dangmanhtruong1995 / MLprod

Machine Learning in Production

Home Page:https://machine-learning-in-production.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Machine Learning in Production

Run the dockers


In order to work as intended, the docker-compose stack requires some setup:

  • A docker network named www. Use the following command to create it:

    docker network create www
  • A Traefik service working on the www network.

    Traefik is a service that is capable of routing requests to web sub-domain to services built using docker. We are using it just for this purpose, although it can also perform other tasks.

    To create this service, check the file extra/docker-compose.traefik.yaml.

  • A .env file need to be created first. This file is not included in the repository since it is server-dependant.

    The content is the following:

    DOMAIN=<domain of the machine (used only for traefik labels)>

    Remember that these password are written in a non-encripted way. This is not a safe solution.

Execute the docker

Then launch the docker through the docker compose, execute the following command from the root directory of this repository:

docker-compose up -d

Generate data

This proof-of-concept software use synthetic data generated by sampling some distributions. To generate these data, just rund the following command and it will populate the /dataset folder with TSV (Tab Separated Value) files.

python dataset_generator.py

Generate traffic

In order to simulate the use the application from of external users, the script traffic_generator.py can be used.

Basic command to execute with default parameters is

python traffic_generator.py

Some parameters can be used to control the behavior of the users:

  • --config <path> is a path to a configuration file. A configuration file is a .tsv (Tab Separated Value) file that contains all the parameters for the UserData and UserLabeller behavior. See the files config/user.tsv and config/user_noise.tsv for some examples.

  • -p number of parallel thread to run. Each thread will contact the application independently.

  • -d probability to have a response. If set to 1.0, it is certain that there will always be a response. If set to 0.0, the user will never set a response.

  • To control the waiting time use the -tmin and -tmax parameters. The number is expressed in seconds. For less than a second use decimals (i.e. 100ms is written as 0.1).

    -tmin is the minimum amount of time to wait after a request to the application.

    -tmax maximum amount of time to wait after a request to the application. The wait is randomly choosed between the -tmin and -tmax values. Higher values mean a slow generation of new cdata. Bigger is the difference between these two parameters and higher is the variance in the waiting time.


To develop this application, a Python virutal environmnet is highly recommended. If a development machine with Docker is not available, it is possible to use the three requirements.txt file to create a fully working environment:

  • requirements.api.txt contains all the packages for the API service,
  • requirements.worker.txt contains all the packages for the Celery worker service,
  • requirements.txt contains extra packages and utilities required by scripts or for the development.

To create a virtual environment using the python-venv package, use the following command:

python -m venv MLPenv

Then remember to activate the environment before launching the scripts:

source ./MLPenv/bin/activate


FastAPI and database interaction

Metrics with Prometheus



This software was build as proof-of-concept and as a support material for the course Machine Learning in Production.

It is not intended to be used in a real production system, although some state-of-the-art best practice has been followed to implement it.


Machine Learning in Production



Language:Jupyter Notebook 76.4%Language:Python 23.5%Language:Makefile 0.1%