dDevTech / ProductionSystem

Production AI system using text analyzer (AFD)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Production AI system - Beta only

How to use the AFD

How to use an AFD Create a new AFD in this case is of type Character so the transitions will be of characters (used in compilers for example)

afd = new AFD<>() {
            public void onReadSequence(List<Character> completeSequence, State<Character> finalNode, int statusCode) {
                System.out.println(completeSequence+"  Status code: "+statusCode);


Must override onReadSequence(). This method will be called when the AFD detect a new sequence (The AFD finish in an end state). It will give the finalNode the list of characters that were detected and a status code to know how it finished.

Now we need to create the states and transitions of the AFD. Note: the algorithm doesn't check infinite loops (you should create a non cyclic structure to be an AFD)

To create an State and add a transition to another node (in this case from base to dollar)

 State<Character> base = new State<>("root");
 State<Character> dollar = new State<>("dollar");

Transition functions are supported. Imagine you want to make a transition if characters are digits: Create the function (in this case is create in the main class RuleAnalyzer)

   public static boolean isDigit(Character character){

And add the transition to the state determined by the function, the out state and read and write (boolean). Write must be used in final states

 base.addTransitionFunction(RuleAnalyzer::isDigit, dollar,true,true);

If you want to make an state final just call the method setFinal.


Semantic actions are supported:

dollar.addSemanticAction(new SemanticAction<Character>() {
            public void onAction(List<Character> sequence, State<Character> state) {
                Stream<Character> charStream = sequence.stream();
                String symbol = charStream.map(String::valueOf).collect(Collectors.joining());

When the node dollar is reached onAction will be called with the current sequence detected and the state.

Its important to set the initial state of the AFD.


Now the AFD is done. To execute it just call execute method of the AFD:

private static int interpret(String ruleElement){
        return afd.execute(toCharacterArray(ruleElement));

Where toCharacterArray will convert the String in a Character[]sequence which is neccessary for the AFD

 public static Character[] toCharacterArray(String text){
        return  text.chars().mapToObj(c -> (char) c).toArray(Character[]::new);

If you turn on the DEBUG you will be able to test and debug the algorithm image


Production AI system using text analyzer (AFD)


Language:Java 100.0%