dafurman / SwiftLog

SwiftLog wraps unwieldy use of os_log calls into prettier syntax!

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SwiftLog wraps unwieldy use of os_log calls into prettier syntax!

Begone days of Obj-C-style string interpolation! "%@", value -> "\(value)"

There are two ways of using SwiftLog, to allow for some flexibility in usage.

1. Log(self)
struct UserFlowCoordinator { 
    func login() {
        os_log("User %{public}@ logged in", log: OSLog.UserFlowCoordinator, type: .info, username)

Can become

struct UserFlowCoordinator { 
    func login() {
        Log(self).info("User \(username) logged in")
2. Log("Category")

You can simply specify the category as a string:

Log("Category").info("User \(username) logged in")

PII Note:

In order to support string interpolation in the message parameter of Log, %public is used in the underlying call to os_log. Therefore, sensitive information should not be included in the message parameter of any logging functions.`


SwiftLog wraps unwieldy use of os_log calls into prettier syntax!


Language:Swift 100.0%