area
  • arte: art
  • atomo: atom
  • atto: act
  • auto: car (automobile)
  • banca: bank
  • banda: band
  • bar: bar
  • base: base
  • bit: bit
  • blocco: block
  • bordo: edge, border
  • campo: field, camp
  • capitale: capital
  • capitano: captain
  • carattere: character
  • caso: case
  • causa: cause
  • cella: cell
  • cent: cent
  • centro: center
  • città: city, town
  • classe: class
  • colonia: colony
  • colonna: column
  • colore: color
  • commercio: trade, commerce
  • condizione: condition
  • consonante: consonant
  • continente: continent
  • controllo: control
  • copia: copy
  • corda: rope, cord
  • corrente: current
  • corso: course
  • costa: coast
  • costo: cost
  • cotone: cotton
  • cuoco: cook
  • cura: care, treatment, cure
  • danza: dance
  • decimale: decimal
  • deserto: desert
  • difficoltà: trouble, difficulty
  • discussioni: discussion, argument
  • divisione: division
  • dizionario: dictionary
  • dollaro: dollar
  • effetto: effect
  • elemento: element
  • energia: energy
  • esempio: example
  • esercizio: exercise
  • esperienza: experience
  • esperimento: experiment
  • est: east
  • evento: event
  • famiglia: family
  • fatto: fact
  • feltro: felt
  • fico: fig
  • fiera: fair, exhibition
  • figura: figure
  • finale: final
  • finitura: finish
  • foresta: forest
  • forma: form, shape
  • forza: force, strength
  • frase: sentence, phrase
  • frazione: fraction
  • frutta: fruit
  • gas: gas
  • gatto: cat
  • giardino: garden
  • gruppo: group
  • idea: idea
  • industria: industry
  • insetto: insect
  • interesse: interest
  • lettera: letter
  • liquido: liquid
  • linea: line
  • livello: level
  • log: log
  • lotto: lot
  • macchina: machine
  • magnete: magnet
  • mais: maize, corn
  • mappa: map
  • marchio: mark
  • massa: mass
  • materia: matter
  • materiale: material
  • melodia: melody
  • messaggio: message
  • modello: model, pattern
  • motivo: reason, motive
  • metallo: metal
  • metodo: method
  • minuto: minute
  • molecola: molecule
  • momento: moment
  • montagna: mountain
  • monte: mount, mountain
  • moto: motion
  • motore: engine, motor
  • musica: music
  • natura: nature
  • nazione: nation
  • nome: name
  • nord: north
  • nota: note
  • numerale: numeral
  • numero: number
  • oceano: ocean
  • offerta: offer
  • oggetto: object
  • olio: oil
  • ora: hour
  • ordine: order
  • organo: organ
  • pagina: page
  • palla: ball
  • papà: dad
  • paragrafo: paragraph
  • parte: part
  • partito: party
  • pausa: pause, break
  • periodo: period
  • persona: person
  • persone: people
  • pistola: gun
  • porto: port
  • posa: pose
  • posizione: position
  • possibilità: possibility, chance
  • pratica: practice
  • presente: present
  • problema: problem
  • processo: process
  • prodotto: product
  • proprietà: property
  • punto: point
  • quarto:di gallone, quart
  • quota: share, portion, quota
  • quoziente: quotient
  • radio: radio
  • record: record
  • regione: region
  • resto: rest
  • risultato: result
  • rock: rock
  • rosa: rose
  • sale: salt
  • scala: scale
  • scienza: science
  • scuola: school
  • segmento: segment
  • segno: sign — also signal
  • senso: sense
  • sistema: system
  • sezione: section
  • sillaba: syllable
  • simbolo: symbol
  • soluzione: solution
  • sorpresa: surprise
  • sostanza: substance
  • spazio: space
  • stato: state
  • stazione: station
  • storia: story, history
  • strada: street, road
  • stringa: string
  • strumento: instrument, tool
  • studente: student
  • studio: study
  • successo: success
  • sud: south
  • suffisso: suffix
  • supporto: support
  • tavolo: table
  • team: team
  • temperatura: temperature
  • termine: term
  • test: test
  • tipo: type
  • tono: tone
  • totale: total
  • treno: train
  • triangolo: triangle
  • tubo: tube
  • turno: turn
  • ufficio: office
  • umano: human
  • unità: unit, unity
  • uso: use
  • valle: valley
  • valore: value
  • vapore: steam, vapor / vapour
  • velocità: speed, velocity
  • verbo: verb
  • vigore: force, vigor / vigour
  • villaggio: village
  • visita: visit
  • vittoria: win, victory

the fairly easy nouns (but you may have to work a little to see the connection)

