dahu / VimRegexTutor

A vimtutor clone for learning Regular Expressions in Vim

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A "hands on" regular expression tutorial for users of the Vim editor.

If you like VimRegexTutor and want to share the W00t!, I’m grateful for tips or beverages.
Project Page



Barry Arthur <barry.arthur@gmail.com>


Beta, feedback welcome

Adapted From


Most new users can get through it in less than one hour. The result is that you can use simple regular expressions using the Vim editor.


The :VimRegextutor command will open a new tab containing an editable copy of the tutorial. Have at it!

Old School

regextutor is a file that contains the tutorial lessons. You can simply execute vim regextutor and then follow the instructions in the lessons. The lessons tell you to modify the file, so DON’T DO THIS ON YOUR ORIGINAL COPY.

On Unix you can also use the vimregextutor program. It will make a scratch copy of the tutor first. Currently, this program needs to be manually installed into a directory in your PATH. Assuming you used pathogen to install VimRegexTutor, you could do something like:

mkdir -p bin
ln -s $HOME/.vim/bundle/VimRegexTutor/bin/vimregextutor $HOME/bin/vimregextutor

NOTE: This is a once-off setup and won’t need to be repeated after upgrading VimRegexTutor.


A vimtutor clone for learning Regular Expressions in Vim


Language:Vim Script 75.2%Language:Shell 24.8%