damioresegun / Sulawesi_microbiome

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What is NanoMetaPipe

NanoMetaPipe is a bespoke pipeline conceived as part of the Sulawesi metagenomics project by Dr Janet Cox-Singh and Dr Fauzi Muh. This pipeline has been developed by Dr D.R. Oresegun with aid from Dr Peter Thorpe -- both of the University of St Andrews. The pipeline is designed to enable a researcher to take raw nanopore sequence microbiome data through to taxonomic classification and subsequent visualisation of this classification The simplified pipeline is:

flowchart TD
a[Raw reads]
a1[Basecalling and Demultiplexing]
b[Quality Control]
b1{cDNA or DNA}
c[Remove host sequences]
c1[Host-free reads]
d[De novo metagenome]
e[Taxonomic classification]
f[Taxonomic classification]
g[Confirm Plasmodium sp. SSU genes]
i[Microbiome Analyses]
j[Microbiome Analyses]
a --> a1
a1 --> b
b --> b1
b1 --align vs transcriptome--> c
b1 --align vs DNA ref --> c
c --> c1
c1 --> d
d --> e
e --> h
c1 --> f
f --using DNA reads--> g
f --> i
e --> j
f --> j


  • This pipeline is designed to be run on a medium to large high performance cluster (HPC). This is particularly the reason why the basecalling step is separated from the remainder of the pipeline.
    • The rationale behind this is that GPU nodes are often sectioned to specific access nodes on a HPC -- and we are trying to be good HPC citizens
    • Hence the basecalling which requires a GPU will be run on a GPU access node so as not to clog up the GPU node once the basecalling is completed
  • This pipeline was developed with both DNA and double stranded cDNA Nanopore long-read sequences and thus attempts to cater for both instances.
    • While there is support for the use of double stranded cDNA, currently, it may not provide sufficient information.


The full list of tools used for this pipeline are mostly available via conda. The full list is: nanometapipe_tools.csv

  • This pipeline has 4 main branches:
    1. Basecalling
    2. Processing, Analyses, Classification
    3. Microbiome Analysis
    4. Classification confirmation
  • Branches 2-4 were developed using separate scripts and thus separate conda environments!
  • It is recommended to use the R scripts in a GUI environment rather than through the command line. We recommend the use of RStudio


To carry out the necessary classification and confirmation, databases are required.

  • Taxonomic classification is carried out using the full RefSeq nr whole genomes for all:
    • Archaea
    • Bacteria
    • Fungi
    • Protozoa
    • Plants
    • Plasmids
    • Virus Classification confirmation is carried out using the reference SILVA database or a curated/custom SILVA database

Quick Installation

The quickest means of installation can be carried out using the associated YAML files to create suitable conda environments. Full instructions of how to carry this out is given in the Installation page.

Full Installation

For full installation instructions, please go to the Installation page. This page will provide full scope information of the necessary steps required to install the tools and packages utilised in NanoMetaPipe.

Quick Start

The quickest way to start the pipeline is the use of the runMetaPipe.sh script. The pipeline is set up to run an entire ONT sequencing experiment run in one go. This means that the absolutely first thing that is necessary are raw outputs of a ONT sequencing experiments that still require basecalling.


Basecalling is carried out using the NanoMetaBasecall.py script. This script ONLY carries out basecalling. To run the script:

python NanoMetaBasecall.py -p path/to/guppy/bin/guppy_basecaller -r path/to/raw/fast5/files -o path/to/output/folder -m hac -k SQK-LSK109 -f FLO-MIN110

The options used represent:

  • -p: The direct full path to the guppy basecaller tool within the guppy package
  • -r: The full path to the raw sequence reads in FAST5 (or equivalent) format
  • -o: The full path to the output directory to place the basecalled results.
    • Note: The script creates a 'Basecalled' folder within the designated output folder
  • -m: The basecalling algorithm to be used. Can be hac or sup
  • -k: The sequencing kit used for the experiment
  • -f: The flowcell used for the experiment

Main Pipeline -- NanoMetaPipe

The bulk of the pipeline is carried out using the NanoMetaPipe.py script. For full instructions of how to run this script, go to: NanoMetaPipe Options. For a quick run, open the runMetaPipe.sh and provide the information for the required variables

