damianFC / blockchain.lite.rb

blockchain-lite library / gem - build your own blockchain with crypto hashes - revolutionize the world with blockchains, blockchains, blockchains one block at a time (Ruby Edition)

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Blockchain Lite (Ruby Edition)

blockchain-lite library / gem - build your own blockchain with crypto hashes - revolutionize the world with blockchains, blockchains, blockchains one block at a time

What's a Blockchain?

A blockchain is a distributed database with a list (that is, chain) of records (that is, blocks) linked and secured by digital fingerprints (that is, crypto hashes).

See the Awesome Blockchains page for more.


Let's get started. Build your own blockchain one block at a time. Example:

require 'blockchain-lite'

b0 = Block.first( 'Genesis' )
b1 = Block.next( b0, 'Transaction Data...' )
b2 = Block.next( b1, 'Transaction Data......' )
b3 = Block.next( b2, 'More Transaction Data...' )

blockchain = [b0, b1, b2, b3]

pp blockchain

will pretty print (pp) something like:

  @index         = 0,
  @timestamp     = 2017-09-15 20:52:38,
  @data          = "Genesis",
  @previous_hash = "0",
  @hash          ="edbd4e11e69bc399a9ccd8faaea44fb27410fe8e3023bb9462450a0a9c4caa1b">,
  @index         = 1,
  @timestamp     = 2017-09-15 20:52:38,
  @data          = "Transaction Data...",
  @hash          = "eb8ecbf6d5870763ae246e37539d82e37052cb32f88bb8c59971f9978e437743",
  @previous_hash = "edbd4e11e69bc399a9ccd8faaea44fb27410fe8e3023bb9462450a0a9c4caa1b">,
  @index         = 2,
  @timestamp     = 2017-09-15 20:52:38,
  @data          = "Transaction Data......",
  @hash          = "be50017ee4bbcb33844b3dc2b7c4e476d46569b5df5762d14ceba9355f0a85f4",
  @previous_hash = "eb8ecbf6d5870763ae246e37539d82e37052cb32f88bb8c59971f9978e437743">,
  @index         = 3,
  @timestamp     = 2017-09-15 20:52:38
  @data          = "More Transaction Data...",
  @hash          = "5ee2981606328abfe0c3b1171440f0df746c1e1f8b3b56c351727f7da7ae5d8d",
  @previous_hash = "be50017ee4bbcb33844b3dc2b7c4e476d46569b5df5762d14ceba9355f0a85f4">]



Supported block types / classes for now include:


class Block

  attr_reader :index
  attr_reader :timestamp
  attr_reader :data
  attr_reader :previous_hash
  attr_reader :hash

  def initialize(index, data, previous_hash)
    @index         = index
    @timestamp     = Time.now.utc    ## note: use coordinated universal time (utc)
    @data          = data
    @previous_hash = previous_hash
    @hash          = calc_hash

  def calc_hash
    sha = Digest::SHA256.new
    sha.update( @index.to_s + @timestamp.to_s + @data + @previous_hash )

(Source: basic/block.rb)


class Block

  attr_reader :index
  attr_reader :timestamp
  attr_reader :data
  attr_reader :previous_hash
  attr_reader :nonce        ## proof of work if hash starts with leading zeros (00)
  attr_reader :hash

  def initialize(index, data, previous_hash)
    @index         = index
    @timestamp     = Time.now.utc    ## note: use coordinated universal time (utc)
    @data          = data
    @previous_hash = previous_hash
    @nonce, @hash  = compute_hash_with_proof_of_work

  def calc_hash
    sha = Digest::SHA256.new
    sha.update( @nonce.to_s + @index.to_s + @timestamp.to_s + @data + @previous_hash )

(Source: proof_of_work/block.rb)

Blockchain Helper / Convenience Wrapper

The Blockchain class offers some convenience helpers for building and checking blockchains. Example:

b = Blockchain.new       # note: will (auto-) add the first (genesis) block

b << 'Transaction Data...'
b << 'Transaction Data......'
b << 'More Transaction Data...'

pp b

Check for broken chain links. Example:

# => false      ## blockchain OK

or use the Blockchain class as a wrapper (pass in the blockchain array):

b0 = Block.first( 'Genesis' )
b1 = Block.next( b0, 'Transaction Data...' )
b2 = Block.next( b1, 'Transaction Data......' )
b3 = Block.next( b2, 'More Transaction Data...' )

blockchain = [b0, b1, b2, b3]

b = Blockchain.new( blockchain )

# => false      ## blockchain OK

and so on.


