damurka / khisr

R Interface for Retrieving Data from KHIS

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The khisr package is designed to seamlessly integrate with the Kenya Health Information System (KHIS), providing R users with a powerful interface for efficient data retrieval. KHIS is a cornerstone in health information management in Kenya, and khisr simplifies the process of accessing and working with KHIS data directly within the R environment.


You can install the release version of khisr from CRAN with:


And the development version of khisr like so:



Load khisr package



khisr will, by default, help you interact with KHIS as an authenticated user. Before calling any function that makes an API call you need credentials to KHIS. You will be expected to set this credential to download data. See the article set you credentials for more

# Set the credentials using username and password
khis_cred(username = 'KHIS username', password = 'KHIS password')

# Set credentials using configuration path
khis_cred(config_path = 'path/to/secret.json')

After setting the credential you can invoke any function to download data from the API.

For this overview, we’ve logged into KHIS as a specific user in a hidden chunk.

Basic Overview

This is a basic example which shows you how to solve a common problem:

# Retrieve the organisation units by county (level 2)
counties <- get_organisation_units(level %.eq% '2')
#> # A tibble: 47 × 2
#>    name                   id         
#>    <chr>                  <chr>      
#>  1 Baringo County         vvOK1BxTbet
#>  2 Bomet County           HMNARUV2CW4
#>  3 Bungoma County         KGHhQ5GLd4k
#>  4 Busia County           Tvf1zgVZ0K4
#>  5 Elgeyo Marakwet County MqnLxQBigG0
#>  6 Embu County            PFu8alU2KWG
#>  7 Garissa County         uyOrcHZBpW0
#>  8 Homa Bay County        nK0A12Q7MvS
#>  9 Isiolo County          bzOfj0iwfDH
#> 10 Kajiado County         Hsk1YV8kHkT
#> # ℹ 37 more rows

# Retrieve organisation units by name (level included to ensure it refers to county)
kiambu_county <- get_organisation_units(level %.eq% '2', 
                                        name %.like% 'Kiambu')
#> # A tibble: 1 × 2
#>   name          id         
#>   <chr>         <chr>      
#> 1 Kiambu County qKzosKQPl6G

# Retrieve all data elements by data element group for outpatient (data element group name MOH 705)
moh_705 <- get_data_elements(dataElementGroups.name %.like% 'moh 705')
#> # A tibble: 96 × 2
#>    name                         id         
#>    <chr>                        <chr>      
#>  1 Abortion                     IrWSgk9GsUm
#>  2 All other diseases           KxT47tbKHsd
#>  3 Anaemia cases                kkUHOwGMawD
#>  4 Arthritis, Joint pains etc.  waNhWrS3HL6
#>  5 Asthma                       L82lvvxVaqt
#>  6 Autism                       L529r3Wvtcf
#>  7 Bilharzia  (Schistosomiasis) ojFSHMwbkHK
#>  8 Brucellosis                  nb9cfWgxYFc
#>  9 Burns                        dkEYL9Sous9
#> 10 Cardiovascular conditions    sZETzNe1To8
#> # ℹ 86 more rows

# Filter the data element to element that contain malaria
malaria <- get_data_elements(dataElementGroups.name %.like% 'moh 705', 
                             name %.like% 'malaria')
#> # A tibble: 4 × 2
#>   name                                    id         
#>   <chr>                                   <chr>      
#> 1 Confirmed Malaria (only Positive cases) OoakJhWiyZp
#> 2 Malaria in pregnancy                    gvZmXInRLuD
#> 3 MOH 705A Rev 2020_ Tested for Malaria   siOyOiOJpI8
#> 4 Suspected  Malaria                      Lt0FqtnHraW

# Retrieve data for malaria in Kiambu county in the outpatient data element groups
data <- get_analytics(
        dx %.d% malaria$id,
        pe %.d% 'LAST_YEAR',
        ou %.f% kiambu_county$id
    ) %>%
    left_join(malaria, by = c('dx'='id'))
#> # A tibble: 4 × 4
#>   dx          pe    value name                                   
#>   <chr>       <chr> <dbl> <chr>                                  
#> 1 Lt0FqtnHraW 2023  31101 Suspected  Malaria                     
#> 2 OoakJhWiyZp 2023   5092 Confirmed Malaria (only Positive cases)
#> 3 siOyOiOJpI8 2023  20554 MOH 705A Rev 2020_ Tested for Malaria  
#> 4 gvZmXInRLuD 2023    397 Malaria in pregnancy

Where to learn more

Get Started is a more extensive general introduction to khisr.

Browse the articles index to find articles that cover various topics in more depth.

See the function index for an organized, exhaustive listing.

Code of Conduct

Please note that the khisr project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.


R Interface for Retrieving Data from KHIS




Language:R 100.0%