d11wtq / bijou

Functional programming language

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A functional programming language, putting the emphasis on programming with values.

Project overview

Bijou is an experimental language, with a few key design goals.

  1. Fun to develop in
  2. It must be functional at its core
  3. The emphasis should be on values, not syntax - almost everything should be passable as a value at runtime
  4. The runtime should be a small, single file distribution
  5. Immutable throughout
  6. Concurrency should be - robust - easy to understand - lightweight
  7. Pattern matching should be used for expressiveness
  8. Abstractions should provide a great deal of consistency
  9. The stdlib (bundled into a single file) should be rich
  10. Modules are used to group functions together - import automatically constructs modules - modules can be dynamically created at runtime - provide a mechanism for object-oriented programming

Currently the language is a work in progress, but it is already in a state that allows some experimentation.

Language features

Data types

The following data concrete types are currently implemented:

  1. 32-bit integers
  2. Symbols (bare keywords for variable lookup etc)
  3. Strings
  4. Linked lists
  5. nil - acts like a true null object - accepts invocations, returns nil - is sequenceable, is empty
  6. Booleans
  7. Functions
  8. Macros

The following abstract data types are also implemented:

  1. Sequences - Lists - Strings - Cons lists - Nil
  2. Callable - Functions - nil - Eventually other data types
  3. Ports - these support for I/O type operations - read/write/close

The following types will exist in future:

  1. Floating point numbers
  2. Rational numbers
  3. Aribtrary length integers (automatic)
  4. Keywords (interned strings)
  5. Regular expressions (will be Callable)
  6. Modules (e.g. math/sin points to sin in the math module)
  7. Vectors
  8. Maps


Bijou is a Lisp family language. The syntax is based on atomic values, and data stuctures that group these values. Most literal values are implemented as in any other language:




Strings (always double-quoted).

"This is a \"string\"\n"

The nil value.


True and false.


Some data types must be quoted if given in literal form. We'll see why shortly.


'(1 2 3 4) ; same as (list 1 2 3 4)



Quoting values that do not need to be quoted has no effect.

'"some string"

Defining symbols

We can give values a name, by associating them with a symbol. We use the def form to do this.

(def answer 42)

Once something has been defined, we can refer to it by using the symbol unquoted.


We can provide documentation for our definitions.

(def answer
  "The answer to life, the universe and everything"

Currently the docstring is simply ignored by the runtime. In the future it will be accessible by at runtime.

Calling functions

We call a function by using the list syntax, unqoted. The first value in the list is the function we want to call. The rest of the values are the arguments.

(* 2 3) ; 6

Here we call the function *, which is used for multiplication, as you might expect, with the arguments 2 and 3. It returns 6.

(* 2 (+ 4 7))

What do you think that might return?

Creating functions

Here's where that design goal of focusing on values comes into play. Functions are values. We create them with the fn form.

(fn (x y) (* x y))

Let's break that down. The fn creates our function for us. The (x y) is the parameter list. They must be symbols, as in the def form. The remaining forms represent the function body. There are no return keywords. The last evaluated expression is always the return value. This is true for all forms in bijou.

If functions are just values, we can give them a name with def.

(def squared
  "Return the square of n"
  (fn (n)
    (* n n)))

(squared 4) ; 16

Grouping expressions together

The do form allows us to evaluate multiple expressions in a single form.

(do (this)

It returns the last evaluated expression, so in this case, whatever (more) returns.


Conditions are implemented with if.

(if (true?)

The if form takes at a minimum, two arguments. The first, (true?), as you'd expect is the condition to evaluate. The second, (this) is the expression to evaluate on success. The remaining forms (that) (more) are evaluated in an implicit do as the else case.

Without any forms in the else position, if returns nil on false.

(if false
  (this)) ; nil

If you want to evaluate multiple forms in the success position, use do.

(if (true?)
  (do (this)


There are no loop constructs in bijou. Instead, we use recursion to loop. Say we want to implement the function exponent, such as (exponent 2 3), giving two to the power of three, in imperative style languages, like C, we might write.

int exponent(int n, int e) {
  int m = 1;
  while (e-- > 0) {
    m = m * n;

  return m;

In bijou we'd write this recursively:

(def exponent
  "Return n to the power of e"
  (fn (n e)
    (if (= e 0)
      (* (exponent n (- e 1)) n))))

Tail Call Optimization

Recursive functions are a key element in functional programming. Bijou implements proper tail call optimization, so we can recurse infinitely without blowing the stack, provided we only use recursion in a "tail position". This translates to the last evaluated expression being a call to the function itself, or a call to another function, which may in turn mutually call the current function.

Say we want to output all the integers, between n and m.

(def print-range
  (fn (n m)
    (println n)
    (if (< n m)
      (print-range (+ n 1) m))))

(print-range 0 100000)

That's 100,000 recursive calls, and that's fine.


Bijou puts concurrency as a core language feature. Wherever you want concurrency, you use spawn, which starts running a function in a separate lightweight thread. Spawn returns a port, which we'll look at later. The same port is passed as the first argument to the function running in parallel.

(spawn (fn (p) (println "This happens concurrently")))

We can give arguments to spawn, which are passed to the function it calls.

(spawn (fn (p who)
         (println "Hello, " who "!"))

Now it's time to talk about ports. Ports are values that we can read from with <- and write to with ->. When we open a file, or a network socket, we get a port, which we can read and write to. When we use spawn, we also get a port. This is how we communicate with the spawned thread. We can send and receive any kind of value over the port: integers, strings, symbols, lists, even functions or other ports.

Say we want to implement a score counter, which we can increment and decrement with arbitrary values:

(def counter
  (fn (p n)
    (println n)
    (counter p (+ n (<- p)))))

(def score
  (spawn counter 0))

(-> score 15) ; 15
(-> score 10) ; 25
(-> score -2) ; 23

You might be beginning to see how by using recursion, we don't need mutability.

What's happening here? First we define our counter function, which accepts a port and a number as arguments.

Next we spawn that counter function so it runs in the background. It starts by printing n, then recursing with the value of (+ n (<- p)). What is this?

(<- p) takes a value from the port. We are only going to send integers here, so it will always add some integer to n.

If there are no values to read on the port, (<- p) will block, with no runtime cost. Since it's happening concurrently, this does not block the program execution.

Eventually, once a value is a available on the port, the recursion happens and the new value of n is printed.

We adjust our score by a few numbers by using (-> score 15), for example.

Like with <-, if the receiving end of the port is busy, -> will block.


Functional programming language


Language:Go 99.8%Language:Makefile 0.2%