danerwilliams / EC-AR-Testing-Form

💯 Exam registration app written in Java/JSP utilizing the Outlook API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Web app for automating testing accommodations process at Eastside Catholic School.


Made this in my advanced projects computer science class (taken after AP CS) during my junior year of high school. Probably not the best code I have ever written but I guess this was a decent first development project.

Deployed to AWS with elastic beanstalk by compiling and uploading the .war file. The .war also came in handy when my car was broken in to in SF and my laptop stolen so I had to decompile to get some of my code back 🤣


💯 Exam registration app written in Java/JSP utilizing the Outlook API


Language:Java 100.0%