daniel-pro / linux-sudo-audit

Configure sudo only for auditing purposes

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Auditing using sudo


This document shows how to configure sudo with the only purpose of auditing who did what using for example root.

Real Life Scenario

Two teams (DBA and SA) need access to Proof of Concept systems where they will carry out their own installation and configuration activities. Every single team member will have his/her own nominal user on the systems and will be allowed to run commands, that will be logged, using privileged users - let's say oracle or mysql for the DBA team and root for the SA team.


Be sure to have access to the system as root without sudo. This is really important as any misconfiguration could potentially deny a future root access to the system. Create two groups :

# groupadd sysadmin
# groupadd dbadmin

Edit sudo configuration :

# visudo

Comment out the Runas_Spec regarding wheel group if present, as we don't want anyone in wheel group to be able to run any commands:

## Allows people in group wheel to run all commands
# %wheel  ALL=(ALL)       ALL

Add the following lines :

Cmnd_Alias DANGEROUS_COMMANDS = /bin/passwd, /sbin/visudo, /bin/su, /bin/vi /etc/sudoers, /bin/vi /etc/shadow, /sbin/fdisk, /bin/bash, /bin/csh, /bin/sh, /bin/chsh, /bin/lchsh
%dbadmin ALL=(oracle:ALL) ALL
%dbadmin ALL=(mysql:ALL) ALL
%sysadmin  ALL=(root:ALL)   ALL, !DANGEROUS_COMMANDS

The first line defines a command alias which contains all potentially dangerous commands that won't be permitted via sudo. The second and third lines allow dbadmin group members to run any commands as oracle and/or mysql. The last line allows sysadmin group members to run any commands as root with the exception of the DANGEROUS_COMMANDS that might be used to overcome the sudo auditing configuration.

Save the configuration and exit from visudo

Now create all nominal users and assign sysadmin group to permit the user to run commands as root and/or dbadmin group to permit the user to run commands as oracle and mysql.

# useradd dpro -G sysadmin,dbaadmin
# useradd jsmith -G dbadmin
# useradd jdoe -G sysadmin

Security Concerns

  • Using CmndAlias ALL will never be safe. Blacklists can easily be overcome
  • Whitelists are more secure than Blacklists


Configure sudo only for auditing purposes