dana1313 / pydantic-gen

Code generator for Pydantic Schemas

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Pydantic Schemas Generator

PyPI - Python Version Code style: black PyPI Build Status

What this package does

This is a code generation package that converts YML definitions to Pydantic models (either python code or python objects).

What is Pydantic

Pydantic is a python library for data validation and settings management using python type annotations.

Here's an official example from the docs

Why generate schemas?

Normally you just program the schemas within your program, but there are several use cases when code generation makes a lot of sense:

  • You're programming several apps that use the same schema (think an API server and client library for it)
  • You're programming in more than one programming language

Getting started


pip install pydantic-gen


First you need to create a YAML file with your desired class schema. See example.yml file.

from pydantic_gen import SchemaGen

generated = SchemaGen('example.yml')

The code is now generated and stored in generated.code attribute. There are two ways to use the code:

1. Save it to a file, and use the file in your program.


You can inspect the resulting example_output.py

2. Import the generated classed directly without saving


After running .to_sys() module 'generated_schemas' will be added to sys.modules and become importable like a normal module:

from generated_schemas import GeneratedSchema1

schema = GeneratedSchema1(id=1)

Usage pattern

Recommended usage pattern is creating the yaml files needed for your projects and storing them in a separate repository, to achieve maximum consistency across all projects.

YAML-file structure

schemas - list of all schemas described

name - name of the generated class

props - list of properties of the class using python type annotation. Fields: name - field name, type - field type, optional - bool, if True the type will be wrapped in Optional, default - default value for the field.

config - list of config settings from Model Config of pydantic.


Project is fully covered by tests.

Packaging notice

This project uses the excellent poetry for packaging. Please read about it and let's all start using pyproject.toml files as a standard. Read more:


Code generator for Pydantic Schemas


Language:Python 100.0%