Variable Information needed
NanoMetaPipe Full path to the NanoMetaPipe.py script
reference Full path to the reference genome for removing host/background contamination
basecalled Full path to the basecalled reads/outputs of the NanoMetaBasecall.py
barcodes List of barcodes used for sequencing
isolates List of isolates that were sequenced. Must be unique identifiers
kraken Full path to the kraken package
kraken_DB Full path to the kraken database
sequence_type Type of sequence data. Can be dna or cdna or both
bracken Full path to the bracken package
ncbi_db Full path to the local NCBI nt database

These are the bare minimum options required to run the main NanoMetaPipe pipeline. Further options are available in the NanoMetaPipe Options page or with python NanoMetaPipe.sh --help. To run the runMetaPipe.sh script after inputting the necessary options:

# first activate the correct conda environment named 'nanometaENV'
conda activate nanometaENV
# first allow the script to be executable
chmod +x runMetaPipe.sh
# then run the script

Further optional arguments are available to provide considerable manipulation of the pipeline and the processes held within.

Secondary Pipeline -- Classification confirmation

These steps were developed using the small subunit ribosomal RNA hence why it has been named SSU_rRNA.py. To run the script, you need:

  1. Filtered and clean reads
  2. Decide whether to create a hidden markov model (HMM) profile within the script. OR 2b. Provide a previously generated HMM profile
  3. An output directory
  4. A database to compare against for identification To run the script with a previously generated profile:
# activate the correct conda environment name 'hmmENV'
conda activate hmmENV
# run the SSU script with a previously generated profile
python ./SSU_rRNA.py -f full/path/to/reads.fasta -m run -o path/to/output -db path/to/SILVA/database

To first generate a HMM profile before confirmation is carried out:

# activate the correct conda environment name 'hmmENV'
conda activate hmmENV
# run the SSU script to create a new HMM profile
python ./SSU_rRNA.py -f full/path/to/reads.fasta -m create -o path/to/output -db path/to/SILVA/database

Once again, for full options of the script, go to Classification Confirmation Arguments.

Secondary Pipeline -- Microbiome Analysis

This R script is developed to be run within a graphical R interface. This is recommended to be run in RStudio. The script must be run after completing the main NanoMetaPipe pipeline. An output from NanoMetaPipe is required to run this R script. Open the the sampleData.csv file and populate it with metadata about your samples. To run the MicrobiomeAnalysis.R, open the script in RStudio and fill in the necessary information in the args variable. An example is below:

# set the argument
args = c("path/to/NanoMetaPipe/output/CombinedIsolate.biom",


  • Basecalling: outputs are in the form of basecalled reads, that are saved in a Basecalled folder in the output path you provided
  • runMetaPipe.sh and NanoMetaPipe: various outputs are generated
    • Assemblies: contains the generated metagenome from the experiments ONLY. Works for both DNA and dscDNA
    • cDNA_Processing: contains a generated transcriptome and/or the alignment of the dscDNA sequence reads against a transcriptome to remove host/contaminant transcriptome
    • Demultiplexed: contains gzipped FASTQ files of the raw demultiplexed barcodes
    • DeNoVo_Assembly: contains the full outputs of the denovo metagenome process
    • Filter_Demultiplexed: contains length and quality filtered demultiplexed reads for the stated barcodes used during sequence preparation
    • Host_Free_Reads: contains reads which do not map to the reference that were extracted and saved as FASTQ files
    • Isolate_Reads_Aligned_Vs_Reference: contains the BAM file of the DNA reads vs the contaminant reference genome
    • Kraken: contains the taxonomic classification outputs of the reads and metagenomes. Visualisations are saved in HTML files
    • Stats: contains various outputs of basic and in-depth statistical tests for the reads and metagenomes
    • error.log: An error log. Will be empty if no errors occur
    • logINFO.log: A truncated log file of the most important processing steps of the pipeline
    • logfile.txt: A full log file of all processing steps and messages of the pipeline


The pipeline has been developed by D.R. Oresegun with input from Peter Thorpe for the Sulawesi capacity building project implemented by Janet Cox-Singh.


If issues arise from the use of this pipeline, open an issues and I will attempt to help with troubleshooting



Language:Python 70.8%Language:Jupyter Notebook 13.8%Language:R 13.7%Language:Shell 1.7%