dajiaji / pyhpke

A Python Implementation of HPKE (Hybrid Public Key Encryption)

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PyHPKE - A Python implementation of HPKE

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PyHPKE is a HPKE (Hybrid Public Key Encryption) implementation written in Python.

You can install PyHPKE with pip:

$ pip install pyhpke

And then, you can use it as follows:

from pyhpke import AEADId, CipherSuite, KDFId, KEMId, KEMKey

# The sender side:
suite_s = CipherSuite.new(KEMId.DHKEM_P256_HKDF_SHA256, KDFId.HKDF_SHA256, AEADId.AES128_GCM)
pkr = KEMKey.from_jwk(  # from_pem is also available.
        "kid": "01",
        "kty": "EC",
        "crv": "P-256",
        "x": "Ze2loSV3wrroKUN_4zhwGhCqo3Xhu1td4QjeQ5wIVR0",
        "y": "HlLtdXARY_f55A3fnzQbPcm6hgr34Mp8p-nuzQCE0Zw",
enc, sender = suite_s.create_sender_context(pkr)
ct = sender.seal(b"Hello world!")

# The recipient side:
suite_r = CipherSuite.new(KEMId.DHKEM_P256_HKDF_SHA256, KDFId.HKDF_SHA256, AEADId.AES128_GCM)
skr = KEMKey.from_jwk(
        "kid": "01",
        "kty": "EC",
        "crv": "P-256",
        "x": "Ze2loSV3wrroKUN_4zhwGhCqo3Xhu1td4QjeQ5wIVR0",
        "y": "HlLtdXARY_f55A3fnzQbPcm6hgr34Mp8p-nuzQCE0Zw",
        "d": "r_kHyZ-a06rmxM3yESK84r1otSg-aQcVStkRhA-iCM8",
recipient = suite_r.create_recipient_context(enc, skr)
pt = recipient.open(ct)

assert pt == b"Hello world!"



You can install PyHPKE with pip:

$ pip install pyhpke

Supported HPKE Modes and Cipher Suites

PyHPKE supports all of the HPKE modes and cipher suites defined in RFC9180 below.

  • modes
    • ✅ Base
    • PSK
    • Auth
    • ✅ AuthPSK
  • KEMs (Key Encapsulation Machanisms)
    • DHKEM (P-256, HKDF-SHA256)
    • ✅ DHKEM (P-384, HKDF-SHA384)
    • DHKEM (P-521, HKDF-SHA512)
    • ✅ DHKEM (X25519, HKDF-SHA256)
    • DHKEM (X448, HKDF-SHA512)
  • KDFs (Key Derivation Functions)
    • HKDF-SHA256
    • ✅ HKDF-SHA384
    • ✅ HKDF-SHA512
  • AEADs (Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data)
    • AES-128-GCM
    • AES-256-GCM
    • ChaCha20Poly1305
    • ✅ Export Only

Warnings and Restrictions

Although this library has been passed all of the following official test vectors, it has not been formally audited.


from pyhpke import AEADId, CipherSuite, KDFId, KEMId, KEMKey

# The sender side:
suite_s = CipherSuite.new(KEMId.DHKEM_P256_HKDF_SHA256, KDFId.HKDF_SHA256, AEADId.AES128_GCM)
pkr = KEMKey.from_jwk(
        "kid": "01",
        "kty": "EC",
        "crv": "P-256",
        "x": "Ze2loSV3wrroKUN_4zhwGhCqo3Xhu1td4QjeQ5wIVR0",
        "y": "HlLtdXARY_f55A3fnzQbPcm6hgr34Mp8p-nuzQCE0Zw",
enc, sender = suite_s.create_sender_context(pkr)
ct = sender.seal(b"Hello world!")

# The recipient side:
suite_r = CipherSuite.new(KEMId.DHKEM_P256_HKDF_SHA256, KDFId.HKDF_SHA256, AEADId.AES128_GCM)
skr = KEMKey.from_jwk(
        "kid": "01",
        "kty": "EC",
        "crv": "P-256",
        "x": "Ze2loSV3wrroKUN_4zhwGhCqo3Xhu1td4QjeQ5wIVR0",
        "y": "HlLtdXARY_f55A3fnzQbPcm6hgr34Mp8p-nuzQCE0Zw",
        "d": "r_kHyZ-a06rmxM3yESK84r1otSg-aQcVStkRhA-iCM8",
recipient = suite_r.create_recipient_context(enc, skr)
pt = recipient.open(ct)

assert pt == b"Hello world!"

API Reference

See Documentation.


You can run tests from the project root after cloning with:

$ tox


We welcome all kind of contributions, filing issues, suggesting new features or sending PRs.


A Python Implementation of HPKE (Hybrid Public Key Encryption)

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%