dainiusjocas / vespa-colbert-tricks

Limit the amount of chunks to be embeded; feed precomputed ColBERT tensors

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


While working with the ColBERT embeddings and Vespa some tricks might be helpful. This repo presents 2 such tricks:

  1. Limit the length of docs to be embedded
  2. Feed precomputed ColBERT tensors

Why? Because colbert-embedder is heavy and without GPU and with large docs you might have to wait a long time until embeddings are calculated.

Disclaimer: most of the code in this repo is shamelessly copied from the Vespa sample app.


Vespa(>=8.324.16) running locally, vespa-cli, and jq.

docker run --rm --detach \
  --name vespa \      
  --publish 8080:8080 \
  --publish 19071:19071 \
  --publish 19050:19050 \

Limit the length of documents to be embedded

The problem: say you have many documents most of which are short Slack messages but some are long documents, e.g. CSV file with 1000+ lines, and each line of these CSV are split into a chunk. In general, you want all docs to be searchable, and to use ColBERT as a reranker. But reranking on these long CSVs might not be the most useful thing. Also, they can clog the embedder. It might be wise not to embed those anomalously long documents.

To do that we can do some trickery with the indexing language. First, let's see the entire field definition here:

field colbert type tensor<int8>(context{}, token{}, v[16]) {
    indexing {
        0 | set_var chunk_cnt;
        input text | for_each {
            get_var chunk_cnt + 1 | set_var chunk_cnt
        if (get_var chunk_cnt < 3) {
            input text | embed colbert context | attribute;
        } else { "" };

In the indexing block we:

  1. Calculate the amount of chunks by iterating over the text array.
  2. Compare the chunk_cnt with our magic constant of documents that are "too long" e.g. 3 chunks are too much to handle.
  3. Call the colbert embedder.

Feed the sample doc:

echo '{
  "fields": {
    "text": ["one", "two"]
  "put": "id:doc:doc::1"
}' | vespa feed -

Check if embeddings are calculated:

vespa visit --field-set 'doc:[document],colbert'

See that colbert field contains a tensor. The chunk count is under our threshold of 2.

Overwrite the doc:

echo '{
  "fields": {
    "text": ["one", "two", "three"]
  "put": "id:doc:doc::1"
}' | vespa feed -

Check if embeddings are calculated:

vespa visit --field-set 'doc:[document],colbert'

The output should be:


See that there is no colbert field. It is so because there were too many chunks.

NOTE: until the issue with ifs in the for_each is solved it is not possible (or at least I can't come up with a solution) to limit the amount of chunks to be embedded per doc in the indexing language, e.g. embed only the first 10 chunks. Of course, a custom document processor could do this job.

NOTE: the same trick works for other Vespa embedders.

UPDATE: as of Vespa 8.307.19 the above trick fails when an empty list is provided, e.g.:

echo '{
  "fields": {
    "text": []
  "put": "id:doc:doc::1"
}' | vespa feed -

The progress on this bug is tracked here.

Update: as of Vespa 8.324.16 the above is no longer a problem.

Feed precomputed ColBERT tensors

If you want to transfer a dataset that contains embeddings between Vespa deployments, e.g. from production to your local laptop. The trick is:

  1. Define a document field of the same type as the ColBERT synthetic field, e.g. colbert2.
  2. While visiting export also the colbert tensor.
  3. The main colbert2 field makes an attribute either from the document field if provided or calculates the embeddings.

Simplified schema with all the other details removed:

schema doc {
    document doc {
        field text type array<string> {}
        field colbert_doc_field type tensor<int8>(context{}, token{}, v[16]) {}
    field colbert2 type tensor<int8>(context{}, token{}, v[16]) {
       indexing: ((input colbert_doc_field) || (input text | embed colbert context)) | attribute

Feed a sample document to Vespa:

echo '{
  "fields": {
    "text": ["one", "two", "three"]
  "put": "id:doc:doc::1"
}' | vespa feed -

Check if embedder has done its job.

vespa visit --field-set 'doc:[document],colbert2'

Let's decipher the field-set parameter:

  • doc is for the document type in the schema
  • [document] is one of the standard field sets
  • ,colbert2 also asks to return the synthetic field named colbert2

This should return a bunch of numbers under colbert2:


Visit the document, transform the JSON, and store it to a file:

vespa visit --field-set 'doc:[document],colbert2' \
| jq -c '
  .fields.colbert_doc_field = .fields.colbert2
  | del(.fields.colbert2)
  | del(.fields.text)
' > doc1.jsonl

Transformations here are 2:

  1. Rename field from to
  2. Remove text so that no inference should happen.

Delete the document

vespa document remove "id:doc:doc::1"

There should be 0 docs in the index:

vespa query 'select * from sources * where true'

Feed the saved document once again:

vespa feed doc1.jsonl 

Check if the ColBERT tensor is in place.

vespa visit --field-set 'doc:[document],colbert2'

See that the colbert2 field contains a tensor from our doc1.jsonl file.


NOTE: the ColBERT tensors are compressed by the embedder. Uncompressed also works the same way.

UPDATE: there is even a cleaner way to express the above idea: the select_input statement, e.g.:

field colbert3 type tensor<int8>(context{}, token{}, v[16]) {
    indexing {
        select_input {
            colbert_doc_field: input colbert_doc_field | attribute;
            text: input text | embed colbert context | attribute;

One downside the select_input has is that only one indexing expression can be specified in each branch.


The 2 tricks described above can be combined, i.e. embedding short docs unless the tensor is provided in the document field. The actual implementation is left as an exercise for the dear reader.


Limit the amount of chunks to be embeded; feed precomputed ColBERT tensors

License:Apache License 2.0