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[Paper 163] Artifact Evaluation Package

This is a replicability package for the CAV2021 paper 163, "Computing Bottom SCCs Symbolically Using Transition Guided Reduction". It contains the implementation of algorithms presented in the paper, as well as all benchmark models used for experiments. This readme then contains instructions on how to re-compute main experimental results of the paper. The instructions should be compatible with unix-based systems (Linux, MacOS). The main binaries are also compatible with Windows, so you should be able to run individual tests, but the benchmark automation requires unix-specific utilities.

There is also a virtual machine for this evaluation package available at zenodo (username and password are elementary). However, this package only requires installation of rather basic dependencies (Python 3, Rust compiler, and LaTeX to generate the figures) with no extra configuration, so we encourage you to just follow the instructions directly on your machine.

The original paper evaluates three benchmark sets (together over 300 models) and uses a timeout of 1 hour for each computation. As a consequence of this timeout, comparisons with slower algorithms can take a very long time (>24h) to complete. To make the evaluation feasible, we provide the option to set custom timeout (1 minute is usually sufficient to demonstrate the point). The generated figures will be thus cut-off at the chosen timeout, whereas in the paper, they extend to the full one hour span.

Installing Dependencies

On the artifact virtual machine, all dependencies are pre-installed and you can skip this step.

  • This package uses python3 for running benchmark automation scripts. Please make sure you have Python 3 installed and available (the exact version used by authors is 3.9.2).

  • To run individual benchmarks, we use timeout (or gtimeout on MacOS) to enforce a time limit for each benchmark, so please also make sure you have coreutils installed. On Linux, these are usually included out of the box, on MacOS, you can use brew to install them using brew install coreutils.

  • To also run comparisons with CABEAN, you should have an environmental variable CABEAN_BIN set to the path of the CABEAN binary (if you don't want to run CABEAN, you can skip this step). CABEAN can be downloaded here. The 2.0.0 release is also included in this artifact inside the CABEAN directory, so that you can set CABEAN_BIN to either CABEAN/MacOS/cabean or CABEAN/WindowsLinux/cabean if you want to use the bundled version.

  • Finally, you will need the Rust compiler. We recommend following the instructions on rustlang.org (default configuration should be sufficient) instead of using a package manager, however either method should work ok. When using the official installer, everything is stored in ~/.cargo, so admin privilages are not necessary. Once you are done, you can uninstall the compiler by running rustup self uninstall. The tested version of Rust is 1.50.0 (Feb 2021), but the project should be backwards compatible at least up to the "Rust 2018" edition...

  • Rust will automatically download and cache all other libraries necessary to compile the project. You should therefore have internet access while running the commands for the first time. You can force rust do download all dependencies by running cargo fetch.

  • To generate the comaprison figures, you need LaTeX. Please follow installation instructions for your platform. Alternatively, you can simply compare .csv output files instead of figures, in which case LaTeX is not necessary.

  • You can run python3 env_test.py to verify that your machine is set up correctly. You should get an output similar to this:

    CABEAN path: CABEAN-release-2.0.0/BinaryFile/MacOS/cabean
    CABEAN executable ok.
    Timeout utility ok.
    Rust compiler installed.
    rustc 1.50.0 (cb75ad5db 2021-02-10)
    >>>>>>>>>> CHECK COMPLETED

Benchmark models

We evaluate three benchmark sets. Since our implementation requires .aeon files and CABEAN requires .bnet file format, benchmark sets contain multiple copies of the same model, but in different formats.

  • benchmarks_real_life is a collection of 125 real life models (up to 350 variables) from diferent model databases and tools. In benchmarks_sbml, there are corresponding original SBML files as well as links to the sources where the models were obtained.
  • benchmarks_random are 100 randomly generated models ranging from 30 to 1000 variables.
  • [optional] benchmarks_random_1000 are 100 randomly generated models, all with approximately 1000 variables. This benchmark set is quite resource-intensive (even the best algorithm will take several hours to complete the whole run), so we mark this as an "optional" evaluation step.

[Optional] Random model generator

If you want to inspect the random model generator, the source is available in ./src/bin/benchmark_generator.rs and can be executed in the following way:

# Generate 100 models with 20-200 variables into a `my_benchmark` directory.
# The file names will be `[benchmark_id]_[variables]_[regulations].aeon`
cargo run --release --bin benchmark_generator -- 20 200 my_benchmark

To convert models from .aeon to .bnet, you can use another binary (source located in ./src/bin/aeon_to_bnet.rs):

# Convert all `.aeon` files in `./my_benchmark` to `.bnet`, and
# place them into `./my_benchmark_bnet`.
cargo run --release --bin aeon_to_bnet -- my_benchmark my_benchmark_bnet

Running benchmarks

To execute all benchmarks in a particular directory, please run:

# Arguments: timeout, benchmark folder, algorithm, plus optional `-i` flag 
# that enables "interactive" mode.
python3 bench_run.py 1m <bench_folder> ITGR 

The script will automatically compile the test binaries, or check that CABEAN is installed if you are trying to use it. It then takes three mandatory arguments:

  • The timeout string: you can use for example 10s, 1m , 10m, 1h, ..., but 1m or 30s is usually sufficient.

  • The benchmark folder. Warning: this is not an arbirary path; you have to run the benchmark script inside the artifact root folder.

  • Algorithm: This can be CABEAN, ITGR, TGR or BASIC. See paper for description of each.

  • Additionally, you can add an -i flag, which will then force the script to prompt you before each benchmark and give you the option to skip it.

