daizch / ant-design-pro-layout

Ant-design-pro layout repository

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Ant Design Pro Layout


An out-of-box UI solution for enterprise applications as a React boilerplate. This repository is the layout of Ant Design Pro and was developed for quick and easy use of the layout.


npm i @ant-design/pro-layout --save
// or
yarn add @ant-design/pro-layout
import ProLayout from '@ant-design/pro-layout';

render(<ProLayout />, document.getElementById('root'));



All methods at the beginning of the rendering can prevent rendering by passing in false.

Property Description Type Default Value
title layout in the upper left corner title ReactNode 'Ant Design Pro'
logo layout top left logo url ReactNode | ()=>ReactNode -
layout layout menu mode, sidemenu: right navigation, topmenu: top navigation 'sidemenu' | 'topmenu' 'sidemenu'
contentWidth content mode of layout, Fluid: fixed width 1200px, Fixed: adaptive 'Fluid' | 'Fixed' 'Fluid'
navTheme Navigation menu theme 'light' | 'dark' 'dark'
fixedHeader whether to fix header to top boolean false
FixSiderbar Whether to fix navigation menu boolean false
autoHideHeader automatically hide the header when sliding boolean' false
menu About the configuration of the menu, only locale, locale can turn off the globalization of the menu { locale: boolean } { locale: true }
iconfontUrl Use IconFont icon configuration string -
locale The language setting of the layout 'zh-CN' | 'zh-TW' | 'en-US' navigator.language
settings layout settings Settings Settings
siderWidth width of sider menu number 256
collapsed control menu's collapse and expansion boolean true
onCollapse folding collapse event of menu (collapsed: boolean) => void -
headerRender custom header render method (props: BasicLayoutProps) => ReactNode -
footerRender custom footer render method (props: BasicLayoutProps) => ReactNode -
pageTitleRender custom page title render method (props: BasicLayoutProps) => ReactNode -
menuRender custom menu render method (props: HeaderViewProps) => ReactNode -
menuItemRender the render method of a custom menu item (itemProps: MenuDataItem) => ReactNode -
route Used to assist in the generation of menu and bread crumbs. Umi will automatically bring route -


import { SettingDrawer } from '@ant-design/pro-layout';

SettingDrawer provides a graphical interface to set the layout configuration. Not recommended for use in a product environment.

Property Description Type Default Value
settings layout settings Settings Settings
onSettingChange The setting changes event (settings: Settings) => void -

Data Structure

For ease of viewing and use, Typescript is used here to write.


// can be done via import { Settings } from '@ant-design/pro-layout/defaultSettings' to get this type

export interface Settings {
   * theme for nav menu
  navTheme: 'light' | 'dark';
   * primary color of ant design
  primaryColor: string;
   * nav menu position: `sidemenu` or `topmenu`
  layout: 'sidemenu' | 'topmenu';
   * layout of content: `Fluid` or `Fixed`, only works when layout is topmenu
  contentWidth: 'Fluid' | 'Fixed';
   * sticky header
  fixedHeader: boolean;
   * auto hide header
  autoHideHeader: boolean;
   * sticky siderbar
  fixSiderbar: boolean;
  menu: { locale: boolean };
  title: string;
  pwa: boolean;
  // Your custom iconfont Symbol script Url
  // eg://at.alicdn.com/t/font_1039637_btcrd5co4w.js
  // Usage: https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design-pro/pull/3517
  iconfontUrl: string;
  colorWeak: boolean;


// can be imported { MenuDataItem } from '@ant-design/pro-layout/typings' to get this type

export interface MenuDataItem {
  authority?: string[] | string;
  children?: MenuDataItem[];
  hideChildrenInMenu?: boolean;
  hideInMenu?: boolean;
  icon?: string;
  locale?: string;
  name?: string;
  path: string;
  [key: string]: any;


// can be imported { RouterTypes } from '@ant-design/pro-layout/typings'  to get this type
export interface Route {
  path: string;
  routes: Array<{
    exact?: boolean;
    icon: string;
    name: string;
    path: string;
    // optional secondary menu
    children?: Route['routes'];

Browsers support

Modern browsers and IE11.

IE / Edge
IE / Edge
IE11, Edge last 2 versions last 2 versions last 2 versions last 2 versions


Any type of contribution is welcome, here are some examples of how you may contribute to this project:

  • Use Ant Design Pro in your daily work.
  • Submit issues to report bugs or ask questions.
  • Propose pull requests to improve our code.


Ant-design-pro layout repository


License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 85.2%Language:CSS 8.2%Language:JavaScript 6.3%Language:HTML 0.3%