dan-bailey / learning-log

Keeping track of what I'm learning about on any given day.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Keeping track of what I'm learning about on any given day in 2023. You can see my commits and look at my code, but it doesn't give you any sort of context about what I'm actively pursuing. Hence, this doc.


the log

March 24, 2023

My first task of the day is to spend some time in Udemy. I'll be spending some time on learning advanced git/github stuff, and getting re-started on the learning for getting my Azure AZ-900 certification. Those are my primary points of attack. I'll work on some code later for the Todoist/Twitter social accountability script that I've been needing to wrap-up this month (so I can move on to other things).

Lately, I've been thinking about going after an MBA. I should. That will require me to go finish off my BA -- one class -- that I should've done decades ago.

March 25, 2023

I finished the Git & Github course on Udemy yesterday. Today, I had to work the second job, so I didn't get much coding time in. Played around with datetime in python a bit...but I'll spend more time on it tomorrow. I'd like to get this little script I'm working on done before the end of the month.

March 26, 2023

Had the kiddos today and a bunch of life stuff got in the way. Spent maybe 10 minutes fucking around with python code. Did a quick commit to github for the consistency. Will do better tomorrow.

March 27, 2023

I took the day off from coding today so I could spend time with the kiddos after work. I did watch some Udemy videos on Azure AZ-900 certification, though, so the day wasn't completely devoid of learning.

March 28, 2023

Wasn't as productive as I'd have liked -- I opted to spend more time with the kids and less time working. Did work through some more training for Azure AZ-900 certification.

March 29, 2023

Started building out a new plugin for Wordpress (yay, PHP!) to handle the extra content types I want to add to my personal site. Spent some time in Udemy on the AZ-900 stuff.

March 30, 2023

More Udemy/AZ-900 stuff today. Hoping to get that wrapped up by EOD tomorrow. Got some python code to sling tonight. I need to buckle down on that.

March 31, 2023

Lots of errands had to be run today, but I did manage to make some serious headway on the date functions in my Twitter/Todoist script I'm writing in python.

April 1, 2023

More progress on the Twitter/Todoist script.

April 2, 2023

Twitter/Todoist script work. I found some fuckery in my datetime setup, where after 9pm, my script thinks it's a different date. I've got that resolved. Current script works if the full character-length on the generated tweet is less than 288. I need to build out the logic for breaking this thing up. And having it reply to the first tweet so it builds a thread, as opposed to three separate tweets.

April 3, 2023

Chasing down the date glitch some more. I took a break from chasing that glitch -- for some reason after 8pm local time, there's some fuckery with converting from UTC to local time and that's skewing the results of the app. I did however, chew on other parts of this script, like the part of breaking the list down into a series of tweets, and figuring out the Twitter API so that I can post the series of tweets as a thread, rather than as three unrelated tweets. So I'm still making headway. I also spent some time on Udemy today with the AZ-900 course prep.

April 4, 2023

My subconscious worked on the "break the list into a series of tweets" problem last night and figured out a much more elegant way to do it. I'll be implementing that today...and then going back to deal with the bullshit with the UTC/Local fuckery. (Should I be swearing in what amounts to my portfolio? Probably not. But here I am.)

April 5, 2023

Thought I had everything dialed-in and ready to go with my Todoist/Twitter script, but I'm getitng some errors re: tweet length. Guess what I learned today? Emoji count as more than one character. Ooops. Going to have to tweak some stuff with the line length calculations. Blasting through more AZ-900 certification prep today, too.

April 6, 2023

Got that python script working as-planned. Did a bunch of AZ-900 studying today.

April 7, 2023

More AZ-900 studying.

April 8, 2023

Mom in hospital after a fall in her basement. No studying today.

April 9, 2023

Digging in to making my WP Littlefoot plugin for handling footnotes.

April 10, 2023

Plowing through more Azure AZ-900 certification coursework.

April 11, 2023

Finished the AZ-900 Certification Prep on Udemy. Tonight, tearing into some stuff on TailwindCSS, and doing some code work on WP Littlefoot.

April 12, 2023

Today was a bit nuts -- had to work the desk job and work the side hustle (bike shop). Did kick off learning TailwindCSS (thanks, Udemy), and spend some more time getting acquainted with Azure. So, uh, yay? Tomorrow, probably more Tailwind, plus I have some freelance stuff I have to blast through. Scheduled my AZ-900 certification exam for next Tuesday.

April 13, 2023

Did some Tailwind stuff in Udemy, also cranked out a simple PHP plugin for a client site that replicates some functionality done by another plugin that's got some security issues. Pretty pleased with that. Because it's a client project, it's in a private repo. Sorry, kids.

April 14, 2023

TailwindCSS coursework.

April 15, 2023

TailwindCSS coursework.

April 16, 2023

TailwindCSS coursework.

April 17, 2023


April 18, 2023

Took the Microsoft Azure AZ-900 (Fundamentals) exam and passed. So I've got my first certification.

April 19, 2023

More work with TailwindCSS. Working through the basics, have a few projects that are part of the course, and then I'm going to use it to build up a new template for a Wordpress site I want to build.

April 20, 2023

Taking a break today.

April 21, 2023

Registered for Microsoft Build in Seattle next month. Gonna be pretty awesome. Spun up another VM to run a couple of Wordpress sites on.

April 22, 2023

Debugging the Wordpress server, getting the old site restored, and getting that ready to go. Made some edits to the girlfriend's site theme to add some functionality that was not previously there.

April 23-30, 2023

Taking a little downtime due to issues with mom's health.

May 1, 2023

TailwindCSS course: basics.

May 2, 2023

TailwindCSS course: basics. Azure AZ-104 certification prep coursework.

May 3, 2023

TailwindCSS course: basics.

May 4, 2023

TailwindCSS course: basics.

May 5, 2023

TailwindCSS course: basics.

May 6, 2023

TailwindCSS course: mini-projects.

May 7, 2023

TailwindCSS course: mini-projects.

May 8, 2023

TailwindCSS course: mini-projects wrap-up.

May 9, 2023

AZ-104 coursework in prep for certification. More TailwindCSS work, this time on the bigger projects. Also did some AZ-104 certification prep, and read up on HTMX.

May 10-14, 2023

Didn't get anything done due to having to deal with mom's health issues again. This could become a recurring theme for 2023, unfortunately.

May 15, 2023

Did some more AZ-104 certification work and some more TailwindCSS work. Hoping to get the latter wrapped-up by the end of the month, but who knows?

to-do list

Here's the shortlist of the things that I'm curious about and/or about to tee-up and start stuffing my brain with:

  • potentially getting an MBA
  • TailwindCSS
  • HTMX
  • MermaidJS
  • Docker/Kubernetes
  • ReactJS
  • more python stuff


Keeping track of what I'm learning about on any given day.