d5nguyenvan / openstack-lbaas

Load balancing service for OpenStack

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is the OpenStack LBaaS project.

Getting started with LBaaS DevBox

LBaaS DevBox is Linux-based VM with pre-installed services to simplify development and testing. It can be downloaded from https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B1mJ0eQoi7tEZmlYWHVyUjA3dlk

DevBox contents:

  • Ubuntu 12.04 Server 64-bit
  • LBaaS sources checked out at /home/developer/openstack-lbaas/
  • HAProxy service
  • Lighttpd service for back-end emulation
  • utils: git, curl, vim, mc

There are 2 users:

  • developer/swordfish for development purposes
  • user/swordfish for configuring haproxy service

Get LBaaS sources

Log in as "developer". Then check-out new sources:

rm -rf openstack-lbaas
git clone https://github.com/Mirantis/openstack-lbaas.git

Source code layout:

  • balancer - LBaaS core
    • api - API layer
    • common - common code and utils
    • core - LBaaS server core
    • db - DB layer
    • drivers - drivers for load balancers
      • haproxy - driver for HAProxy
    • tests
      • manual - manual tests for LBaaS API
      • unit - unit tests

Initial Setup

Make sure the following packeges are installed:

gcc python-dev libsqlite3-dev

Create virtualenv that required for executing code and tests

 cd openstack-lbaas
 ./run_tests -V -f

Note, virtualenv needs to be updated any time code dependencies are changed. Virtualenv is created in .venv folder

Initialize database

 ./.venv/bin/python bin/balancer-api --dbsync

The database is located in balancer.sqlite

Intergation with Keystone

Authorization in LBaaS is configured by setting pipeline in balancer-api-paste.ini:

pipeline = authtoken context apiv1app

This line makes Paste.deploy create a pipeline of wsgi filters (see http://pythonpaste.org/wsgifilter/) for request processing.

  • authtoken (keystone wsgi filter), defined in ini-file authorizes user in keystone populating request with additional X-Auth- http headers containing various information about reuqest.
  • context (ContextMiddleware class in lbaas) creates request context which later to be used in authorization decisions.
  • apiv1app - LBaaS wsgi application

Default configuration:

pipeline = apiv1app

makes LBaaS work as if every request had admin privileges.

Run and Test

Run LBaaS:

 ./.venv/bin/python ./bin/balancer-api --config-file etc/balancer-api-paste.ini --debug

By default the server is started on port 8181

Add HA Proxy device to LBaaS database

Create file createDeviceHAProxy with the following content:

 "name": "HAP-001",
 "type": "HAPROXY",
 "version": "1",
 "supports_ipv6": 0,
 "requires_vip_ip": 1,
 "ip": "",
 "port": "22",
 "user": "user",
 "password": "swordfish",
   "algorithms": ["RoundRobin"],
   "protocols": ["TCP","HTTP"]

Note: ip needs to be changed to the address of the box where HAProxy is located.

Execute script:

./createDevice.sh HAProxy

If all is right, the information about newly created device will be returned:

{"device": {"name": "HAP-001", "has_acl": 1, "ip": "", "requires_vip_ip": 1, "capabilities": {"algorithms": "RoundRobin"}, "id": "c1dfe0c69bff49d296fc0d613417efcf", "version": "1", "user": "user", "supports_ipv6": 0, "password": "swordfish", "type": "HAPROXY", "port": "22", "supports_vlan": 1}}

Write out value for device/id, it will be used later for creating load balancer

Check that device is added in DB


Create load balancer

Create file createLBcommandHAProxy with the following content:

    "device_id": "c1dfe0c69bff49d296fc0d613417efcf",
    "name": "testLB001",
    "protocol": "HTTP",
    "transport": "TCP",
    "algorithm": "RoundRobin",
    "virtualIps": [
            "address": "",
            "mask": "",
            "type": "PUBLIC",
            "ipVersion": "IPv4",
            "port": "80",
            "ICMPreply": "True"
    "nodes": [
            "address": "",
            "type": "host",
            "port": "8001",
            "weight": "1",
            "minCon": "100",
            "maxCon": "1000",
            "rateBandwidth": "12",
            "rateConnection": "1000",
            "status": "INSERVICE",
            "condition": "ENABLED"
            "address": "",
            "type": "host",
            "port": "8002",
            "weight": "1",
            "minCon": "300",
            "maxCon": "400",
            "rateBandwidth": "12",
            "rateConnection": "1000",
            "status": "INSERVICE",
            "condition": "ENABLED"
            "address": "",
            "type": "host",
            "port": "8003",
            "weight": "1",
            "minCon": "300",
            "maxCon": "400",
            "rateBandwidth": "12",
            "rateConnection": "1000",
            "status": "INSERVICE",
            "condition": "ENABLED"
    "healthMonitor": [
            "type": "ICMP",
            "delay": "15",
            "attemptsBeforeDeactivation": "6",
            "timeout": "20"
            "type": "HTTP",
            "delay": "30",
            "attemptsBeforeDeactivation": "5",
            "timeout": "30",
            "method": "GET",
            "path": "/",
            "expected": "200-204"

Configuration above assumes there are three web applications running on the box with HAProxy on ports 8001, 8002, 8003. Change node count or node addresses to whatever you actually have.

Execute script:

./createLB.sh HAProxy

This will deploy HAProxy configuration and restart HAProxy. Note that configuration is added to whatever configuration has been already deployed on the box. In case of issues check the file /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg on the box with HAProxy

Check the load balancer

curl http://haproxy_ip:port/

HAProxy should return page content from backend nodes.

Developers Documentation

Docs can be built by the following commands:

cd doc

To view docs, open doc/html/index.html in the browser.


Load balancing service for OpenStack