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Machine learning experiments for CheckMyBlob

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Machine learning experiments for the CheckMyBlob ligand identification pipeline as described in "Automatic recognition of ligands in electron density by machine learning" by Kowiel, M. et al.

Amazon virtual machine

The easiest way to reproduce the experiments is using the publicly available Amazon virtual machine (AMI) prepared for this study. The machine has all the necessary libraries, scripts, and data sets pre-installed.

To re-run the final experiments simply on the prepared AMI:

  1. Request a machine on Amazon (we used an r4.8xlarge),

  2. While searching for the AMI, use the following AMI ID ami-74794f11 or lookup CheckMyBlob in the us-east-2 (Ohio) region

  3. Log in to the instance,

  4. Go to the Classification directory:

cd work/CheckMyBlob/Classification
  1. Run the classifier evaluation:
python run_experiments.py -e

Since the evaluation will take many hours, it's best to run python through a terminal multiplexer, like screen.

The machine is setup to run the experiments out of the box. However, other tasks, such as recreating data sets or parameter tuning, can also be performed on the machine, although additional files may need to be downloaded, as described below.


Experiments and data sets were primarily prepared for Python 2.7. The scripts require the following libraries:

  • scikit-learn
  • numpy
  • pandas
  • scipy
  • seaborn
  • matplotlib
  • mlxtend
  • plotly
  • lightgbm

with versions listed in requirements.txt.

Ligand data sets

To reproduce the experiments, ligand data sets and validation reports should be placed in the Data folder. Due to file size limits enforced by GitHub the ligand data sets are only included in a binary serialized version (*.pkl files). CSV versions of the data sets as well as the "master" data set containing descriptions of all ligands detected in the PDB have to be downloaded from an external server. The descriptions and links to the data sets are described below.

All ligands detected in the PDB

The "master" data set containing all ligands queried and detected as described in the Kowiel et al. paper "Automatic recognition of ligands in electron density by machine learning methods" can be downloaded from:

all_summary.7z DOI

The file is compressed using 7zip to allow for faster downloads. The compressed file weighs around 1.1 GB, whereas the uncompressed CSV will take close to 3.0 GB of disk space. The all_summary.csv file can be used to reproduce the filtered ligand data sets (CMB, TAMC, CL), as a source to create data sets based on other filtering criteria (e.g. ligand subsets of your choice), or on its own a as source of knowledge about all ligands that CheckMyBlob was capable of detecting automatically on the entire PDB as of May 1st, 2017.

For machine learning applications, please read the code in run_experiments.py and preprocessing.py, to see examples describing how to preprocess the data. In particular, the following attributes should not be used during model training or testing: "pdb_code", "res_id", "chain_id", "local_res_atom_count", "local_res_atom_non_h_count", "local_res_atom_non_h_occupancy_sum", "local_res_atom_non_h_electron_sum", "local_res_atom_non_h_electron_occupancy_sum", "local_res_atom_C_count", "local_res_atom_N_count", "local_res_atom_O_count", "local_res_atom_S_count", "dict_atom_non_h_count", "dict_atom_non_h_electron_sum", "dict_atom_C_count", "dict_atom_N_count", "dict_atom_O_count", "dict_atom_S_count", "fo_col", "fc_col", "weight_col", "grid_space", "solvent_radius", "solvent_opening_radius", "part_step_FoFc_std_min", "part_step_FoFc_std_max", "part_step_FoFc_std_step", "local_volume", "res_coverage", "blob_coverage", "blob_volume_coverage", "blob_volume_coverage_second", "res_volume_coverage", "res_volume_coverage_second", "skeleton_data", "resolution_max_limit", "part_step_FoFc_std_min", "part_step_FoFc_std_max", "part_step_FoFc_std_step".

The target attribute for classification is: res_name.


CMB was designed for the CheckMyBlob study. It contains only structures from X-ray diffraction experiments determined to at least 4.0 Å resolution. Entries with R factor above 0.3 or ligands below 0.3 occupancy (according to wwPDB validation reports) were rejected. Only ligands with at least 2 non-H atoms were considered and structures with low ligand map correlation coefficients (RSCC < 0.6, RSZO <= 1, RSZD > 6.0) were removed. Apart from taking into account quality factors, we removed from the experimental data set all moieties that are not considered proper ligands. These included: unknown species, water molecules, standard amino acids, and selected nucleotides. Moreover, connected ligands (as per the naming convention in the PDB) were labeled as alphabetically ordered strings of hetero-compound codes (e.g., NAG-NAG-NAG-NAG). Finally, the data set was limited to 200 most popular ligands. The resulting data set consisted of 219,986 examples with individual ligand counts ranging from 48,490 examples for SO4 (sulfate ion) to 106 for A2G (n-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-amino-galactose). More details concerning data selection can be found in the paper of Kowiel et al.

