dangarthwaite / helm-charts

Atlantis Helm Chart

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Atlantis is a tool for safe collaboration on Terraform repositories.


This chart creates a single pod in a StatefulSet running Atlantis. Atlantis persists Terraform plan files and lock files to disk for the duration of a Pull/Merge Request. These files are stored in a PersistentVolumeClaim to survive Pod failures.


  • Kubernetes 1.9+
  • PersistentVolume support

Required Configuration

In order for Atlantis to start and run successfully:

  1. At least one of the following sets of credentials must be defined:

    • github
    • gitlab
    • bitbucket
    • azuredevops

    Refer to values.yaml for detailed examples. They can also be provided directly through a Kubernetes Secret, use the variable vcsSecretName to reference it.

  2. Supply a value for orgWhitelist, e.g. github.org/myorg/*.

Additional manifests

It is possible to add additional manifests into a deployment, to extend the chart. One of the reason is to deploy a manifest specific to a cloud provider ( BackendConfig on GKE for example ).

  - apiVersion: cloud.google.com/v1beta1
    kind: BackendConfig
      name: "{{ .Release.Name }}-test"
        name: "gcp-cloud-armor-policy-test"


The following options are supported. See values.yaml for more detailed documentation and examples:

Parameter Description Default
dataStorage Amount of storage available for Atlantis' data directory (mostly used to check out git repositories). 5Gi
aws.config Contents of a file to be mounted to ~/.aws/config. n/a
aws.credentials Contents of a file to be mounted to ~/.aws/credentials. n/a
awsSecretName Secret name containing AWS credentials - will override aws.credentials and aws.config. Will be used a volume mount on $HOME/.aws, so it needs a credentials key. The key config is optional. See the file templates/secret-aws.yml for more info on the Secret contents. n/a
bitbucket.user Name of the Atlantis Bitbucket user. n/a
bitbucket.token Personal access token for the Atlantis Bitbucket user. n/a
bitbucket.secret Webhook secret for Bitbucket repositories (Bitbucket Server only). n/a
bitbucket.baseURL Base URL of Bitbucket Server installation. n/a
environment Map of environment variables for the container. {}
environmentSecrets Array of Kubernetes secrets that can be used to set environment variables. See values.yaml for example. {}
environmentRaw Array environment variables in plain Kubernetes yaml format. See values.yaml for example. []
loadEnvFromSecrets Array of Kubernetes secrets to set all key-value pairs as environment variables. See values.yaml for example. []
loadEnvFromConfigMaps Array of Kubernetes ConfigMaps to set all key-value pairs as environment variables. See values.yaml for example. []
extraVolumes List of additional volumes available to the pod. []
extraVolumeMounts List of additional volumes mounted to the container. []
imagePullSecrets List of secrets for pulling images from private registries. []
gitconfig Contents of a file to be mounted to ~/.gitconfig. Use to allow redirection for Terraform modules in private git repositories. n/a
gitconfigSecretName Name of a pre-existing Kubernetes Secret containing a gitconfig key. Use this instead of gitconfig (optional) n/a
command Optionally override the command field of the Atlantis Docker container. If not set, the default Atlantis ENTRYPOINT is used. Must be an array. n/a
github.user Name of the Atlantis GitHub user. n/a
github.token Personal access token for the Atlantis GitHub user. n/a
github.secret Repository or organization-wide webhook secret for the Atlantis GitHub integration. All repositories in GitHub that are to be integrated with Atlantis must share the same value. n/a
github.hostname Hostname of your GitHub Enterprise installation. n/a
gitlab.user Repository or organization-wide secret for the Atlantis GitLab,integration. All repositories in GitLab that are to be integrated with Atlantis must share the same value. n/a
gitlab.token Personal access token for the Atlantis GitLab user. n/a
gitlab.secret Webhook secret for the Atlantis GitLab integration. All repositories in GitLab that are to be integrated with Atlantis must share the same value. n/a
gitlab.hostname Hostname of your GitLab Enterprise installation. n/a
azuredevops.user Repository or organization-wide secret for the Atlantis Azure DevOps,integration. All repositories in Azure DevOps that are to be integrated with Atlantis must share the same value. n/a
azuredevops.token Personal access token for the Atlantis Azure DevOps user. n/a
azuredevops.webhookUser Webhook user for the Atlantis Azure DevOps integration. n/a
azuredevops.webhookPassword Webhook password for the Atlantis Azure DevOps integration. All repositories in Azure DevOps that are to be integrated with Atlantis must share the same value. n/a
vcsSecretName Name of a pre-existing Kubernetes Secret containing token and secret keys set to your VCS provider's API token and webhook secret, respectively. Use this instead of github.token/github.secret, etc. (optional) n/a
podTemplate.annotations Additional annotations to use for the StatefulSet. n/a
podTemplate.annotations Additional annotations to use for pods. {}
podTemplate.labels Additional labels to use for pods. {}
statefulSet.annotations Additional annotations to use for StatefulSet. {}
statefulSet.labels Additional labels to use for StatefulSet. {}
logLevel Level to use for logging. Either debug, info, warn, or error. n/a
orgWhitelist Whitelist of repositories from which Atlantis will accept webhooks. This value must be set for Atlantis to function correctly. Accepts wildcard characters (*). Multiple values may be comma-separated. none
config Override atlantis main configuration by config map. It's allow some additional functionality like slack notifications. n/a
repoConfig Server Side Repo Configuration as a raw YAML string. Configuration is stored in ConfigMap. n/a
defaultTFVersion Default Terraform version to be used by atlantis server n/a
allowForkPRs Allow atlantis to run on fork Pull Requests false
allowDraftPRs Allow atlantis to run on draft Pull Requests false
hidePrevPlanComments Allow atlantis to hide previous plan comments false
disableApply Disables running atlantis apply regardless of what options are specified false
disableApplyAll Disables running atlantis apply without any flags false
disableRepoLocking Stops atlantis locking projects and or workspaces when running terraform false
serviceAccount.create Whether to create a Kubernetes ServiceAccount if no account matching serviceAccount.name exists. true
serviceAccount.mount Whether to mount the Kubernetes ServiceAccount into the pod true
serviceAccount.name Name of the Kubernetes ServiceAccount under which Atlantis should run. If no value is specified and serviceAccount.create is true, Atlantis will be run under a ServiceAccount whose name is the FullName of the Helm chart's instance, else Atlantis will be run under the default ServiceAccount. n/a
serviceAccount.annotations Additional Service Account annotations n/a
serviceAccountSecrets.credentials Deprecated (see googleServiceAccountSecrets) JSON string representing secrets for a Google Cloud Platform production service account. Only applicable if hosting Atlantis on GKE. n/a
serviceAccountSecrets.credentials-staging Deprecated (see googleServiceAccountSecrets) JSON string representing secrets for a Google Cloud Platform staging service account. Only applicable if hosting Atlantis on GKE. n/a
googleServiceAccountSecrets An array of Kubernetes secrets containing Google Service Account credentials. See values.yaml for examples and additional documentation. n/a
service.port Port of the Service. 80
service.loadBalancerSourceRanges Array of whitelisted IP addresses for the Atlantis Service. If no value is specified, the Service will allow incoming traffic from all IP addresses ( n/a
service.loadBalancerIP Expose this service on the given ip if service.type = LoadBalancerIP n/a
storageClassName Storage class of the volume mounted for the Atlantis data directory. n/a
tlsSecretName Name of a Secret for Atlantis' HTTPS certificate containing the following data items tls.crt with the public certificate and tls.key with the private key. n/a
ingress.enabled Whether to create a Kubernetes Ingress. true
ingress.annotations Additional annotations to use for the Ingress. {}
ingress.labels Additional labels to use for the Ingress. {}
ingress.path Path to use in the Ingress. Should be set to /* if using gce-ingress in Google Cloud. /
ingress.host Domain name Kubernetes Ingress rule looks for. Set it to the domain Atlantis will be hosted on.
ingress.hosts List of domain names Kubernetes Ingress rule looks for. Set it to the domains in which Atlantis will be hosted on. chart-example.local
ingress.hosts[0].paths List of paths to use in Kubernetes Ingress rules. Should be set to /* if using gce-ingress in Google [/]
ingress.tls Kubernetes tls block. See Kubernetes docs for details. []
test.enabled Whether to enable the test. true
extraManifests Add additional manifests to deploy []
initContainers Containers used to initialize context for Atlantis pods []
extraContainers Additionnal containers to use and depends of use cases. []
hostAliases[].hostnames Hostnames for host alias entry n/a
hostAliases[].ip IP for host alias entry `n/a

