danesparza / goi2c

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I2C bus setting up and usage for linux on RPi device and respective clones

This library written in Go programming language intended to activate and interact with the I2C bus by reading and writing data.


Tested on Raspberry PI 1 (model B) and Banana PI (model M1).

Golang usage

func main() {
  // Create new connection to I2C bus on 2 line with address 0x27
  i2c, err := i2c.NewI2C(0x27, 2)
  if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) }
  // Free I2C connection on exit
  defer i2c.Close()
  // Here goes code specific for sending and reading data
  // to and from device connected via I2C bus, like:
  _, err := i2c.Write([]byte{0x1, 0xF3})
  if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) }

Getting help

GoDoc documentation


  • How to obtain fresh Golang installation to RPi device (either any RPi clone):

    Download fresh stable ARM tar.gz release file (containing armv6l in file name): https://golang.org/dl/. Read instruction how to unpack content to /usr/local/ folder and update/set up such variables from user environment as PATH, GOPATH and so on.

  • How to enable I2C bus on RPi device:

    Your /dev/ folder should contains files like /dev/i2c-1 to have i2c support activated in the kernel. Otherwise you should find proper module to active it via modprobe utility, either config it permanently via /etc/modules config file.

  • How to find display I2C bus and address:

    Use i2cdetect utility in format "i2cdetect -y X", where X vary from 0 to 5 or more, to discover address occupied by device. To install utility you should run apt-get install i2c-tools on debian-kind system.


Go-i2c is licensed inder MIT License.


License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%