dalibor91 / pymail

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


/bin/bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dalibor91/pymail/master/install.sh)


/bin/bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dalibor91/pymail/master/uninstall.sh)


This is not fully tested, all data is saved in plain text in sqlite database on server on which it run

How it works

Py mailer starts server instance listening on some port that you define, and whenever you want to send new email to someone you make new HTTP POST request on that port, also you can enable authentification for requests.

  • First you add servers, where you define which ip, port and should users authentificate to send emails.
  • Second you add email addreses you want to use and from which emails would be sent
  • Third you assign email addreses to servers
  • Fourth you assign which users can access which server (this is using basic auth for authentification)

When user makes request and everything is ok, server stores data in queque and this queque is latter emptyed (usally with cronjob that does that)


#add server 
pymailer -m server -f add -a ip= port=4444 auth=1

#list servers
pymailer -m server -f list 

#update server 
pymailer -m server -f update -a id=1 port=4445

#remove server 
pymailer -m server -f remove -a id=1

#start server 
pymailer -m server -f start -a id=1

#stop server 
pymailer -m server -f stop -a id=1

#restart server 
pymailer -m server -f restart -a id=1

#list users assigned to server 
pymailer -m server -f list -a id=1 users

#list emails assigned to server 
pymailer -m server -f list -a id=1 emails 

#add email to server 
pymailer -m server -f addemail -a server=1 email=1

#remove emial from server 
pymailer -m server -f removeemail -a server=1 email=1

#add user to server 
pymailer -m server -f adduser -a server=1 user=1

#remove user from server 
pymailer -m server -f removeuser -a server=1 user=1


#add user 
pymailer -m user -f add -a username=test password=test 

#remove user 
pymailer -m user -f remove -a id=1

#list users 
pymailer -m user -f list 

#update users 
pymailer -m user -f update -a id=1 username=test1 password=test5


#add email 
pymailer -m email -f add -a email=test@gmail.com username=test@gmail.com password=123 host=gmail.com port=465 tls=1

#remove email 
pymailer -m email -f remove -a id=1

#update email
pymailer -m email -f update -a id=1 password=123456


To see all emials that were stored in queque 
pymailer -m queque -f list 

#to add json file with data in queque 
pymailer -m queque -f add -a path=/path/to/file.json
pymailer -f load -a file=/path/to/file.json

#to remove record from queque 
pymailer -m queque -f remove -a id=1

#to list failed emails from queque
pymailer -m queque -f list -a failed

#to list done email from queqeu 
pymailer -m queque -f list -a done

#to list waiting emails in queque 
pymailer -m queque -f list -a waiting

#to resend some email from queque 
pymailer -m queque -f resend -a id=1

#to send all waiting emails in queque
#this usally is added to crontab
pymailer -m queque -f sendwaiting

#to resend all failed emails 
pymailer -m queque -f sendfailed

Sample of how json data sent to server should look

	"from": "john@doe.com",
	"recieve": {
		"to" : [
				"email": "test@gmail.com",
				"name": "John Doe"
		"cc": [
				"email": "john.doe1@gmail.com",
				"name": "john doe"
		"bcc": [
				"email": "john.doe2@gmail.com",
				"name": "jogn"
	"subject": "This is test", 
	"body": "this is some body to send", 
	"attach": [
		"name": "test.txt", 
		"content": "VGhpcyBpcyB0ZXN0"


When you set up everything you can run some tests to see if this thing works Note: make sure that

pymailer -m queque -f sendwaiting

is in crontab or run it manualy after you add files to send

Testing with json file without auth

pymailerclientf -h localhost -p 9999 -f test.json

Testing with json file with auth

pymailerclientf -h localhost -p 9999 -f test.json -login test:test

Testing without json file and without auth

echo "test" | pymailerclient -h localhost -p 9999 -s "This is just command line test" -f "test@gmail.com" -t "test@gmail.com"

Testing without json file and with auth

echo "test" | pymailerclient -h localhost -p 9999 -s "This is just command line test" -f "test@gmail.com" -t "test@gmail.com" -login test:test



Language:Python 89.0%Language:PHP 8.4%Language:Shell 2.6%