daemontus / artefact-aeon-py

Artefact data describing performance benchmarks for the AEON.py Python BN toolbox.

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AEON.py Benchmarks

This repository is configured to allow painless running of non-trivial benchmarks of the AEON.py software.

The all-models directory contains 145 non-trivial real-world Boolean networks, which you can run experiments on. Furthermore, you can customise the models directly in Python (utils.py has some examples on how to e.g. fix all logical inputs to true).

The run.py script ("runner") makes it possible to run a particular python script for each model ("experiment") in a directory (e.g. all-models). The runner then makes sure that each experiment runs within a specified timeout, that the runtime is measured, and that the output is saved to a separate file.

The runner can operate in three modes:

  1. Interactive: Before each experiment is started, you are prompted to either run it or skip it. You can also abort the whole run.
  2. Sequential: Experiments run automatically one after the other.
  3. Parallel: Up to N (user provided) experiments are executed in parallel (as separate processes).

For each run, runner creates a new output directory whose name contains the name of the benchmarked Python script, model directory, timestamp, and flag whether the run was parallel. Additionally, runner compiles a .csv file with runtimes for each benchmark, and an aggregated .csv file with "instances completed before time".

Before starting, make sure:

  • You have AEON.py installed (pip install biodivine_aeon).
  • On macOS, you'll also need gtimeout (available in coreutils).
  • AEON.py should be fully multiplatform, other tools were only tested on Linux.
  • However, they should also work on other systems -- you may need to switch binaries in the scripts to the appropriate OS tohugh.
  • CABEAN and iFVS are provided in the repository.
  • pystablemotifs must be installed according to instructions provided here.
  • Also, make sure you have Z3 installed, as it is used by iFVS.

Runner invocation:

python3 run.py TIMEOUT BENCH_DIR SCRIPT [-i/-p N]
  • TIMEOUT is a standard UNIX timeout string. E.g. 1h, 10s, etc.
  • BENCH_DIR is a path to a directory that will be scanned to obtain the list of experiments (.aeon files).
  • SCRIPT is a path to a Python script that will be started by the runner, with an experiment file (.aeon file) as the first argument. Naturally, this script can then start other native processes if necessary, or modify the model as desired.
  • Add -i if you want to use the interactive mode.
  • Add -p N if you want to run up to N experiments in parallel.

WARNING: The script does not respond particularly well to keyboard interrupts. If you kill the benchmark runner (e.g. Ctrl+C), you may also need to manually terminate some of the unfinished experiments.

ANOTHER WARNING: For some reason, not all exit codes are always propagated correctly through the whole python <-> timeout <-> time <-> python chain. For this reason, an error in the benchmark script can still result in a "successful" measurement (successful in the sense that it finished before timeout). When using the final results, always make sure there is no segfault or out-of-memory hidden somewhere in the results. In particular, this can occur for pystablemotifs and CABEAN, where you should always additionally check if the returned results are fully computed.

Prepared Benchmarks

There are several pre-configured benchmark scripts that you can use. Of course, you can add -p N or -i to each command to run it in parallel or interactive mode.

Attractors (inputs fixed to true)

# Generate models with inputs fixed to true for each network (.aeon format)
python3 fix-inputs-true.py all-models
# Also create .bnet versions of those models (other tools need them)
python3 aeon-to-bnet.py all-models-inputs-true

# Use AEON.py
python3 run.py 1h all-models-inputs-true attractors-aeon-basic.py
python3 run.py 1h all-models-inputs-true attractors-cabean-basic.py
# Use iFVS
python3 run.py 1h all-models-inputs-true attractors-ifvs-basic.py
# Use pystablemotifs
python3 run.py 1h all-models-inputs-true attractors-pystable-basic.py

Attractor scan of all parametrisations of a particular model

# Substitute model_path and model_name for actual names

# Generate model file for each parametrisation of the given network
python3 generate-parametrizations.py model_path
# Create also bnet versions of those models (other tools need them)
python3 aeon-to-bnet.py all-parametrizations/model_name

# Use AEON.py
python3 run.py 1h all-parametrizations/model_name attractors-aeon-basic.py
python3 run.py 1h all-parametrizations/model_name attractors-cabean-basic.py
# Use iFVS
python3 run.py 1h all-parametrizations/model_name attractors-ifvs-basic.py
# Use pystablemotifs
python3 run.py 1h all-parametrizations/model_name attractors-pystable-basic.py

Attractors scan of random sample of parametrizations of particular model

For models with a large number of parametrisations, a complete scan may not be feasible. Instead, you can sample a smaller subset of parametrisations:

# Substitute model_path, model_name, sample_size for actual names/values

# Generate number of networks with randomly fixed inputs from the given model
python3 generate-parametrizations.py model_path -random sample_size
# Create also bnet versions of those models (other tools need them)
python3 aeon-to-bnet.py random-parametrizations/model_name

# Use AEON.py
python3 run.py 1h random-parametrizations/model_name attractors-aeon-basic.py
python3 run.py 1h random-parametrizations/model_name attractors-cabean-basic.py
# Use iFVS
python3 run.py 1h random-parametrizations/model_name attractors-ifvs-basic.py
# Use pystablemotifs
python3 run.py 1h random-parametrizations/model_name attractors-pystable-basic.py

Source-target control benchmark

Finally, you can also benchmark different types of source-target control algorithms for a particular model using the following command:

# Generate source-target combinations for a particular model:
python3 generate-control.py path/to/model-name.aeon

# Run control experiments for the generated source-target pairs:
python3 run.py 1h run.py control-inputs/model-name control-one-step.py
python3 run.py 1h run.py control-inputs/model-name control-permanent.py
python3 run.py 1h run.py control-inputs/model-name control-temporary.py

# Of course, you can also use control-one-step.py, control-permanent.py and control-temporary.py
# to run experiments on specific generated models in the control-inputs directory separately.

Example results

Some performance results obtained using the commands presented above are available in the raw-results directory. Though keep in mind that the performance on your machine may differ significantly.


Artefact data describing performance benchmarks for the AEON.py Python BN toolbox.


Language:Python 98.9%Language:Shell 1.1%