dabear / NightscoutShareServer

NightscoutShareserver - acts as a dexcomshare server, but fetches glucose from nightscout

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This was a project to convert nightscout glucose data into a format consumable for use in the Loopkit/Loop project. However, the developer of this program no longer use or maintain it, so you shouldn't either. I've deleted all the files in this project except this readme file. If you are really desperate you can use git features to rollback this repository to commit b0c5c463c87125e8be93152011c945fccfadad92 . How to do that is out-of-scope for this document. If you choose this path, please be aware that it this project is entirely unsupported from 2020-02-10


NightscoutShareserver - acts as a dexcomshare server, but fetches glucose from nightscout