dancancro / generator_comparison

A comparison of application generators

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is a comparison of things you can use to create a web application. Currently, the common thread is that they all include AngularJS for the front end.

The comparison enumerates possible benefits of application generators as well as variations in design. By combining the facts of the provided benefits and importance weights for each one, the comparison computes scores for each generator. From these scores, it ranks generators from high to low and it includes a matrix of one-to-one comparisons to indicate the sets of benefits offered by each generator that are not offered by each other generator. The total beneficial value of the two sets are computed and the difference is displayed in a color-coded matrix.

The comparison also includes a spreadsheet comparing relative advantages of the top two generators and the top and bottom generators.

Link to comparison


A comparison of application generators