danhawkes / react-update-server

Server for react-native jsbundle updates

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Server for react-native *.jsbundle updates


React native apps can be updated by replacing the packaged *.jsbundle file.

This allows you to push updates as often as you like, without dealing with the app store review process and associated delay.

However, there's a constraint: the app container needs to be compatible with the new bundle. This server allows you to map container versions to compatible bundles using a config file.


See the API blueprint.



The config file is an array of 'spec' objects that define:

  • The application ID,
  • a semver range of compatible container versions,
  • a bundle version, and
  • an array of platforms to which the spec applies.

The plaforms array is optional, and if omitted is interpreted as meaning "all platforms". The full schema is here.


    "id": "com.example",
    "container": ">=1.0.0 <1.1.0",
    "bundle": "1.5.1",
    "platforms": ["ios", "android"]
    "id": "com.example",
    "container": "1.x.x",
    "bundle": "1.6.6"
container 1.0.2 -> bundle 1.5.1
container 1.1.0 -> bundle 1.6.6
container 1.2.4 -> bundle 1.6.6

Note: specs are evaluated in sequence and the first match is used. In the above example, container 1.1.0 resolves to 1.6.6 because it's not matched by the first spec. If the specs were reversed, all the examples would resolve to 1.6.6.


Bundles to serve are placed in the data/bundles directory. They're organised in an app ID -> bundle version -> platform hierarchy, and by convention the bundle is named main.jsbundle.

└── 1.6.6
    ├── android
    │   └── main.jsbundle
    └── ios
        └── main.jsbundle

Running the server

…with NPM:

  1. Copy your data directory into src
  2. From src, run npm start

…with docker:

See react-update-server.


Server for react-native jsbundle updates



Language:JavaScript 84.5%Language:API Blueprint 15.5%