The benchmark will print every command that is being executed, so for debugging, you can also copy these commands and execute them separately. We recommend you first start an interactive benchmark run to verify everything is working (you can always terminate an interactive run by typing abort before the next benchmark), for example:

python3 bench_run.py 10s benchmarks_real_life ITGR -i

If everything works, you can execute the same command without -i and it should go through all benchmarks automatically.

As output, the run will create a new folder benchmarks_real_life_run_[timestamp] that contains the output of each command as a separate file, as well as two .csv files that contain (1) the runtime of each command (*_times.csv) and (2) the number of commands that finished before a certain time (*_aggregated.csv).

Real life benchmarks

To compute results for the real life models, execute the following four commands:

python3 bench_run.py 1m benchmarks_real_life ITGR
python3 bench_run.py 1m benchmarks_real_life TGR
python3 bench_run.py 1m benchmarks_real_life CABEAN
python3 bench_run.py 1m benchmarks_real_life BASIC

The first three runs should be relatively fast, finishing in several minutes. The last run is the slowest algorithm and can take roughly one hour to complete all instances. If you do not have enough time, you can also replace 1m with 30s, or even a smaller value, but keep in mind that then your data will be cut off at that timepoint.

If you have enough CPU cores available, feel free to run the commands in parallel so that all four experiments can run concurrently.

Random benchmarks

Similarly, you can compute the (smaller) random benchmarks using these commands:

python3 bench_run.py 30s benchmarks_random ITGR
python3 bench_run.py 30s benchmarks_random TGR
python3 bench_run.py 30s benchmarks_random CABEAN
python3 bench_run.py 30s benchmarks_random BASIC

These benchmarks contain larger models that will timeout more, and will therefore take longer to complete. We thus recommend a 30s timeout. With 1m timeout, the slower algorithms can take up to 100 minutes to complete. With 30s, this should be a slightly more reasonable 50 minutes.

[optional] You can also try computing instances in the benchmarks_random_1000, but to the best of our knowledge, TGR, CABEAN or BASIC cannot compute even a single benchmark in this set. For the ITGR algorithm, the runtime should be usually around 10-15 minutes per model.

Compare results

Once the results are computed, you can compare them to the files in expected_real_life_1m and expected_random_1m folders. Here, we included our output from the experiments in the format as captured by the benchmark runner.

If you wish to compare the results visually, you can copy the *_aggregated.csv files from your test runs to the figures folder, where we have a prepared figures.tex document which will automatically generate graphs similar to what is presented in the paper. Simply run pdflatex figures.tex to generate a figures.pdf file. Note that the figures.tex assumes all 8 .csv files are present. If you don't have all the .csv files yet, you can comment out the corresponding \addplot commands to render incomplete plots (this way, you can skip running some of the slower algorithms and still see a visual comparison of the faster ones). We also include an expected_figures_1m.pdf so that you can compare the results to the expected plots.

The plots in figures.tex correspond to Figures 2 (left) and Figure 3 (left and right) as presented in the paper. We do not have a fully automated script to produce Figure 2 (right) since it requires matching CABEAN and ITGR data together. However, you can roughly compare the results based on the .csv files (i.e. it should be visible that for the same models, ITGR is faster as well observe the rough scale of the speed-up). Remember that your plots will have a cut off at the timeout you used when computing your benchmarks. Note that the absolute speed will be different on every computer (especially in a virtual machine), but the overall trend should be preserved.

The point of the figures is to illustrate that: (a) ITGR is much faster than CABEAN, (b) ITGR can easily compute all real life instances (with the one minute timeout, one model is not computed, this model requires a 15 minute timeout), (c) Interleaving ensures the technique scales to large models, i.e. note the strong lead of ITGR with respect to TGR in the random benchmarks.

Availibility, Extendability and Reusability

This artifact and this tutorial are available on Github and via a pre-configured virtual machine available at zenodo (username and password are elementary).

The implementation is based on two of our already published Rust libraries: biodivine-lib-bdd and biodivine-lib-param-bn which facilitate the symbolic encoding of Boolean networks. The actual algorithms are then contained in src/algorithms.rs and src/process/* (implementation of reduction via process-based interleaving). The implementation itself is fairly minimal (well under 1000 LOC) and contains basic comments that explain the function of individual components.

Everything is open-source and available with the permissive MIT License.

The implementation is used (with additional modifications) in our tool AEON, which you can also use to visualize and modify the Boolean networks included in this artifact. To simply open and modify the .aeon files (for example by changing the Boolean update functions for individual variables), you can use the online interface available directly on the website. To also compute and visualise the BSCCs using AEON, you will need a native compute engine that AEON can connect to (download link for which can be found in the online interface). A full introduction to AEON is beyond the scope of this readme, but feel free to reach out at sybila@fi.muni.cz if you run into any problems when using the tool.

If you wish to modify the models without using AEON, you can simply open any .aeon file in a text editor. Here, every $name: ... line corresponds to a Boolean update function which you can modify. However, note that the remaining lines also encode dependencies between variables. So if you want to use a variable which was not used in the function before (or if you want to declare a new variable), you first need to declare it as a dependency of the variable whose function you are modifying. Easiest way to do so is by adding a dep_source -?? dep_target line anywhere in the file. Here, dep_source and dep_target are the names of the two dependent variables, while -?? signifies that the dependency has no additional properties that should be checked before running the experiment (otherwise, the implementation also checks integrity of the functions with respect to the dependency graph, which is again beyond the scope of this readme).

To run BSCC detection for you modified network, first run cargo build --release to make sure that all binaries are compiled. Then, execute ./target/release/algorithm_priority < path/to/modified/model.aeon. An output should contain rough progress estimate with an approximation of the BSCC state count at the end.


License:MIT License


Language:Rust 90.8%Language:Python 6.2%Language:TeX 3.0%