daddel80 / notepadpp-multireplace

MultiReplace is a plugin for Notepad++ enabling multi-string replacement, allowing list saving and loading. It provides CSV syntax highlighting and enabling precise column targeting. Additionally, it introduces conditional and computational operations within the replacement string.

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MultiReplace for Notepad++

License: GPL-2.0 Latest Stable Version Total Downloads

MultiReplace is a Notepad++ plugin that allows users to create, store, and manage search and replace strings within a list, proving useful across various sessions or projects. This enhancement increases efficiency when multiple replacements need to be made concurrently, thereby bolstering the overall functionality of Notepad++.

MultiReplace Screenshot

Key Features

  • Multiple Replacements: Execute multiple replacements in a single operation, in one document or across all opened documents.
  • Entry Toggling: Toggle list entries for replacement, highlighting, or searching.
  • String Storage: Store and load your search and replace strings in a list, facilitating reuse across different sessions or projects.
  • CSV Scope Functionality: Target specific columns in a delimited file for search or replacement operations, offering precision in managing CSV data.
  • Scripted Text Replacements: Export to bash script for scripted text replacements.
  • Highlighting: Highlight multiple find words in unique colors for better visual distinction.
  • Variable Usage: Employ variables for conditional and computational operations within the replacement string.

Match and Replace Options

This chapter provides an overview of the various match and replace options available in MultiReplace, enhancing the flexibility and precision of your search and replace operations.

Match Whole Word Only

When this option is enabled, the search term is matched only if it appears as a whole word. This is particularly useful for avoiding partial matches within larger words, ensuring more precise and targeted search results.

Match Case

Selecting this option makes the search case-sensitive, meaning 'Hello' and 'hello' will be treated as distinct terms. It's useful for scenarios where the case of the letters is crucial to the search.

Use Variables

This feature allows the use of variables within the replacement string for dynamic and conditional replacements. For more detailed information, refer to the Option 'Use Variables' chapter.

Replace First Match Only

The "Replace First Match Only" option is ideal for Replace-All operations, where it replaces only the first occurrence of a match in each list entry. This is particularly useful for different replace strings with the same find pattern. It's designed for modifying only the initial match in a document or scope, while keeping other instances intact. The same effect can be achieved with the 'Use Variables' option using cond(CNT == 1, 'Replace String') for conditional replacements.

Wrap Around

When this option is active, the search will continue from the beginning of the document after reaching the end, ensuring that no potential matches are missed in the document.

Scope Functions

Scope functions define the range for searching and replacing strings:

  • Selection Option: Supports Rectangular and Multiselect to focus on specific areas for search or replace.
  • CSV Option: Enables targeted search or replacement within specified columns of a delimited file.
    • Cols: Specify the columns for focused operations.
    • Delim: Define the delimiter character.
    • Quote: Delineate areas where characters are not recognized as delimiters.

Option 'Use Variables'

Activate the 'Use Variables' checkbox to employ variables associated with specified strings, allowing for conditional and computational operations within the replacement string. This Dynamic Substitution is compatible with all search settings of Search Mode, Scope, and the other options.

Note: Utilize either the set() or cond() command in 'Replace with:' to channel the output as the replacement string. Only one of these commands should be used at a time.

Variables Overview

Variable Description
CNT Count of the detected string.
LINE Line number where the string is found.
APOS Absolute character position in the document.
LPOS Relative line position.
LCNT Count of the detected string within the line.
COL Column number where the string was found (CSV-Scope option selected).
MATCH Contains the text of the detected string, in contrast to CAP variables which correspond to capture groups in regex patterns.
CAP1, CAP2, ... Correspond to capture groups $1, $2, ... in regex patterns. They can be used for calculations or as strings.
Note: For MATCH and CAP variables, both dot and comma can be used as decimal separators when they contain numerical values, but thousands separators are not supported.

Command Overview

String Composition

.. is employed for concatenation.
E.g., "Detected "..CNT.." times."


Directly outputs strings or numbers, replacing the matched text in the Replace String with the specified or calculated value.

Example Result (assuming LINE = 5, CNT = 3)
set("replaceString"..CNT) "replaceString3"
set(LINE+5) "10"

cond(condition, trueVal, [falseVal])

Implements if-then-else logic, or if-then if falseVal is omitted. Evaluates the condition and pushes the corresponding value (trueVal or falseVal) to the Replace String.

Example Result (assuming LINE = 5)
cond(LINE<=5 or LINE>=9, "edge", "center") "edge"
cond(LINE<3, "Modify this line") (Original text remains unchanged)
cond(LINE<10, cond(LINE<5, cond(LINE>2, "3-4", "0-2"), "5-9"), "10+") "5-9" (Nested condition)

init({Variable1=Value1, Variable2=Value2, ...})

Initializes custom variables for use in various commands, extending beyond standard variables like CNT, MATCH, CAP1. These variables can carry the status of previous find-and-replace operations to subsequent ones.

Custom variables maintain their values throughout a single Replace-All or within the list of multiple Replace operations. So they can transfer values from one list entry to the following ones. They reset at the start of each new document in 'Replace All in All Open Documents'.

Find: Replace: Before After
(\d+) init({COL2=0,COL4=0}); cond(LCNT==4, COL2+COL4); if COL==2 then COL2=CAP1 end; if COL==4 then COL4=CAP1 end; 1,20,text,2,0
\d{2}-[A-Z]{3} init({MATCH_PREV=''}); cond(LCNT==1,'Moved', MATCH_PREV); MATCH_PREV=MATCH; 12-POV,00-PLC

fmtN(num, maxDecimals, fixedDecimals)

Formats numbers based on precision (maxDecimals) and whether the number of decimals is fixed (fixedDecimals being true or false).