Let's put the transactions from the (hyper) ledger book from Tulips on the Blockchain! on the blockchain:

From To What Qty
Dutchgrown (†) Vincent Tulip Bloemendaal Sunset 10
Keukenhof (†) Anne Tulip Semper Augustus 7
Flowers (†) Ruben Tulip Admiral van Eijck 5
Vicent Anne Tulip Bloemendaal Sunset 3
Anne Julia Tulip Semper Augustus 1
Julia Luuk Tulip Semper Augustus 1
Bloom & Blossom (†) Daisy Tulip Admiral of Admirals 8
Vincent Max Tulip Bloemendaal Sunset 2
Anne Martijn Tulip Semper Augustus 2
Ruben Julia Tulip Admiral van Eijck 2
Teleflora (†) Max Tulip Red Impression 11
Anne Naomi Tulip Bloemendaal Sunset 1
Daisy Vincent Tulip Admiral of Admirals 3
Julia Mina Tulip Admiral van Eijck 1

(†): Grower Transaction - New Tulips on the Market!

b0 = Block.first(
        { from: "Dutchgrown", to: "Vincent", what: "Tulip Bloemendaal Sunset", qty: 10 },
        { from: "Keukenhof",  to: "Anne",    what: "Tulip Semper Augustus",    qty: 7  } )

b1 = Block.next( b0,
        { from: "Flowers", to: "Ruben", what: "Tulip Admiral van Eijck",  qty: 5 },
        { from: "Vicent",  to: "Anne",  what: "Tulip Bloemendaal Sunset", qty: 3 },
        { from: "Anne",    to: "Julia", what: "Tulip Semper Augustus",    qty: 1 },
        { from: "Julia",   to: "Luuk",  what: "Tulip Semper Augustus",    qty: 1 } )

b2 = Block.next( b1,
        { from: "Bloom & Blossom", to: "Daisy",   what: "Tulip Admiral of Admirals", qty: 8 },
        { from: "Vincent",         to: "Max",     what: "Tulip Bloemendaal Sunset",  qty: 2 },
        { from: "Anne",            to: "Martijn", what: "Tulip Semper Augustus",     qty: 2 },
        { from: "Ruben",           to: "Julia",   what: "Tulip Admiral van Eijck",   qty: 2 } )

resulting in:

  @index              = 0,
  @timestamp          = 1637-09-24 11:40:15,
  @previous_hash      = "0",
  @hash               = "32bd169baebba0b70491b748329ab631c85175be15e1672f924ca174f628cb66",
  @transactions_count = 2,
  @transactions       =
   [{:from=>"Dutchgrown", :to=>"Vincent", :what=>"Tulip Bloemendaal Sunset", :qty=>10},
    {:from=>"Keukenhof",  :to=>"Anne",    :what=>"Tulip Semper Augustus",    :qty=>7}]>,
  @index              = 1,
  @timestamp          = 1637-09-24 11:50:15,
  @previous_hash      = "32bd169baebba0b70491b748329ab631c85175be15e1672f924ca174f628cb66",
  @hash               = "57b519a8903e45348ac8a739c788815e2bd90423663957f87e276307f77f1028",
  @transactions_count = 4,
  @transactions       =
   [{:from=>"Flowers", :to=>"Ruben", :what=>"Tulip Admiral van Eijck",  :qty=>5},
    {:from=>"Vicent",  :to=>"Anne",  :what=>"Tulip Bloemendaal Sunset", :qty=>3},
    {:from=>"Anne",    :to=>"Julia", :what=>"Tulip Semper Augustus",    :qty=>1},
    {:from=>"Julia",   :to=>"Luuk",  :what=>"Tulip Semper Augustus",    :qty=>1}]>,
  @index              = 2,
  @timestamp          = 1637-09-24 12:00:15,
  @previous_hash      = "57b519a8903e45348ac8a739c788815e2bd90423663957f87e276307f77f1028",
  @hash               = "ec7dd5ea86ab966d4d4db182abb7aa93c7e5f63857476e6301e7e38cebf36568",
  @transactions_count = 4,
  @transactions       =
   [{:from=>"Bloom & Blossom", :to=>"Daisy",   :what=>"Tulip Admiral of Admirals", :qty=>8},
    {:from=>"Vincent",         :to=>"Max",     :what=>"Tulip Bloemendaal Sunset",  :qty=>2},
    {:from=>"Anne",            :to=>"Martijn", :what=>"Tulip Semper Augustus",     :qty=>2},
    {:from=>"Ruben",           :to=>"Julia",   :what=>"Tulip Admiral van Eijck",   :qty=>2}]>,


Just install the gem:

$ gem install blockchain-lite


The blockchain.lite scripts are dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.


blockchain-lite library / gem - build your own blockchain with crypto hashes - revolutionize the world with blockchains, blockchains, blockchains one block at a time (Ruby Edition)

License:Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal


Language:Ruby 100.0%