Group 2
  • acqua: water — aqua, aquatic
  • amico: friend — amicable, Spanish amigo
  • angolo: corner — angle
  • anno: year — annual
  • amore: love — amorous, French amour
  • bambino: child, baby
  • barca: boat — barge, barque
  • bellezza: beauty — belle (the belle of the ball)
  • bevanda: drink — beverage
  • cane: dog — canine
  • carne: meat — carnivore
  • casa: home, house — well-known in English from the Spanish casa; also cognate with French chez (to, at), as in chez moi (at my house)
  • cavallo: horse — cavalry
  • cielo: sky — ceiling
  • collo: neck — collar
  • corpo: body — corpse
  • cravatta: tie — cravat
  • denti: teeth — dental, dentist
  • dimensione: size — dimension
  • discorso: speech, discourse
  • donna: woman — madonna, dame
  • erba: grass — herb
  • fine: end — final, also French fin
  • fratello: brother — fraternal, fraternity
  • libro: book — library
  • lingua: language — cognates, also linguistics, lingo
  • luna: moon — lunar
  • madre: mother — cognates, also maternal, maternity
  • mano: hand — manuscript (written by hand), also French main, Spanish mano
  • mare: sea — marine, maritime
  • mente: mind — cognates, also mental
  • meraviglia: wonder — marvel, marvellous
  • mercato: market — cognates, also merchant, mercantile
  • morte: death — mortal, mortality
  • naso: nose — cognates, also nasal
  • nave: ship — nautical, navy, navigate
  • pneumatico: tyre / tire — pneumatic tyre
  • poesia: poem — also poetry, poetic
  • posto: place, spot — post, position
  • potenza: power — potent
  • regola: rule — cognates, also regulate, regular
  • risposta: answer — response, riposte
  • salto: jump — saltatory, saltation, also French sauter
  • sangue: blood — sanguinary, sanguine, exsanguinate, also French sang, Spanish sangre
  • signora: lady — cognate with senior, sire
  • sole: sun — solar
  • stella: star — stellar
  • terra: land, earth, ground — terrestrial, also French terre
  • tratto: stretch (of road, river, land) — tract
  • uomo: man — human
  • vento: wind — cognates, also ventilate
  • vista: view, sight — vista
  • vita: life — vital

Here are the words that are cognate, but less obviously so:

