dan-nl / node-front-end-lib

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


a simple front-end js library


ajax.get( url, options )

@param {string} url
@param {Object} [options]
@param {Function} [options.abort]
@param {string} [options.content-type = application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
@param {Function} [options.onreadystatechange]
@param {Function} [options.ontimeout]
@param {Function} [options.progress]
@param {number} [options.timeout = 7000] in milliseconds
@returns {Promise|undefined}

ajax.post( url, options )

@param {string} url
@param {Object} [options]
@param {Function} [options.abort]
@param {string} [options.content-type = application/x-www-form-urlencoded]
@param {string|Object} [options.data]
@param {Function} [options.onreadystatechange]
@param {Function} [options.ontimeout]
@param {Function} [options.progress]
@param {number} [options.timeout = 7000] in milliseconds
@returns {Promise|undefined}

extractXhrResponse( xhr )

attempts to extract a response from an XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent

@param {Object} xhr
@throws {Error}
@returns {string|undefined}


scrollToY( elm, duration, offset, callback )

scrolls the browser viewport vertically to the elm provided

@param {HTMLElement} elm
@param {number} [duration = 500] in milliseconds
@param {number} [offset]
@param {Function} [callback]


addClass( elm, class_name, callback )

adds the class, or classes, given, to the elm provided, with an optional callback called after the operation has completed

@param {Element} elm
@param {string|Array} class_name
@param {Function} [callback]

createElement( tag_name, attributes )

creates a dom element based on the tag_name provided. will also set attributes for the element if an array of attribute objects is provided. an attribute object is expected to contain a key and a value representing the attribute.

@param {string} tag_name
@param {Array} attributes
@returns {HTMLElement|undefined}

findAncestorWithClass( elm, class_name )

finds an html element ancestor, of the elm provided, that has the class name given

@param {HTMLElement} elm
@param {string} class_name
@returns {HTMLElement|undefined}

findAncestorWithTagName( elm, tag_name )

finds an html element ancestor, of the elm provided, that has the tag name given

@param {HTMLElement} elm
@param {string} tag_name
@returns {HTMLElement|undefined}

findNextSiblingWithClass( elm, class_name )

finds an html element sibling, of the elm provided, that has the class name given

@param {HTMLElement} elm
@param {string} class_name
@returns {HTMLElement|undefined}

findNextSiblingWithTagName( elm, tag_name )

finds an html element sibling, of the elm provided, that has the tag name given

@param {HTMLElement} elm
@param {string} tag_name
@returns {HTMLElement|undefined}

findPreviousSiblingWithClass( elm, class_name )

finds an html element sibling, of the elm provided, that has the class name given

@param {HTMLElement} elm
@param {string} class_name
@returns {HTMLElement|undefined}

findPreviousSiblingWithTagName( elm, tag_name )

finds an html element sibling, of the elm provided, that has the tag name given

@param {HTMLElement} elm
@param {string} tag_name
@returns {HTMLElement|undefined}

getBoundingClientRect( elm )

returns the ClientRect of the elm provided

@param {HTMLElement} elm
@returns {ClientRect|undefined}

getElementHeight( elm )

returns the height, in pixels, of the elm provided. remember to add the string 'px' to the value returned when using it in a elm.style.x = statement

@param {HTMLElement} elm
@returns {number|undefined}

getFieldByName( name )

returns an html element, or collection of elements, that match the given name

@param {string} name
@param {boolean} [return_collection = false]
@returns {HTMLElement|HTMLCollection|undefined}

getFieldByTagName( tag_name )

returns an html element, or collection of elements, that match the given tag name

@param {string} tag_name
@param {boolean} [return_collection = false]
@returns {HTMLElement|HTMLCollection|undefined}

hasClass( elm, class_name )

returns whether or not the given elm has the class name provided

@param {Element} elm
@param {string} class_name
@returns {boolean|undefined}

removeClass( elm, class_name, callback )

removes the class, or classes, given, from the elm provided, with an optional callback called after the operation has completed

@param {Element} elm
@param {string|Array} class_name
@param {Function} [callback]

setAttributes( elm, attributes )

will set attributes for the element if an array of attribute objects is provided. an attribute object is expected to contain a key and a value representing the attribute.

@param {string} tag_name
@param {Array} attributes
@returns {HTMLElement|undefined}

toggleClass( elm, class_name, callback )

toggles the class given, removes it if it exists, or adds it if it doesn’t exist, on the elm provided, with an optional callback called after the operation has completed

@param {HTMLElement} elm
@param {string|Array} class_name
@param {Function} [callback]





addCallback( callback, callbacks )

adds a callback to a given array of callbacks. ensures that the callback is a function and that the callbacks are an array.

@param {Function} callback
@param {Array} callbacks

bindEventDataToEvent( elm, event_name, fn, event_data )

@param {HTMLElement} elm
@param {string} event_name
@param {Function} fn
@param {Object}

callCallbacks( callbacks )

given an array of callbacks, calls each one using the apply method, passing in any arguments provided less the initial array of callbacks

@param {Array} callbacks

checkConditionOnInterval( condition, interval_delay, interval_max )

using setInterval(), checks for the given condition, which should be a function that returns a truthy or falsy result.

@param {Function} condition
@param {number} [interval_delay]
@param {number} [interval_max]
@returns {Promise}

debounce( func, wait, immediate )

@see https://davidwalsh.name/javascript-debounce-function

returns a function, that, as long as it continues to be invoked, will not be triggered. the function will be called after it stops being called for N milliseconds. if immediate is passed, trigger the function on the leading edge, instead of the trailing.

@param {Function} func
@param {number} wait
@param {boolean} immediate
@returns {Function}


returns the viewport’s current scroll position

@returns {x: number, y: number}

objectPropertyExists( obj )

tests whether or not an object property exists; does not search the object prototype.

objectPropertyExists( window, 'location', 'href' );

@param {Object} obj
@param {string} [property-name, property-name, ...]
@returns {bool}

padInteger( number, length, padding )

prefixes a given number with 0’s, or padding, if given, in order to satisfy the string length given

@param {number} number
@param {number} length
@param {string} [padding = '0']
@returns {string}


prevents the backspace key from triggering a history back call to the browser. allows the backspace key to be used in form input fields with the type:

  • email
  • password
  • search
  • tel
  • text
  • textarea
  • url

serializeForIe( container, options )

used to serialize form controls for browsers that do not support form.elements

  • can be used, for example, in combination with form-serialize; when form-serialize returns an empty result, use this method to serialize the form elements
  • options.hidden_with_value = true will only pass hidden fields that contain a value.length > 0
@param {HTMLFormElement} container
@param {Object} [options]
@param {boolean} [options.hidden_with_value]
@returns {string}


determine whether or not the browsing environment supports touch events

@returns {boolean}

triggerEvent( event_name, event_type, elm )

@param {string} event_name
@param {string} event_type
@param {HTMLElement} elm


returns whether or not the front-end environment meets the validations in the method.

@returns {boolean}


returns the transitionend event listener name that can be used in the current environment.

@returns {string|undefined}

windowResize( callback )

registers the callback with a universal window onresize event listener, which is called via a debounce function that is set with a hard coded timeout of 400 milliseconds

@param {Function} callback

web apis


resolves with an object { lat: {number}, lon: {number} } or false if geolocation cannot be determined

@returns {Promise}



Language:JavaScript 100.0%