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Javascript & Nodejs

====================== Splash is written in Javascript for both the front and the backend. While its flexibility makes prototyping easier and faster, Javascript requires a new coding paradigm very different from those of some other server-side scripting languages such a Python and Ruby. Here're a few things to note before start programming in Javascript.

  • Everything is an Object In Javascript, there're no such thing as classes. Instead, everything is regarded as an object. Object declaration is quite simple:

'''javascript var emptyObject = {}; var anotherObject = { propertyA: 5, propertyB: 'some string', functionA: function () { return this.propertyA; }, }; '''

You can also dynamically add & delete attributes from an object

'''javascript // Dynamically add new attribute to an emptyObject emptyObject['newAttr'] = 6; console.log(emptyObject); // prints out { newAttr: 6 } '''

You can also extend an object by calling:

'''javascript var inheritedObject = anotherObject.extend({ newAttr: 1, newFunc: function () { // some func }, }); '''

  • Functions serve as constructors Javascript does not follow OOP paradigm. But there're ways to achieve structured object oriented-ness in Javascript

'''javascript function Girl(name) { // Constructor var privateVariable = '650-xxx-xxxx'; // phone numbers are private this.publicVariable = 'email'; //emails are public this.name = name; this.publicMethod = function () { //do something }; };

Girl.sex = 'female' // adding an attr to the Girl constructor adds a static property

Girl.prototype.sayName = function () { console.log('Hi my name is '.concat(this.name)); };

var nicole = new Girl('nicole'); // nicole is an instance of a girl nicole.sayName(); // prints out Hi my name is nicole '''

  • this keyword Note that javascript's this keyword always refers to the objects that called the given function / codeblock that it is contained in.

For example, '''javascript


  • Asynchronous Code Execution Nodejs makes an extensive use of Javascript's asynchronous coding paradigm. Functions in javascript are primitive types, and can be passed around as parameters / be stored in variables. This allows:

    '''javascript var callback = function (param1, param2) { return param1 + param2; };

    var mainFunc = function (param1, cb) { return param1 + cb(param1, param1); };

    console.log(mainFunc(2, callback)); // prints out 6 '''

  • Use camelCase for variable & function declaration This is pretty straight forward.

  • Truthy and Falsey, == and ===, != and !==





Code Structure

================= Splash is built on expressjs stack. Since expressjs does not offer scaffolding or a structured project formatting, Splash maintains its own code structure. Note that this may not be the best fit for this project.



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Language:JavaScript 96.8%Language:CSS 1.8%Language:HTML 1.3%Language:Shell 0.1%