Group 3
  • alimentazione: supply, feed, diet — alimentary (canal), alimentation
  • anello: ring — annulus, annular.
  • aria: air — aura, air, aerate, aerial
  • avviso: notice, advice, advertisement
  • calore: heat — calorie, calorific
  • campana: bell — is in fact the word for a church bell in English, but this is not a well-known word! also cognate with campanology, the study of bells
  • canzone: song — chant, French chanson
  • capelli: hair — capillary (because capillary veins are as fine as hair)
  • capo: chief — capo (come into English through the portrayals of the mafia), capital, per capita
  • cappello: hat — cap
  • coda: tail — coda, caudal, caudate.
  • copertura: cover — cover, covert
  • desiderio: wish — desire
  • dito: finger — digit
  • divertimento: fun — diversion
  • fattoria: farm — factor (meaning someone who acts as a business agent, especially a manager of a landed estate)
  • ferro: iron — ferric, meaning related to iron; also French fer
  • ferrovia: railway — ‘iron way’, A railway is an iron way, ferric via
  • fila: row — file (in the sense of people in a row, moving ‘in file’)
  • finestra: window — defenestrate, also French fenêtre, Spanish fenestra, German Fenster
  • fiore: flower — floral, flower; also Spanish flor, French fleur
  • flusso: flow — cognate with flux (when something’s in flux, it’s still in flow)
  • foglio: sheet, leaf — folio, foliate, exfoliate
  • fondo: bottom — fundamental, profound.
  • genitore: parent — progenitor, genitive
  • gioia: joy
  • giorno: day — journal, also French jour, journée
  • grado: degree, level, grade — grade, gradient
  • grafico: chart — graph, graphic
  • guerra: war — guerilla, also French guerre
  • immagine: picture — image, imagine
  • impianto: plant — implant, plant
  • isola: island — isle, isolated
  • lago: lake — lagoon
  • lato: side — lateral (relating to the side), quadrilateral (four-sided)
  • latte: milk — latte (milky coffee), lactose, lactating
  • lavaggio: wash — lave, lavatory, launder
  • lavoro: work, job — labour/labor
  • libbra: pound — this is why the abbreviation for pound is lb. (from Latin libra), also French livre, Spanish libra, and the zodiac sign Libra
  • luce: light — lux, lucent, translucent
  • lunghezza: length — from lungo, meaning long
  • maschi: men — macho, masculine
  • mattina: morning — matins (an early morning church service), also French matin
  • medico: doctor — medic, medical
  • mese: month — cognate with menses, trimester (3 months), semester (six months); also Spanish mes and French mois
  • mezzogiorno: noon — break it down into mezzo-giorno = mid-day
  • miglio: mile — cognates, and related to migliaia, thousand, from the Roman mile being 1000 paces
  • miniera: mine — cognates
  • modo: manner, way — mode
  • mondo: world — mundane (worldly, belonging to the world), also French monde, Spanish mundo
  • muro: wall — mural, immured
  • nascita: birth — nascent, renaissance
  • negozio: store, shop — negotiate
  • nemico: enemy — inimical, enemy
  • notte: night — nocturnal, and indeed night
  • nube: cloud — nebula, nebulous
  • onda: wave — undulate
  • oro: gold — auric, French or
  • orologio: watch, clock — horology
  • ossigeno: oxygen — cognates
  • osso: bone — ossify
  • ovest: west — cognates, also French ouest, Spanish oeste
  • padre: father — padre, pater, paternal, paternity
  • pane: bread — French pain, as in pain au chocolat; also Spanish pan
  • passo: step — pace
  • pensiero: thought — pensive, also French penser
  • pensione: board — pension
  • pesce: fish — Pisces, piscatory, also Spanish pez, and French poisson
  • pezzo: piece — cognates (also, you can think of a piece of pizza!)
  • pianeta: planet — cognates
  • piano: plane, plan, floor — cognates
  • piazza: square, plaza — plaza
  • piede: foot — pedal, pedestrian, also French pied, Spanish pie
  • piedi: feet — as before
  • pista: track — French piste, as in the English expression "off piste"
  • porta: door — portal, also French porte
  • primavera: spring — prima is cognate with primary (1st) and vera with vernal (relating to spring)
  • prossimo: neighbor — proximal, proximate
  • radice: root — radish
  • re: king — rex
  • riva: shore — river
  • rotolo: roll — rotate, roll
  • ruota: wheel — rotate, rota
  • sedia: chair — sedan chair, sedentary
  • sedile: seat — ditto
  • seme: seed — semen
  • soggetto: subject — cognates
  • soldato: soldier — cognates
  • soldi: money — solid, an old coin called the solidus, also French sol, sou
  • sorella: sister — sorority, also French sœur, Spanish sor
  • speranza: hope — esperance, desperate (out of hope), also Spanish esperanza, French espérer
  • spettacolo: show — spectacle
  • suolo: soil — cognate with French sol, Spanish suelo
  • suono: sound — cognates, also French son, Spanish son, sueno
  • superficie: surface — superficial
  • uovo: egg — ovary, also French œuf, Spanish huevo
  • viaggio: trip — voyage
  • vocale: vowel — vocal (because vowels are voiced by the vocal cords with little restriction on them, in an open way)
  • voce: voice — cognates
  • volontà: will — voluntary
  • zucchero: sugar — cognates

harder cognates, where the links are more obscure:

Group 4
  • acciaio: steel — the common root means sharp; cognate with acid, acerbic, acrimony
  • ala: wing — cognate with alar, agile, axle
  • albero: tree — cognate with arbor, arboreal, arboretum, also French arbre
  • azienda: company — cognate with hacienda
  • bastone: stick — cognate with bâton
  • caccia: hunt — cognate with catch
  • camera: room — used in the expression in camera, and cognate with bicameral, chamber, cabaret
  • camion: truck — comes from French camion, which has passed the word into many languages, including English; may derive from chemin, meaning way, path (see Spanish camino)
  • cappotto: coat — cognate with cape
  • carica: charge (as in attack), load — cognates, also car, chariot (think of a chariot charge and a car's load)
  • carta: paper — cognate with card, chart
  • cerchio: circle — cognates, also circus
  • chiamata: call — cognate with claim, declaim, proclaim
  • chiave: key — cognate with clavis, clavichord, clavicle, clef
  • collina: hill — cognates, also column, colliculus (anatomical term)
  • colpo: blow — cognate with the English/French word coup (coup de foudre, coup d'état, coup de grâce)
  • coppia: pair — cognate with couple; could also think of copied
  • cosa: thing — cognate with cause, also French chose
  • cuore: heart — cognate with core, accord, also French cœur
  • domanda: question, request, demand — cognate with demand
  • estate: summer — cognate with estivate/aestivate, estival/aestival, also French été
  • età: age — cognate with eternal, eon
  • figlio: son — cognate with filial, also French fils
  • filo: wire — cognate with filament, file
  • fiume: river — cognate with fluvial, flume, fluent, fluid
  • folla: crowd — cognate with full, folk, also French foule
  • fornitura: supply — cognate with furniture, furnish
  • foro: hole — cognate with door, forum, forensic
  • fretta: hurry — cognate with Fr frit, meaning fried (as in pommes frites), and indeed English fry, fried
  • fuoco: fire — cognate with focus (think of the hearth historically being the focus of the home or room)
  • gamba: leg — cognate with gambol, and French jambe
  • gamma: range — cognate with gamut, and of course the Greek letter gamma (but this doesn't point to the meaning in the same way)
  • ghiaccio: ice — cognate with glacier, and French glace (ice, ice cream)
  • gioco: game — cognate with joke, juggle, also French jeu, Spanish juego
  • giro: ride, tour, turn — cognate with gyrate
  • grido: cry — may be cognate with cry, also Spanish gritar
  • inverno: winter — cognate with hibernate, also French hiver
  • lattina: can, tin (diminutive of latta, meaning the same thing) — cognate with lath, lattice (all to do with being thin, narrow)
  • legge: law — cognate with legal
  • legno: wood — cognate with ligneous, lignite
  • letto: bed — cognate with litter (think of the litter used for carrying the sick or wounded, not trash), also French lit
  • lotta: fight, struggle — cognate with lock, locket, through a root meaning to bend, twist; also French lutte, Spanish lucha
  • mela: apple — cognate with melon
  • metà: half — cognate with median, mediate
  • moglie: wife — cognate with moll, mollify, Molly
  • neve: snow — cognate with Nevada, névé, nival, and indeed snow; also French neige, Spanish nieve
  • occhio: eye — cognate with ocular, oculist, monocle, and indeed eye; also Spanish ojo
  • orecchio: ear — cognate with aural, auricular, ear, also ‎French oreille
  • paese: country — cognate with peace, also French pays, Spanish país
  • parola: word — cognate with palaver, parole, parlay, parable, also Spanish palabra
  • paura: fear — cognate with French peur (also quite similar to fear)
  • pece: pitch — cognates
  • pelle: skin — cognate with pelt, pellagra, film
  • pericolo: danger, peril
  • peso: weight — cognate with suspend, pound, expense, pensive
  • piega: crease, fold, pleat — cognate with pleat, replica, duplicate
  • pietra: stone — cognate with petrify (literally, turn to stone), also French pierre, Spanish piedra
  • pulcino: chick — cognate with pullet, also French poulet, poule
  • punteggio: score — may be cognate with point (as in score a point)
  • rabbia: anger, rabies — cognate with rabies, rage
  • raccolto: crop — cognate with recollect, collect
  • raggio: radius, spoke — cognate with radius
  • ramo: branch — cognate with root, ramus, ramification (branching)
  • ricerca: search, research — cognates, also French chercher (Cherchez la femme!)
  • richiesta: claim, request, demand — cognate with require, request
  • rumore: noise — cognate with rumour
  • schiavo: slave — cognates
  • secolo: century — secular (from the Latin saeculum meaning generation, century, and also worldly), also French siècle, Spanish siglo
  • sega: saw — cognate with saw, dissect, secant, segment (notice the cutting theme)
  • sonno: sleep — cognate with somnolent
  • sostantivo: noun — cognate with substantive, with core of word (stant) cognate with stand; think of a noun as a substantive thing that stands, that is, a concrete object
  • spalla: shoulder — cognate with spatula, spatulate (think of the broad, flat nature of the shoulder blade), epaulettes, also Spanish espalda
  • tempo: weather — cognate with tempo, tempest, also French temps, Spanish tiempo
  • vece: stead, place (as in, in my place, in my stead) — cognate with vice versa, vice (meaning in place of, subordinate to), also week, vicissitude, vicar
  • vela: sail — cognate with veil, velum (a thin membrane like a veil)
  • vestito: dress — cognate with vestiment, vest, divest
  • vetro: glass — cognate with vitreous, vitrify, also French verre, vitre, and Spanish vidrio

