danaildichev / consoleFormatter

A JS class offering opinionated extensions for console messaging.

Home Page:https://danaildichev.net/portfolio/code-samples/console-formatter

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Static Badge

Opinionated extensions for console messages.

Use the ConsoleFormatter JS class to easily log messages with custom or preformatted styles. See index.html or the live demo for examples.

Table of Contents

Live Demo



Get a copy of ConsoleFormatter.js and create a new instance of the class

<script src="path/to/ConsoleFormatter.js"></script>
    const CF = new ConsoleFormatter();



1. Messages with a preformatted badge
// this will log a message with a green badge
// the badge's label will be: Hooray
// the message will be: You logged a message with a green badge
CF.badge('Hooray', 'You logged a message with a green badge', 'green');

There are 19 colored badges and 17 contextual badges

Colored badges
blank: '',
black: 'color: white; background-color: black;',
gray: 'color: white; background-color: #444;',
white: 'color: black; background-color: white;',
red: 'color: white; background-color: red;',
orange: 'color: black; background-color: orange;',
yellow: 'color: black; background-color: yellow;',
lime: 'color: black; background-color: lime;',
green: 'color: white; background-color: green;',
cyan: 'color: black; background-color: cyan;',
sky: 'color: white; background-color: deepskyblue;',
blue: 'color: white; background-color: blue;',
navy: 'color: white; background-color: navy;',
dusk: 'color: white; background-color: mediumslateblue;',
indigo: 'color: white; background-color: indigo;',
violet: 'color: white; background-color: violet;',
purple: 'color: white; background-color: purple;',
fuchsia: 'color: white; background-color: fuchsia;',
pink: 'color: white; background-color: deeppink;'
Contextual badges
// errors
error: 'color: red; background-color: #3d0000; border-inline: 2px solid red;',
blame: 'color: orange; background-color: #3d2600; border-inline: 2px solid orange;',
alert: 'color: yellow; background-color: #262316; border-inline: 2px solid yellow;',

// warnings
userError: 'color: orange; background-color: #3d2600; border-inline: 2px solid orange;',
warn: 'color: yellow; background-color: #262316; border-inline: 2px solid yellow;',

// troubleshooting
undefined: 'color: white; background-color: black; border-inline: 2px solid black;',
debug: 'color: white; background-color: black; border-inline: 2px solid white;',
empty: 'color: #bbb; background-color: #444; border-inline: 2px solid #bbb; border-radius:',
default: 'color: black; background-color: white; border-inline: 2px solid white;',
fail: 'color: red; background-color: #3d0000; border-inline: 2px solid red;',
mistake: 'color: orange; background-color: #3d2600; border-inline: 2px solid orange;',
inconclusive: 'color: yellow; background-color: #262316; border-inline: 2px solid yellow;',
success: 'color: lime; background-color: #003d00; border-inline: 2px solid lime;',
info: 'color: darkturquoise; background-color: #003d3d; border-inline: 2px solid darkturquoise;',
note: 'color: deepskyblue; background-color: #00003d; border-inline: 2px solid deepskyblue;',
suggestion: 'color: violet; background-color: indigo; border-inline: 2px solid violet;',
todo: 'color: fuchsia; background-color: #3d003d; border-inline: 2px solid fuchsia;'

// all contextual badges additionally include 'border-radius: 0.5rem 1rem; font-weight: bold; padding: 0 0.5rem'

Contextual badges have a corresponding function, for example:

// this will log a message with a success badge
// the badge's label will be: SUCCESS
// the message will be: A test case passed
CF.badgeSuccess('SUCCESS', 'A test case passed');
2. Messages with a custom badge

There are 3 variations for a custom badge.

Variation 1 - a fully custom badge
// a fully custom badge
* @param {String} labelText
* @param {String} messageText
* @param {String} badgeStyle CSS rules
CF.badgeCustom(labelText, messageText, badgeStyle);

// e.g.
CF.badgeCustom('CUSTOM 1', 'A fully customized badge with a message', 'color: white; background-color: tomato; font-weight: bold; padding: 0 0.5rem; border-radius: 0.25rem; border: 1px solid white');
Variation 2 - a badge with custom font and background color
// a badge with custom font and background color
* @param {String} labelText
* @param {String} messageText
* @param {String} fontColor CSS color name or value
* @param {String} backgroundColor CSS color name or value
CF.badgeCustom(labelText, messageText, fontColor, backgroundColor);

