daeh / gridworld

2D gridworld and canvas renderer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a small module that provides a representation and canvas renderer for 2D "gridworlds". Its intended use is for experimentation with game and AI algorithms such as pathfinding, line-of-sight, plus any number of grid-based board games.

Here's what it looks like:



Browserify is recommended.

$ npm install gridworld


Creating a world

new GridWorld(canvasEl, width, height, [options])

Create a new GridWorld with a given width and height (specified in terms of grid cells) that will draw onto canvas.

Supported options:

  • cellSize size of each cell in pixels. Default: 32.
  • cellPadding size between each cell in pixels. Default: 1.
  • drawBorder if set, a border will be drawn around the entire world, instead of just between each cell.
  • borderColor default: 'black'.
  • backgroundColor default cell background color. Default: 'white'.
  • resizeCanvas if set, canvas element will be resized to fit world's dimensions, including any specified padding.
  • padding how much space to leave around the rendered world. Can be specified as a single number or as an object with keys top, right, bottom and left. Mostly useful with resizeCanvas option. Default: 0.
  • onclick click handler for cells. See event handling, below.


var GridWorld = require('gridworld').GridWorld;
var world = new GridWorld(canvas, map[0].length, map.length, {
  padding       : {top: 10, left: 10, right: 10, bottom: 60},
  cellSize      : 32,
  cellSpacing   : 1,
  resizeCanvas  : true,
  drawBorder    : true,
  onclick: function(node) {
    console.log("you clicked on node: " + node);

Drawing the world


Draws the world on its canvas.

Accessing nodes directly

world.get(x, y)

Returns the node object representing cell at (x,y).

World attributes

world.getBackgroundColor(x, y)

Returns the background color of the node at (x,y).

world.setBackgroundColor(x, y, color)

Set the background color of the node at (x,y) to color.

world.isBlocked(x, y)

Returns true if the node at (x, y) is blocked.

world.setBlocked(x, y, blocked)

Flag the cell at (x, y) as passable/impassable. A cell's passability does not affect how it is drawn.

world.setAttribute(x, y, attr, value)

Set arbitrary attribute attr on node (x,y) to value.


world.eachNeighbour(x, y, callback)

Iterate over each non-blocked Manhattan neighbour of node (x,y). Callback receives neighbour node object and index as a parameter.

world.eachNodeNeighbour(node, callback)

Iterate over each non-blocked Manhattan neighbour of node. Callback receives neighbour node object and index as a parameter.


Iterate over each of the world's node objects. Callback receives node object as a parameter.

Event Handling

world.onclick = function(node) { /* ... */ }

Function to invoke when user clicks on a node. Receives clicked node as a paremeter.


  • Add event handlers for dragging
  • Allow markers to be overlaid on cells
  • Support optional diagonal neighbours


2D gridworld and canvas renderer


Language:JavaScript 100.0%