The cmb.pkl file is included int he repository, whereas the csv version of the data set can be downloaded using the link below:

cmb.csv DOI

For machine learning (classification) purposes, the target attribute is: res_name.


The TAMC data set attempts to repeat the experimental setup from Terwilliger et al. described in "Ligand identification using electron-density map correlations". It consists of ligands from X-ray diffraction experiments with 6–150 non-H atoms. Connected PDB ligands were labeled as single alphabetically ordered strings of hetero-compound codes, whereas unknown species, water molecules, standard amino acids, and nucleotides were excluded. Finally, the data set was limited to 200 most popular ligands. The resulting data set consisted of 161,758 examples with individual ligand counts ranging from 36,535 examples for GOL (glycerol) to 114 for LMG (1,2-distearoyl-monogalactosyl-diglyceride). The tamc.pkl file is included int he repository, whereas the csv version of the data set can be downloaded using the link below:

tamc.csv DOI

For machine learning (classification) purposes, the target attribute is: res_name.


The CL data set repeats the setup used in the study of Carolan & Lamzin titled "Automated identification of crystallographic ligands using sparse-density representations". It consists of ligands from X-ray diffraction experiments with 1.0–2.5 Å resolution. Adjacent PDB ligands were not connected. Ligands were labeled according to the PDB naming convention. The data set was limited to the 82 ligand types listed by Carolan & Lamzin. The resulting data set consists of 121,360 examples with ligand counts ranging from 42,622 examples for SO4 to 16 for SPO (spheroidene). The cl.pkl file is included int he repository. The csv version of the data set can be downloaded using the link below:

cl.csv DOI

For machine learning (classification) purposes, the target attribute is: res_name.

Running the experiments

The experiments can be reproduced simply by running the run_experiments.py script with appropriate parameters described below.

Reproducing ligand data sets

To recreate the experimental data sets (CMB, TAMC, CL) the all_summary.csv data set along with validation data sets ( non_xray_pdbs.csv, twilight-2017-01-11, validation_all.csv) have to be present in the CheckMyBlob/Data/ folder. Once all the source data are available, run the following command:

python run_experiments.py -c

As a result, *.pkl and *.csv files will appear in the CheckMyBlob/Data/ folder.

Evaluating selected classifiers

To evaluate the classifiers (k-NN, Random Forest, Gradient Boosting Machines, Stacking) with pre-tuned parameters, simply run:

python run_experiments.py -e

By default, experimental results (predictions, feature importance, confusion matrices, summaries) will appear in the CheckMyBlob/Classification/ExperimentResults/ folder. The main summaries can be found in the ExperimentResults.csv file in the aforementioned folder.

Classifier tuning

To re-run parameter tuning, run the following command:

python run_experiments.py -m

Beware, this can take weeks.

Additionally, early stopping was used to determine the number of trees to use in Gradient Boosting Machines. To re-run early stopping, type:

python run_experiments.py -s

Detailed results

This repository contains all the experimental results reported in the Kowiel et al. paper in the CheckMyBlob/Results/ folder. The source of Table 1 can be found in Summary.xlsx.

Reproducing data figures

To reproduce data figures from the Kowiel et al. paper, go to the CheckMyBlob/Figures/ folder and run the following commands:

python accuracy.py
python labels.py
python plot_importances.py

For the scripts to work, the detailed experimental results have to be present in the CheckMyBlob/Results/ folder. Therefore, if you want to reproduce the figures on the Amazon AMI, you will have to upload the experimental results to the machine (the machine was prepared to re-run experiments and does not contain any result files to avoid confusion). The results can be easily uploaded to the AMI by updating the repository on the machine by running git pull in the CheckMyBlob/ folder.

Figures depicting ligands can be reproduced using PyMOL. The data and scripts required to reproduce these images are available in the CheckMyBlob/Figures/pymol directory.

Reproducing time measurement

The maps and ARP/PHENIX ligand definitions used to measure ligand identification time can be found in the CheckMyBlob/Data/TimeExperiments folder. The experimental script is in the CheckMyBlob/Classification and can be run as follows:

python time_experiments.py

Prior to running the scripts, PHENIX and ARP/WARP have to be installed and the CheckMyBlob blob identification pipeline has to be set up, as described in the CheckMyBlob/GatherData folder.


If you have trouble reproducing the experiments or have any comments/suggestions, feel free to write at dariusz.brzezinski (at) cs.put.poznan.pl


Machine learning experiments for CheckMyBlob

License:MIT License


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