daenamkim / pepe

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



PePe Logo

PePe is an app to play around Peer-To-Peer using PeerJS. Also it can be converted to desktop app such as macOS, Windows and Linux.

Play Demo Online

Open the link as below in two browser tabs and follow here to play.

PePe Demo

Play On Local Environment

From now on, we are going to do peer-to-peer connection between Web App and Desktop App.


First, clone this repository to your environment.

Install packages.

$ yarn

Run yarn electron-dev then you can see a desktop app populated and access a web app through the browser.

$ yarn electron-dev

Desktop App

PePe Desktop App

Web App

Access http://localhost:3000 then you can see as below.

PePe Web App

Connection Between Apps.

OK everything is ready. Let's connect between two apps.

  1. Copy a Your PeerJS ID from the web app and paste it to Peer ID in the desktop app (or vice versa).
  2. Click CONNECT in the desktop app.

NOTICE: Sometimes connection fails because each ID has a lifetime limit and code is using a test signaling server provided from PeerJS unstable occasionally. Feel free to run again. :)

PePe Connecting

  1. Connection succeeded then you can see as below then send a text or a file to each peer and download it.

PePe Connected

Distribution To A Desktop App

If you want to distribute this app, just run yarn electron-pack. (Wait for minutes.)

$ yarn electron-pack


  • rebuilding native production dependencies platform=win32 arch=x64
  • rebuilding native dependency name=fsevents
  • cannot build optional native dep dep=fsevents
  • packaging       platform=win32 arch=x64 electron=3.0.8 appOutDir=dist/win-unpacked
  • default Electron icon is used reason=application icon is not set
  • building        target=nsis file=dist/app Setup 0.1.0.exe archs=x64 oneClick=true
  • building embedded block map file=dist/app-0.1.0-mac.zip
  • building block map blockMapFile=dist/app Setup 0.1.0.exe.blockmap
✨  Done in 284.98s.

After finishing build, in dist directory you can see binary files for macOS, Linux and Windows.

PePe Distributions

TODO in the future

  • Multiple connections of peers.
  • Building up a signaling server using Serverless.
  • Automatic getting candidate nodes on running client app.
  • Cool TDD.

Useful Resources



Language:JavaScript 79.8%Language:HTML 12.7%Language:CSS 7.5%