// e.g.
CF.badgeCustomQuick('CUSTOM 2', 'A default badge with custom color and background-color', 'darkviolet', 'lavender');
Variation 3 - a badge with custom font, background color, and extra CSS
// a badge with custom font, background color, and extra CSS
* @param {String} labelText
* @param {String} messageText
* @param {String} fontColor CSS color name or value
* @param {String} backgroundColor CSS color name or value
* @param {String} extraCSS CSS rules. NOTE: Consoles do not support every possible CSS property
CF.badgeCustom(labelText, messageText, fontColor, backgroundColor, extraCSS);

// e.g.
CF.badgeCustomQuick('CUSTOM 3', 'A default badge with custom color and background-color and extra CSS', 'darkviolet', 'lavender', 'border-inline: 4px solid darkviolet');

Formatted Text

How to use the built-in extensions for console's log(), warn(), error(), info(), and debug() functions

1. Default
* @param {Array} values A list of strings to be joined into a formatted console message
* @param {Array} styles A list of CSS rules to be applied to a each formatted span of the console message
CF.log(values, styles);
CF.warn(values, styles);
CF.error(values, styles);
CF.info(values, styles);
CF.debug(values, styles);

// e.g.
CF.log(['Multi styled ', 'log ', 'output.'], ['color: red', 'color: white', 'color: lime']);
2. Default with preformatted badges
// it's the same as this:

* @param {Array} values A list of strings to be joined into a formatted console message
* @param {Array} styles A list of CSS rules to be applied to a each formatted span of the console message
CF.log(values, styles);

// but in practice it would look like:
CF.log(['Example', 'badge and message ', 'with multi styled text.'], [CF.getBadgeStyle('pink'), 'color: deeppink; margin-left: 0.5rem', 'color: lime']);
// where in you'd have a pink badge whose label is: Example
// followed by the text, 'badge and message ', with deeppink font color and 0.5rem left margin
// followed by the text, 'with multi styled text.', with lime font color
3. Default with custom badges

There is more than one way to do this, but essentially you've just circled back to using CF.log(values, styles).

Which CSS rules can I use?

You'll want to check the documentation for the browser(s) that you want to support. MDN lists (for Firefox):

From MDN
  • background (and its longhand equivalents)
  • border (and its longhand equivalents)
  • border-radius
  • box-decoration-break
  • box-shadow
  • clear and float
  • color
  • cursor
  • display
  • font (and its longhand equivalents)
  • line-height
  • margin
  • outline (and its longhand equivalents)
  • padding
  • text-* (properties such as text-transform)
  • white-space
  • word-spacing and word-break
  • writing-mode

What about substitution

I actually did take the time to make the ConsoleFormatter support styled substitution. In my opinion you are better off handling that before passing in the values array of strings. Substitution can be handled using one of the ConsoleFormatter's lower level functions, getStyledOutput(). Let me show you a couple of details about the ConsoleFormatter class before we talk about using substitution.

Using separation characters

You can pass in separator and ending chars for each item in the values array like so:

CF.log(['one', 'two', 'three'], ['color: red', 'color: yellow', 'color: lime'], '.', '?');

This will log one.two.three? where in 'one.', 'two.', and 'three?' are formatted with red, yellow, and lime font color respectively.

It's up to you to decide how you want to handle white-space characters.

Take a deeper look at the ConsoleFormatter's `log()` function
 * Calls getStyledOutput() to build a console output string. Uses console.log().
 * @param {Array} values A list that will be used to build the output
 * @param {Array} styles A list of CSS rules that will be used to style the values
 * @param {String} [separatorChars] Optional. String to separate the values. Default ''.
 * @param {String} [endChars] Optional. String to append to the last value as a separator. Default ''.
log(values, styles, separatorChars = '', endChars = '')
    console.log(...this.getStyledOutput(undefined, values, separatorChars, endChars, styles))

Using the getStyledOutput() function

The getStyledOutput() function is the heart of the ConsoleFormatter class.

