dahal / redpotion

We believe iPhone development should be clean, scalable, and fast with a language that developers not only enjoy, but actively choose. With the advent of Ruby for iPhone development the RubyMotion community has combined and tested the most active and powerful gems into a single package called RedPotion

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We believe iPhone development should be clean, scalable, and fast with a language that developers not only enjoy, but actively choose. With the advent of Ruby for iPhone development the RubyMotion community has combined and tested the most active and powerful gems into a single package called RedPotion

RedPotion combines RMQ, ProMotion, CDQ, AFMotion, MotionPrint and MORE!. It also adds new features to better integrate RMQ with ProMotion. The goal is simply to choose standard libraries and promote best practices, allowing you to develop iOS apps in record time.


The makers of RMQ at InfiniteRed and the creators of ProMotion at ClearSight as well as David Larrabee have teamed up to create the ultimate RubyMotion library.

image               image

ProMotion for screens and RMQ for styles, animations, traversing, events, etc.

Plugins and Add-ons

You can use both RMQ Plugins and ProMotion Add-ons



Quick start

gem install redpotion

potion create my_app
rake pod:install


  • gem install redpotion

If you use rbenv

  • rbenv rehash

add it to your Gemfile:

  • gem 'redpotion'

Let's build something

Let's start by creating our app, do this:

> potion create myapp
> cd myapp
> bundle
> rake pod:install
> rake

Your app should be running now. Type exit in console to stop your app.

Let's add a text field, a button, and an image to the main screen:

Open the home_screen.rb file, then add this

@image_url = append!(UITextField, :image_url)

append UIButton, :go_button

@sample_image = append!(UIImageView, :sample_image)

Delete this line:

@hello_world = append!(UILabel, :hello_world)

Now we need to style them so you can see them on your screen.

Open up home_screen_stylesheet.rb, then add this:

def image_url(st)
  st.frame = {left: 20, from_right: 20, top: 80, height: 30}
  st.background_color = color.light_gray

def go_button(st)
  st.frame = {below_prev: 10, from_right: 20, width: 40, height: 30}
  st.text = "go"
  st.background_color = color.blue
  st.color = color.white

def sample_image(st)
  st.frame = {left: 20, below_prev: 10, from_right: 20, from_bottom: 20}
  st.background_color = color.gray

  # an example of using the view directly
  st.view.contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit

Now let's add the logic. When the user enters a URL to an image in the text field, then tap Go, it shows the picture in the image view below.

Let's add the event to the go_button:

Replace this:

append UIButton, :go_button

With this:

append(UIButton, :go_button).on(:touch) do |sender|
  @sample_image.remote_image = @image_url.text
  @image_url.resignFirstResponder # Closes keyboard

You should end up with this on_load method:

def on_load
  set_nav_bar_button :left, system_item: :camera, action: :nav_left_button
  set_nav_bar_button :right, title: "Right", action: :nav_right_button

  @image_url = append!(UITextField, :image_url)

  append(UIButton, :go_button).on(:touch) do |sender|
    @sample_image.remote_image = @image_url.text
    @image_url.resignFirstResponder # Closes keyboard

  @sample_image = append!(UIImageView, :sample_image)

Now paste this URL in and hit Go http://bit.ly/18iMhwc

You should have this:


New generators to integrate RMQ & ProMotion nicely

Our new generators allow you to create your ProMotion screen and stylesheet template to let you hit the ground running. Currently the following RedPotion generators exist:

potion create screen foo
potion create table_screen foo
potion create view foo

# All rmq generators work with the potion command as well
potion create model foo
potion create shared foo
potion create lib foo

# rmq controller generators also still exist
# but screens are preferred to get the redpotion value
potion create controller foo
potion create collection_view_controller foos
potion create table_view_controller bars

# RedPotion includes CDQ and afmotion by default, if you don't need these gems
# we have provided command line tasks to remove either of them
potion remove cdq
potion remove afmotion

New features for RMQ

find is aliased to rmq so you can use it for a more natural reading code:

find(my_view).children.nudge(right: 10)

You can use app directly in code, which is the same as rmq.app

So you also get window, device, and delegate from that.


You can use the following in a UIView or Screen or UIViewController without prefacing it with rmq:


Stylesheet in your screens

You can specify the stylesheet in your screen like so:

class HomeScreen < PM::Screen
  title "RedPotion"
  stylesheet HomeStylesheet

  def on_load

rmq_build can now be called on_load

You can use either rmq_build or on_load, they do exactly the same thing. You can only use one or the other. on_load is preferred as it matches the screen's onload.

class Section < UIView
  def on_load
    apply_style :section

    append(UIButton, :section_button).on(:touch) do
      mp "Button touched"

Remote image loading for UIImageView styler

You can set remote_image to a URL string or an instance of NSURL and it will automatically fetch the image and set the image (with caching) using the power of JMImageCache.

class MyStylesheet < ApplicationStylesheet
  def my_ui_image_view(st)
    # placeholder_image= is just an alias to image=
    # Set the placeholder image you want from your resources directory
    st.placeholder_image = image.resource("my_placeholder")
    # Set the remote URL. It will be applied to the UIImageView
    # when downloaded or retrieved from the local cache.
    st.remote_image = "http://www.rubymotion.com/img/rubymotion-logo.png"
    # or st.remote_image = NSURL.urlWithString(...)

In order to use this feature, you must add the JMIMageCache cocoapod to your project:

app.pods do
  pod 'JMImageCache'

New features for ProMotion

ProMotion 2.2.0 added on_load and on_styled to match RedPotion

RedPotion specific features

UIColor has a with method. Allowing you to build a color from an existing color easily

# for example that time you want your existing color, but with a slight change
color.my_custom_color.with(a: 0.5)

Full listing of Gems and Pods for RedPotion




  1. Create an issue in GitHub to make sure your PR will be accepted.
  2. Fork it
  3. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create new Pull Request


We believe iPhone development should be clean, scalable, and fast with a language that developers not only enjoy, but actively choose. With the advent of Ruby for iPhone development the RubyMotion community has combined and tested the most active and powerful gems into a single package called RedPotion


Language:Ruby 100.0%