Those with with the hardest connections

Group 5
  • anatra: duck — cognate with an obscure English word, anatine, also German Ente
  • bisogno: need — cognate with French besoin; a possible keyword for those unfamiliar with this word is bison
  • bocca: mouth — another obscure cognate: buccal (relating to the cheek), also French bouche (as in Fermez la bouche!)
  • braccio: arm, branch — cognate with brachial; not cognate with branch, but similarity useful
  • bugia: lie — cognate with boast
  • cambiamento: a change, shift, turn — cognate with change, although not very obvious; perhaps clearer if you know that cambiamento derives from cambiare, to change, and the English comes from French changier
  • guscio: shell — may be cognate with cyst
  • pioggia: rain — cognate with pluvial, flood, float, also French pluie
  • pipistrello: bat — used to be vipistrello, which makes the link to cognates vespers (evening prayers) and western (where the sun sets) more obvious
  • pollice: inch, thumb — cognate with obscure word pollical (of the thumb), also French pouce (thumb, inch)
  • ruscello: stream — cognate with rivulet, also French ruisseau (but may be easier to go with a keyword: the rushing stream)
  • sabbia: sand — cognates from a root meaning to pour, also French sable
  • salita: climb — cognate with saltatory, saltation, also French sauter
  • scarpa: shoe — cognate with sharp, derives from Gothic word meaning sharp object with pointed ends, because shoes had a pointed end?
  • sentiero: path — cognate with French sentier, Spanish sendero; apparently not cognate with send, sent, but PIE root word *sent- meant to go, to travel, so could be considered so
  • sera: evening — here's an obscure cognate that some might know: serotine (a bat); more familiarly probably: French soir (as in bonsoir), and Spanish sera
  • settimana: week — cognate with September, through the sept=7 connection; also French semaine, Spanish semana
  • slittamento: slip, sliding — not cognate, but similarity sufficient for imagining so
  • sorriso: smile — cognate with risible (laughable) and riant (laughing); sorriso derives from Latin sub-rideo (below a laugh, as it were); also cognate with French sourire, souriant
  • stagione: season — cognate with station, also Spanish estación
  • taglio: cut — cognate with tagliatelle, intaglio
  • testa: head — cognate with French tête, Spanish testa
  • uccello: bird — cognate with avian, aviary, also French oiseau

Those with no connections. These are the ones for which a mnemonic link is recommended, and I’ve provided some suggestions:

Group 6
  • cantiere: shipyard, building site — canter into the yard
  • cibo: food — chip (actually cognate with ciborium, a receptacle for communion wafers, if you happen to know it; also Spanish cebo)
  • elenco: list — elect to the list
  • gara: race — cheer the race
  • mucca: cow — moo cow
  • partita: (sports) match, game — participate in the game (actually cognate with a musical term in English, if you happen to know it)
  • ragazza: girl / ragazzo, boy — ragged urchin
  • scatola: box — casket
  • scheda: card — the schedule is written on the card
  • se:stesso, self — stetson
  • tuta: suit (sweatsuit, tracksuit, overalls) — tutu
  • volto: face — think of the expression volte face
  • uno: one
  • due: two (think duo, dual)
  • tre: three (also cognate with tri-, as in triangle, trio, tripod)
  • quattro: four (think of quadruple, quadrilateral, quadruped, square)
  • cinque: five (cognate with five, but this is not very obvious; also cognate with quinquennial and quinate, and of course French cinq)
  • sei: six (cognate, but you do have to focus on the first part of ‘six’!)
  • otto: eight (think octagon, octopus, octave)
  • nove: nine (French neuf, English November (same reason: it started off as the 9th month), novena)
  • dieci: ten (cognate with decimal, and French dix)
  • venti: twenty (okay, there are words in English cognate with this, but they’re pretty rare; still, if you drop the initial t, the words become much more similar)
  • cento: hundred (cognate with cent, century)
  • migliaia: thousand (think of millimeter, millisecond, etc)
  • milione: million
  • Lunedì: Monday
  • Martedì: Tuesday
  • Mercoledì: Wednesday
  • Giovedì: Thursday
  • Venerdì: Friday
  • Sabato: Saturday
  • Domenica: Sunday
  • Gennaio: January
  • Febbraio: February
  • Marzo: March
  • Aprile: April
  • Maggio: May
  • Giugno: June
  • Luglio: July
  • Agosto: August
  • Settembre: September
  • Ottobre: October
  • Novembre: November
  • Dicembre: December

