daftspaniel / np8080

A web based text editor written with AngularDart.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

np8080 0.0.31

NOTE : NP8080 is currently moving to Dart 2 and Angular 5 - things will be bumpy!

NP8080 is a simple notepad type app for the web with some text processing features. It is lightweight and fast to load. 100% functionality when offline so great for Chromebooks.

NP8080 Screenshot

I use it daily as a scratchpad, a markdown editor and for notes. Particularly handy when working in the context of a web browser as switching tabs is far smoother than switching applications.

You can try it out here.

Feature requests, bug reports and pull requests welcome!

Development Details

NP8080 is written in Angular Dart and can be hosted on any web server as it is client-side. Find out more about Dart.

Build Status

Currently not running Run tests with (note tests mostly moved to sub-packages):

  • pub run test

Run in development with:

  • pub run build_runner serve

Build for deployment with:

  • pub run build_runner build --config=release -o .build

Check source code formatting:

  • dartfmt -n .


A web based text editor written with AngularDart.

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Dart 66.1%Language:HTML 22.8%Language:CSS 11.1%