Signature for the `getStyledOutput()` function
 * Creates an array from [values], [styles], and the optional parameters which can be spread into a console message
 * Handles array length mismatch error for values and styles with or without substitution flags.
 * @param {String} [preText] Optional. A string that can be prepended to the output. Default undefined.
 * @param {Array} values A list that will be used to build the output
 * @param {String} [separatorChars] Optional. String to separate the values. Default ''.
 * @param {String} [endChars] Optional. String to append to the last value as a separator. Default ''.
 * @param {Array} styles A list of CSS rules that will be used to style the values
 * @param {String} [postText] Optional. A string that can be appended to the output. Default undefined.
 * @param {Boolean} [valuesIncludeSubstitutions] Optional. Does 1 or more members of the values array use string substitution. Default false.
 * @return {*[]} Array of arguments for a console function. E.g. console.log(...output)
    preText = undefined,
    separatorChars = '',
    endChars = '',
    postText = undefined,
    valuesIncludeSubstitutions = false

You can use it like so:

const messageValues = CF.getStyledOutput('pre text', ['one', 'two', 'three'], '.', '?', ['color: red', 'color: yellow', 'color: lime'], 'post text', false)

// messageValues would be
// ['pre text%cone.%ctwo.%cthree?', 'color: red', 'color: yellow', 'color: lime', 'post text']

// and then you can log it with

// that's the equivalent of
// console.log('pre text%cone.%ctwo.%cthree?', 'color: red', 'color: yellow', 'color: lime', 'post text')

How to use getStyledOutput() to perform substitution

You can use any valid substitution flags. Let's say you wanted to use digits. Include the digits in the 'styles' array.

console.log(...CF.getStyledOutput(undefined, ['a: %d', ' b: %d', ' c: %d'], '', '', ['color: red', 1, 'color: yellow', 2, 'color: lime', 3], undefined, true))

That would log a: 1 b: 2 c: 3 to the console where in 'a: 1', ' b: 2', and ' c: 3' are formatted with red, yellow, and lime font color respectively.

// That would be the equivalent of
// console.log('%ca: %d%c b: %d%c c: %d', 'color: red', 1, 'color: yellow', 2, 'color: lime', 3)


log(), warn(), error(), info(), and debug()

CF.log(values, styles);
CF.warn(values, styles);
CF.error(values, styles);
CF.info(values, styles);
CF.debug(values, styles);

Custom Badges

CF.badgeCustom(labelText, messageText, badgeStyle);
CF.badgeCustomQuick(labelText, messageText, fontColor, backgroundColor);
CF.badgeCustomQuick(labelText, messageText, fontColor, backgroundColor, extraCSS);

Contextual Badges

  • ERROR: For catching exceptions
  • BLAME: Dev or 3rd party wrote faulty code
  • ALERT: Dev sees a (possible) problem and can't or won't preemptively fix it. For use with interrupting program execution, to obtain more input from the user.
  • USER ERROR: The user is doing something incorrectly
  • WARNING: Used to notify the user that Dev saw a (possible) problem, preemptively "fixed it", and it is possible/likely that data/calculations/output/etc. may not progress as desired or come out as intended.
  • UNDEFINED: A query was made on an undefined object
  • DEBUG: For use with console.debug()
  • EMPTY: A query returned null, "", or 0
  • FAIL: A test case did not pass
  • MISTAKE: A test case is a non-sequitur
  • INCONCLUSIVE: A test case was unable to be validated, e.g. hung process, not enough data, etc
  • SUCCESS: A test case passed
  • INFO: For describing a local detail or circumstance
  • NOTE: For adding contextual tangential information. E.g. "For more information see someLink"
  • SUGGESTION: Advice or instructions for the user from the dev
  • TO DO: Reminder for the Dev to finish something
CF.badgeError(labelText, messageText);
CF.badgeBlame(labelText, messageText);
CF.badgeAlert(labelText, messageText);
CF.badgeUserError(labelText, messageText);
CF.badgeWarn(labelText, messageText);
CF.badgeUndefined(labelText, messageText);
CF.badgeDebug(labelText, messageText);
CF.badgeEmpty(labelText, messageText);
CF.badgeFail(labelText, messageText);
CF.badgeMistake(labelText, messageText);
CF.badgeInconclusive(labelText, messageText);
CF.badgeSuccess(labelText, messageText);
CF.badgeInfo(labelText, messageText);
CF.badgeNote(labelText, messageText);
CF.badgeSuggestion(labelText, messageText);
CF.badgeTodo(labelText, messageText);

Colored Badges

  • black
  • gray
  • white
  • violet
  • fuchsia
  • pink
  • red
  • orange
  • yellow
  • lime
  • green
  • cyan
  • sky
  • blue
  • navy
  • dusk
  • indigo
  • purple
CF.badge(labelText, messageText, color);


Open an issue or hit me up.


PRs accepted.




A JS class offering opinionated extensions for console messaging.


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:JavaScript 81.2%Language:HTML 18.8%