d2m / polymer_elements

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Basic non-visual elements for Polymer.dart

A port of polymer.js' polymer-elements to Polymer.dart. The intent of the authors is to contribute the work to the Dart project itself (https://www.dartlang.org).

Visual elements for Dart can be found in


  • The Dart source files of an element often contain some documentation (Dartdoc) how to use the element. You can also find this documentation online at
  • DartDoc
  • Almost each element has an associated demo page which shows how to use the element. Open the 'demo' links below to take a look. The source code of these demo pages can be found in the example subdirectory of the package. The actual implementation of the demo page is often outsourced to files in the example/src/element_name subdirectory.


  • add the following to your pubspec.yaml file:
  • to import a polymer_element into your entry page HTML file, add the following line inside the <head> tag before any of the Dart and polymer <script> tags:
<link rel="import" href="packages/polymer_elements/polymer_file/polymer_file.html">
  • to import a polymer_element into any of your custom polymer elements, add the following line into your Polymer element HTML file before the <polymer-element name="my-element"> start tag:
<link rel="import" href="../../../packages/polymer_elements/polymer_selector/polymer_selector.html">

If you import a polymer_element into an HTML file that is not saved in the package/web directory the import path must be relative to the web directory as shown above. In this example we assume the HTML file is stored in yourpackage/lib/your_element/your_element.html.


Your feedback is very much appreciated. We are excited to hear about your experience using polymer_elements. We need your feedback to continually improve the qualtiy.

Just Create a New Issue

General notes

  • Current development status requires Dart SDK Dart version (DEV)


(A few demo pages (* aren't rendered properly as GitHub Pages or because they use unfinished elements. We are working on it.)

Element name Status Comment Demo
polymer-ajax ported demo
polymer-anchor-point ported demo (*
polymer-collapse ported needs some additional stylesheet imports due to Polymer.dart limitations (see examples) demo
polymer-cookie ported demo
polymer-file ported demo
polymer-flex-layout ported needs some additional stylesheet imports due to Polymer.dart limitations (see examples) demo (*
polymer-google-jsapi not started
polymer-grid-layout ported demo
polymer-jsonp not started
polymer-key-helper not started
polymer-layout ported demo
polymer-localstorage ported demo 
polymer-media-query ported small issue in Dart but works fine in JS demo
polymer-meta ported doesn't work in JavaScript
polymer-mock-data not started
polymer-overlay started
polymer-page ported
polymer-scrub not started (no demo)
polymer-selection ported demo
polymer-selector ported demo
polymer-shared-lib started
polymer-signals ported demo
polymer‑view‑source‑link not started


BSD 3-clause license (see LICENSE file).

Build Status


License:BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License