NOTE: All the Server Configurations are passed as Environment Variables.


From 2.* to 3.*

To replicate your previous configuration, run Atlantis locally with your previous flags and Atlantis will print out the equivalent repo-config, for example:

$ atlantis server --allow-repo-config --require-approval --require-mergeable --gh-user=foo --gh-token=bar --repo-whitelist='*'
WARNING: Flags --require-approval, --require-mergeable and --allow-repo-config have been deprecated.
Create a --repo-config file with the following config instead:

- id: /.*/
  apply_requirements: [approved, mergeable]
  allowed_overrides: [apply_requirements, workflow]
  allow_custom_workflows: true

or use --repo-config-json='{"repos":[{"id":"/.*/", "apply_requirements":["approved", "mergeable"], "allowed_overrides":["apply_requirements","workflow"], "allow_custom_workflows":true}]}'

Then use this YAML in the new repoConfig value:

repoConfig: |
  - id: /.*/
    apply_requirements: [approved, mergeable]
    allowed_overrides: [apply_requirements, workflow]
    allow_custom_workflows: true

From 1.* to 2.*

  • The following value names have changed:
    • allow_repo_config => allowRepoConfig
    • atlantis_data_storage => dataStorage NOTE: more than just a snake_case change
    • atlantis_data_storageClass => storageClassName NOTE: more than just a snake_case change
    • bitbucket.base_url => bitbucket.baseURL

Testing the Deployment

To perform a smoke test of the deployment (i.e. ensure that the Atlantis UI is up and running):

  1. Install the chart. Supply your own values file or use test-values.yaml, which has a minimal set of values required in order for Atlantis to start.

    helm repo add runatlantis https://runatlantis.github.io/helm-charts
    helm install -f test-values.yaml --name my-atlantis runatlantis/atlantis --debug
  2. Run the tests:

    helm test my-atlantis


Atlantis Helm Chart


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