danhyun / ratpack-secure-groovy

A secure REST API demo in Ratpack with Groovy

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Securing a REST API in Ratpack with Groovy

This is a simple implementation of token based security for rest services with Ratpack in Groovy


Users and tokens are backed by MongoDB. Set your MongoDB connection information in application.properties

To Use

To run this, just use the Gradle wrapper:

./gradlew run

Using the REST client of your choice (I use Postman), create a user for yourself by POSTing to:


With a payload similar to:

  "firstName": "Jon",
  "lastName": "DeJong",
  "email": "email@provider.com",
  "password": "Password1"

Then, you can login by POSTing to:


With a payload similar to:

  "username": "email@provider.com",
  "password": "Password1"

You should get back a response that looks something like this:

  "auth": "56182d6577c864e068c0d4f2"

That is your new token. In your next request set a header with the name "X-Auth-Token" to this value. Try to hit the secured API by calling get on:


You should see a response similar to:

      "id": "56182d6277c864e068c0d4f1",
      "firstName": "Jon",
      "lastName": "DeJong",
      "email": "email@provider.com",
      "password": "VUvwJV/c+GV4a7ssGASvcUeD4OvyAUuNJKyXVp1W+MM=",
      "salt": "1fea0666-10b5-4294-af10-44549b5269d8"


A secure REST API demo in Ratpack with Groovy


Language:Groovy 100.0%