daGrevis / Xn_pls

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A chat bot for #developerslv@freenode channel.

Linked with lambdabot (Haskell) and clojurebot (Clojure).


url - shows title tag content of webpage

s/str/subst - finds last message by sender and replaces str with subst

!id <msg> - shows msg on channel

!uptime - shows bot uptime

!ping - shows "pong" on channel

!rand <num> - generates random Integer in range 0..num

!lb <cmd> - sends cmd to lambdabot and shows response

!cl <cmd> - sends cmd to clojurebot and shows response

Also bot replaces abbreviations like "til" or "afaik" with respective phrases
