daipozhi / Purpose-Player-2

Purpose Player is a media player that can display 'sound river'

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Purpose player 2 5.0-7

this is a open source software,based on FFmpeg,play audio and video on Windows and Ubuntu,and it can display "sound river".

there is a directory "ffmpeg-6.0-src-5.0-7" ,decompress "ffmpeg-6.0.tar.xz", it create a directory "ffmpeg-6.0" , use files in "ffmpeg-6.0-src-5.0-7/fftools" to replace same name files in directory "ffmpeg-6.0/fftools", and compile it like FFmpeg, copy ffplay(.exe) to "app" directory,then you can play media file.

it can display "sound river",it separate audio to 117 parts by frequency,display it like a river, (use mouse click button "River On"),in the bottom is 20khz audio,in the top is 20hz audio,river moves from left to right.

it can process 2.0 channel audio and 5.1 channel audio,only display left channel(1 channel) audio.

you can goto http://ffmpeg.org/download.html to download ffmpeg-6.0.tar.xz, or you can download in this web page.

How to compile:

on windows, you need install Msys64+MinGW64,

on Ubuntu 14.04/16.04/18.04/20.04/22.04/Linux Mint 20/21 you need install gcc,please input below command:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential

and then install SDL2,please input below command:

sudo apt-get update
sudo add-apt-repository universe
sudo apt-get install libsdl2-2.0
sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev

if system say : E: Package 'libsdl2-dev' has no installation candidate

please run below command again:

sudo apt-get update
sudo add-apt-repository universe

and install libsdl2-dev again:

sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev

if you still can't install SDL2, you can install SDL2 by source code, download SDL2-2.26.5.tar.gz (you can goto http://www.libsdl.org/download-2.0.php to download these files, or you can download it on this web page)

decompress SDL2-2.26.5.tar.gz and run

make -j
sudo make install

and then: decompress yasm-1.3.0.tar.gz and run

make -j
sudo make install

then goto directory "ffmpeg-6.0" and run

make -j

copy ffplay(.exe) to app directory ,ffplay(.exe) in directory "ffmpeg-6.0"

before you run ffplay(.exe),if you installed SDL2 by source code,you need goto directory "SDL2-2.26.5", run command "sudo make uninstall"(unload development library).

On windows or Ubuntu 14.04/16.04(32bit)/22.04 or Linux Mint 21,you can double click "ffplay(.exe)" icon to run it ,if you are on Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 or Linux Mint 20, you need open terminal window, move to "app" directory ,input command "./ffplay" to run it .

version 4.0.1-17 use SDL2,supports window resize,supports mouse wheel,supports volume change.

version 4.0.1-20 can display utf8 characters.

version 4.0.1-25 is much faster.

version 4.1.2-1 supports 8K minitor and has better utf8 character font .

version 4.1.2-2 has better utf8 character font .

version 4.1.2-7 has better file name compare .

version 5.0-4 to version 5.0-7 fixed 4 bugs, all about audio resample .

小戴媒体播放器2 5.0-7

是一个开源软件,全媒体,包括视频,音频,跨平台(Windows 7/10,Ubuntu),可以显示声音河流 .

这里有目录ffmpeg-6.0-src-5.0-7,解压ffmpeg-6.0.tar.xz,将创建ffmpeg-6.0目录, 用ffmpeg-6.0-src-5.0-7/fftools里的文件,替换掉ffmpeg-6.0/fftools里的同名文件, 按照原来一样的方法编译,然后把ffplay(.exe)拷贝到app目录.

可以显示声音河流,把声音按照频率分成117段,象显示一条河流一样显示出来, (点击窗口右下角的"River On"),最下面的是20KHz,最上面的是20Hz,河流从左向右流动,


你可以在 http://ffmpeg.org/download.html 下载 ffmpeg-6.0.tar.xz ,或者在当前页面下载。



如果是Ubuntu 14.04/16.04/18.04/20.04/22.04/Linux Mint 20/21 需要先安装gcc:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential


sudo apt-get update
sudo add-apt-repository universe
sudo apt-get install libsdl2-2.0
sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev

如果系统说 : E: Package 'libsdl2-dev' has no installation candidate


sudo apt-get update
sudo add-apt-repository universe


sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev

如果你还是不能安装SDL2,可以下载源代码SDL2-2.26.5.tar.gz,你可以在 http://www.libsdl.org/download-2.0.php 下载这些文件,或者在当前页面下载。

把 SDL2-2.26.5.tar.gz 展开 在 SDL2-2.26.5 目录下运行:

make -j
sudo make install

然后: 把 yasm-1.3.0.tar 展开 在 yasm-1.3.0 目录下运行:

make -j
sudo make install

在 ffmpeg-6.0 目录下运行:

make -j

把ffplay(.exe)拷贝到app目录. ffplay(.exe) 在 ffmpeg-6.0 目录下

在运行ffplay(.exe)之前,如果你用源代码安装SDL2,需要在 SDL2-2.26.5 目录下运行sudo make uninstall.(把开发库卸载)

在 Windows 或者 Ubuntu 14.04/16.04(32bit)/22.04/Linux Mint 21上面 , 双击ffplay(.exe)图标就可以运行 ,在 Ubuntu 18.04/20.04/Linux Mint 20 上面 ,你需要打开Terminal窗口 ,移动到app目录 ,输入命令"./ffplay" 去运行 .







5.0-4版本到5.0-7版本改掉了4个bug,都是关于audio resample的.


Purpose Player is a media player that can display 'sound river'

License:GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1


Language:C 99.6%Language:Makefile 0.4%