Note: The fmtN command can exclusively be used within the set and cond commands.

Example Result
set(fmtN(5.73652, 2, true)) "5.74"
set(fmtN(5.0, 2, true)) "5.00"
set(fmtN(5.73652, 4, false)) "5.7365"
set(fmtN(5.0, 4, false)) "5"


Type Operators
Arithmetic +, -, *, /, ^, %
Relational ==, ~=, <, >, <=, >=
Logical and, or, not

If-Then Logic

If-then logic is integral for dynamic replacements, allowing users to set custom variables based on specific conditions. This enhances the versatility of find-and-replace operations.

Syntax Combinations
  • if condition then ... end
  • if condition then ... else ... end
  • if condition then ... elseif another_condition then ... end
  • if condition then ... elseif another_condition then ... else ... end

More Examples

Find in: Replace with: Description/Expected Output Regex Scope CSV
; cond(LCNT==5,";Column5;") Adds a 5th Column for each line into a ; delimited file. No No
key set("key"..CNT) Enumerates key values by appending the count of detected strings. E.g., key1, key2, key3, etc. No No
(\d+) set("$1€ The VAT is: ".. (CAP1 * 0.15).."€ Total with VAT: ".. (CAP1 + (CAP1 * 0.15)).."€") Finds a number and calculates the VAT at 15%, then displays the original amount, the VAT, and the total amount. E.g., 50 becomes 50€ The VAT is: 7.5€ Total with VAT: 57.5€ Yes No
--- cond(COL==1 and LINE<3, "0-2", cond(COL==2 and LINE>2 and LINE<5, "3-4", cond(COL==3 and LINE>=5 and LINE<10, "5-9", cond(COL==4 and LINE>=10, "10+")))) Replaces --- with a specific range based on the COL and LINE values. E.g., 3-4 in column 2 of lines 3-4, and 5-9 in column 3 of lines 5-9 assuming --- is found in all lines and columns. No Yes
(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+) cond(CAP1 > 0 and CAP2 == 0 and CAP3 == 0, MATCH, cond(CAP2 > 0 and CAP3 == 0, " " .. MATCH, " " .. MATCH)) Alters the spacing based on the hierarchy of the version numbers, aligning lower hierarchies with spaces as needed. E.g., 1.0.0 remains 1.0.0, 1.2.0 becomes 1.2.0, indicating a second-level version change. Yes No
(\d+) set(CAP1 * 2) Doubles the matched number. E.g., 100 becomes 200. Yes No
; cond(LCNT == 1, string.rep(" ", 20- (LPOS))..";") Inserts spaces before the semicolon to align it to the 20th character position if it's the first occurrence. No No
- cond(LINE == math.floor(10.5 + 6.25 * math.sin((2 * math.pi * LPOS) / 50)), "*", " ") Draws a sine wave across a canvas of '-' characters spanning at least 20 lines and 80 characters per line. No No
^(.*)$ init({MATCH_PREV=1}); cond(MATCH == MATCH_PREV, ''); MATCH_PREV=MATCH; Removes duplicate lines, keeping the first occurrence of each line. Matches an entire line and uses MATCH_PREV to identify and remove consecutive duplicates. Yes No

Engine Overview

MultiReplace uses the Lua engine, allowing for Lua math operations and string methods. Refer to Lua String Manipulation and Lua Mathematical Functions for more information.

User Interaction and List Management

Entry Management

  • Add into List Button: Adds field contents along with their options into the list.
  • Alt + Up Arrow / Double-Click: Instantly transfer a row's contents with their options to fields.
  • Space: Adjusts selection for individual or multiple highlighted list entries.
  • Alt-A / Alt-D: Activates or deactivates all list entries when in focus.
  • Delete Key / Delete Button (X): Select and delete rows.

List Columns

Column Description
W Watch whole word only
C Match case
V Use Variables
N Normal
E Extended
R Regular expression

Function Toggling

  • "Use List" checkbox toggles operation application between all list entries or the "Find what:" and "Replace with:" fields.

Entry Management

  • Manage Entries: Manage search and replace strings in a list, and enable or disable entries for replacement, highlighting or searching within the list.
  • Highlighting: Highlight multiple find words in unique colors for better visual distinction, with over 20 distinct colors available.
  • Character Limit: Field limits of 4096 characters for "Find what:" and "Replace with:" fields.

Data Handling


  • Supports import/export of search and replace strings with their options in CSV format, including selection states.
  • Adherence to RFC 4180 standards for CSV, enabling compatibility and easy interaction with other CSV handling tools.
  • Enables reuse of search and replace operations across sessions and projects.

Bash Script Export

  • Exports Find and Replace strings into a runnable script, aiming to encapsulate the full functionality of the plugin in the script. However, due to differences in tooling, complete compatibility cannot be guaranteed.
  • This feature intentionally does not support the value \0 in the Extended Option to avoid escalating environment tooling requirements.


MultiReplace is a plugin for Notepad++ enabling multi-string replacement, allowing list saving and loading. It provides CSV syntax highlighting and enabling precise column targeting. Additionally, it introduces conditional and computational operations within the replacement string.

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:C 71.6%Language:C++ 26.7%Language:HTML 1.7%