daintlab / supervised-contrastive-embedding

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Supervised Contrastive Embedding for Medical Image Segmentation

This repository provides an official pytorch lightning implementation of "Supervised Contrastive Embedding for Medical Image Segmentation".

Framework Overview



ubuntu 18.0.4, cuda 10.2
python 3.8
torch >= 1.7.1
torchvision >= 0.8.2
pytorch-lightning >= 1.1.8
comet-ml (optional)


Following Datasets are used in our paper.

  • Liver segmentation : LiTS Dataset - Paper
  • Brain tumor segmentation : BraTS 2018 training dataset - Paper
  • Lung segmentation : JSRT, MC,SZ
  • Spinal cord segmentation : Spinal cord grey matter segmentation challenge - Paper

Data preparation

Please refer to our paper for the preprocessing procedure of each dataset. Prepare the preprocessed dataset in the following format. Images and their corresponding labels(segmentation mask) must have the same file name. For source segmentation datasets(LiTS, BraTS), the train and test folders should contain two subfolders each containing images and labels. For domain generalization datasets(lung, spinal cord), each domain folders should contain four subfolders each. The image and label folders directly under the domain folder should contain all the images and labels of the domain respectively.

# For source segmentation dataset(LiTS, BraTS)

LiTS / train / image / 0.png
                     / 1.png
                     / ...
             / label / 0.png
                     / 1.png
                     / ...
     / test  / image / 0.png
                     / 1.png
                     / ...
             / label / 0.png
                     / 1.png
                     / ...
# For domain generalization dataset(Lung, spinal cord)

lung_seg / JSRT_dataset / image / 0.png
                                / 1.png
                                / ...
                        / label / 0.png
                                / 1.png
                                / ...
                        / train / image / 0.png
                                        / 1.png
                                        / ...
                                / label / 0.png
                                        / 1.png
                                        / ...
                        / test  / image / 0.png
                                        / 1.png
                                        / ...
                                / label / 0.png
                                        / 1.png
                                        / ...
         / MC_dataset   / ...
         / SZ_dataset   / ...


Following training commands are examples of 4-gpus training. You can simply change --gpus to your available number of gpus.

Train Baseline (Source segmentation)

Trained model will be saved in <Your save Path>.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python main.py --gpus 4 --data-path <Your Data Path> \
                                            --arch 'unet' --encoder 'resnet34' \
                                            --batch-size 16 --loss-weight 0 \
                                            --max-epochs 120 --default-root-dir <Your Save Path>

Train SCE (Source segmentation)

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python main.py --gpus 4 --data-path <Your Data Path> \
                                            --arch 'unet' --encoder 'resnet34' \
                                            --batch-size 16 --loss-weight 1.0 \
                                            --max-epochs 120 --default-root-dir <Your Save Path> \
                                            --n-max-pos 128 --neg-multiplier 6

Train SCE+linear (Source segmentation)

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python main.py --gpus 4 --data-path <Your Data Path> \
                                            --arch 'unet' --encoder 'resnet34' \
                                            --batch-size 16 --loss-weight 1.0 \
                                            --max-epochs 120 --default-root-dir <Your Save Path> \
                                            --n-max-pos 128 --neg-multiplier 6 \
                                            --boundary-aware --sampling-type 'linear'

Train Baseline (Domain generalization)

Pass the path to each domain to the arguments. Data in data-path, source-data-path2, source-data-path3 will be concatenated to form source dataset.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python main.py --gpus 4 --data-path <Your Data Path> \
                                            --arch 'unet' --encoder 'resnet50' \
                                            --batch-size 8 --loss-weight 0 \
                                            --max-epochs 120 --default-root-dir <Your Save Path> \
                                            --source-data-path2 <Your Data Path> \
                                            --source-data-path3 <Your Data Path>

Evaluate Domain generalization performance

Pass the path to the target domain and the saved model to target-data-path and model-path respectively. Evaluation will be proceeded in single gpu and the performance will be saved in model-path.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python domain_test.py --data-path <Your Data Path> \
                                             --source-data-path2 <Your Data Path> \
                                             --source-data-path3 <Your Data Path> \
                                             --target-data-path <Your Data Path> \
                                             --model-path <Path to your saved model>
                                             --arch 'unet' --encoder 'resnet50'

Comet ML

You can monitor your training progress with comet ML by activating --logging argument. Make sure the following environment variables are set properly before you run the source code. Please modify workspace name in main.py.

export COMET_API_KEY=<Your API Key> 
export COMET_PROJECT_NAME=<Your Project Name>


Args Description Default Type
default-root-dir Checkpoint save path './logs' str
gpus Number of gpus 8 int
logging Whether to use Comet ML - action='store_true'
exp Experiment name in Comet ML 'test' str
data-path Path to dataset - str
source-data-path2 Path to another source domain - str
source-data-path3 Path to another source domain - str
arch Type of architecture choices=['unet','unetpp','dlabv3','dlabv3p'] str
encoder Type of encoder choices=['resnet34','resnet50'] str
batch-size Training batch size 32 int
lr Learning rate 0.01 float
optim Optimizer 'sgd' str
loss-weight Weight of contrastive loss 1.0 float
boundary-aware Boundary-aware sampling - action='store_true'
sampling-type Type of boundary-aware sampling 'fixed' str
n-max-pos Number of positive features to use 64 int
neg-multiplier Multiplier to define number of negative features 6 int
max-epochs Train epoch 120 int


Results on LiTS

Method Arch Precision(%) Recall(%) Dice(%) ACD ASD NLL
Baseline U-Net 88.37 85.41 85.43 6.30 6.96 0.099
SCE U-Net 92.22 86.85 87.57 5.20 5.51 0.063
SCE+fixed U-Net 92.10 87.38 87.90 5.02 5.31 0.062
SCE+random U-Net 91.85 87.67 88.02 5.07 5.41 0.064
SCE+linear U-Net 92.56 87.85 88.36 4.85 5.15 0.054

Results on Lung segmentation(MC,SZ->JSRT)

Method Arch Source Target
Dice(%) ACD NLL Dice(%) ACD NLL
Baseline U-Net 96.15 1.53 0.056 95.62 1.93 0.073
SCE U-Net 96.21 1.5 0.054 96.05 1.73 0.063
SCE+linear U-Net 96.18 1.52 0.055 96.19 1.68 0.06

More results can be found in the paper.


License:MIT License


Language:Python 98.5%Language:Shell 1.5%