damienomurchu / damienomurchu-v2.github.io.source

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Site files used to build damienomurchu-v2.github.io (to edit/ update content go to damienomurchu-v2.github.io.content).


All blog post content is stored at damienomurchu-v2.github.io.content

Adding/ Editing Posts

To add/ edit a post, edit the files on damienomurchu-v2.github.io.content. Merged content changes will result in the blog being published with the new changes.This is achieved by a publish event being sent to this repo, which triggers the publish_gh_pages.yml action.

Publish Site

To manually publish/ update the site, run the .github/workflows/publish_gh_pages.yml action. This action will be run on all merges to main, and anytime a publish event is received from the damienomurchu-v2.github.io.content repo.



Language:HTML 41.2%Language:JavaScript 31.2%Language:Sass 27.0%Language:Makefile 0.5%