danielbyon / Requests

Easy and consistent API integrations

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Requests is a set of protocols and operations that makes integrating network requests easy and consistent. It uses a declarative style of defining a request, its result type, error type, as well as constructing the URLRequest and processing the data received, all in a single file. These requests can then be instantiated, configured, and passed to an OperationQueue.

Requests is built on top of OperationQueue, and each Request type is mapped to a specific Operation subclass. This allows for operation dependency chaining, so UI update operations can wait on network requests.


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Request is the base protocol, which defines the Success/Failure types as well as an identifier (which is used to implement Equatable).

NetworkRequest adds a specification for the valid HTTP status codes allowed, and an error will be thrown if a status code outside that range is received. It also adds the method for constructing the URLRequest.

Note: These two protocols will seldom need to be implemented directly, you will almost always use one of the specialized protocols below:

DataRequest returns the raw data received by the network request. Implementors are free to do whatever they need to in order to transform the data to the desired Success type.

DecodableRequest allows for direct deserialization of Decodable objects, and also provides properties to control decoding strategies.

NoContentRequest can be used when it is known the request returns no data. It will throw an error if data is returned.


It is not intended to instantiate these operation subclasses directly, these will be created for you when adding a Request to a RequestQueue.


RequestQueue is a protocol that describes how to perform Requests. OperationQueue implements this protocol. The primary method is addRequest() (a corollary to addOperation()), and there are method overloads to inject a URLSession and a DispatchQueue that your completion handler should be called on. The default session is URLSession.shared, and the default completion queue will be operation queue's underlyingQueue.


Typical usage will involve implementing DataRequest, DecodableRequest, or NoContentRequest.

  • Specify the Success/Failure types
  • Implement identifier
  • Implement makeURLRequest(completion:)
  • If you are implementing DataRequest directly, implement processData(), otherwise DecodableRequest/NoContentRequest provide implementations of this method for you.


struct Recipe: Decodable {
  let name: String
  let ingredients: [String]
  let steps: [String]

struct RecipeRequest: DecodableRequest {
  typealias Success = Recipe
  typealias Failure = Error
  var identifier: String {
    return recipeId
  let recipeId: String
  func makeURLRequest(completion: @escaping (Result<URLRequest, Error>) -> Void) {
    let url = URL(string: "https://recipes.com/fakeapi/recipe/\(recipeId)")!
    let urlRequest = URLRequest(url: url)

Now you have a RecipeRequest that returns a Recipe on success, execute it by adding it to an OperationQueue:

let queue = OperationQueue()
let request = RecipeRequest(recipeId: "1")
queue.addRequest(request) { result in
  switch result {
    case .success(let recipe):
  	  print("Recipe name: \(recipe.name)")
    case .failure(let error):


Easy and consistent API integrations

License:MIT License


Language:Swift 100.0%