daikini / fixture

Combine the power of fixtures and mocks in one

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Fixture allows creation of fixture data inline inside of tests rather than creating them in separate fixture files.


Let's say that your application has a Person model and each person is required to have a unique email address.

class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
  validates_uniqueness_of :email_address

Using the normal fixture file in test/fixtures/people.yml you would add a person entry with an email address you could test against.

  id: 1
  name: Cosmo Spacely
  email_address: cosmo@sprockets.com
Then in your test/unit/person.rb unit test you would have a test something like this:

require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper'

class PersonTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
  fixtures :people

  def test_should_require_unique_email_address
    person = Person.new :email_address => "cosmo@sprockets.com"
    assert !person.valid?
    assert_equal "has already been taken", person.errors.on(:email_address)

    person = Person.new :email_address => "john.smith@example.com"
    assert_nil person.errors.on(:email_address)

To change this example to use the fixture method you would simply remove the call to fixtures :people that loaded the yaml fixture file.
Then in the test method you would add a call to the new fixture method and pass in the data that should be loaded.

require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper'

class PersonTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
  # We don't need to load the people fixtures anymore
  # fixtures :people
  def test_should_require_unique_email_address
    # The fixture method will load in the data we need for this test
    fixture :person, :email_address => "cosmo@sprockets.com"
    person = Person.new :email_address => "cosmo@sprockets.com"
    assert !person.valid?
    assert_equal "has already been taken", person.errors.on(:email_address)

    person = Person.new :email_address => "john.smith@example.com"
    assert_nil person.errors.on(:email_address)

Copyright (c) 2007 [Jonathan Younger], released under the MIT license


Combine the power of fixtures and mocks in one

License:MIT License