danbev / learning-js

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Learning JavaScript

The sole purpose of this project is to aid me in leaning JavaScript. Apart from the language itself, things like build system, dependency management, and testing are setup.


Grunt is used to build this project. It is similar to Ant, Maven, Gradle if you have a Java background.
Grunt depends on the Node Package Manager (npn) to install itself and it's plugins. Please follow the instructions for installing npn and Grunt.


Install the required plugins before running the build the first time, or after adding dependencies to project.json:

npm install

To run this project simple execute:

npm start


npm test

Running a single test:

mocha tests/algorithms/algorithms_test.js

Update npm packaged

See which packages are outdated:

npm outdated

Update a specific dev dependency:

npm install grunt-contrib-concat@1.0.0 --save-dev


Just a few npm commands that might be useful


Find the dependencies of a package:

npm ls --depth=0

Without depth you can also see all the transient dependencies.


Open the docs for a module:

npm docs module-name


If you need to debug a module you can run edit to open the module in your editor and updated it.

npm edit module-name

Node Inspector

$ npm install node-inspector -g

$ node-debug program.js

If you want to debug a test then you'll have to debug grunt:

$ node-inspector

Then start grunt like this:

$ node --debug-brk $(which grunt) test

Or you can use the --debug-brk flag with mocha:

$ mocha --debug-brk test

Running tape test using inspetor:

$ node --inspect --debug-brk ./node_modules/babel-tape-runner/bin/babel-tape-runner tests/iterators/iterator-test.js


If you want to remote debug a virtual VM provisioned by Vagrant.

Find the VM that you want to use:

$ VBoxManage list vms

Depending on your setup you might need to configure port forwarding:

$ VBoxManage modifyvm "fhcap_single_1461911505182_31134" --natpf1 "guestnginx,tcp,,5858,,5858"
$ VBoxManage modifyvm "fhcap_single_1461911505182_31134" --natpf1 "guestnginx,tcp,,8888,,8888"

Now, when you start node-debug use the --web-port and --web-host when starting:

$ node-debug --web-host= --web-port=8888 program.js

I've noticed that there it can be slow sometimes when debugging but adding the --hidden node_modules option seems to improve performance.

If you find yourself debugging often you can create an ~/.node-inspectorrc file with your node-inspector configuration:

{ "web-port": 8888, "web-host": "", "debug-port": 5858, "hidden": ["./node_modules"] }


Just a note about the @global property available in proxyquire which can be useful to allow for transitive requirements. Also note that this is not a good approach to testing. A better approach would be to test the submodules in isolation and then stub the that module instead.


Run a single test case:

$ npm t -- -i test/plugins/support.test.js -t "should return a warning if the package is a native module"



Language:JavaScript 76.8%Language:Go 17.0%Language:Makefile 3.3%Language:Dockerfile 2.3%Language:TypeScript 0.5%