daggerok / testcontainers-selenide-complex-system-e2e-tests

https://github.com/daggerok/testcontainers-examples Testing complex dockerized microservices system with Selenide e2e integration tests based on TestContainers Selenium remote web-driver

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

TestContainers in action

Testing complex dockerized microservices system with Selenide e2e integration tests based on TestContainers Selenium remote web-driver

Status: Please, check this repo instead.

                         Spring    Remote Web                Micro Profile   Spring            PG
    +-----------+ Maven +------+     Driver     +----------+  REST client  +---------+ R2DBC +----+
    | CI runner | <---> | E2E  | <------------> | Frontend | <-----------> | Backend | <---> | DB |
    +-----------+       +------+    Selenide    +----------+     HTTP      +---------+       +----+
      Travis CI           Boot                     Quarkus                    Boot             H2



https://github.com/daggerok/testcontainers-examples Testing complex dockerized microservices system with Selenide e2e integration tests based on TestContainers Selenium remote web-driver


Language:Java 85.7%Language:JavaScript 5.6%Language:TSQL 3.9%Language:HTML 3.3%Language:CSS 1.4%