d023975 / bookshop

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Welcome to SAP Cloud Application Programming model samples

Find here the samples for the openSAP course Building Applications with the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model.

Get Access to SAP Business Application Studio

The recommended environment for the course is SAP Business Application Studio. Watch unit 2 of week 1 for how to get access.


In SAP Business Application Studio, open a terminal. Then clone the repo with this specific branch:

git clone https://github.com/sap-samples/cloud-cap-samples projects/cloud-cap-samples -b openSAP-week3-unit5
cd projects/cloud-cap-samples

In the cloud-cap-samples folder run:

npm install


Now you're ready to run the samples, for example:

cd packages/bookshop
cds deploy
cds watch

After that, watch out for the little popup in the lower right corner of SAP Business Application Studio that asks you to open the application in your browser.


  • If your demo user logon window does not show up: clear the browsers login data
  • If your port is still in use run in your terminal:
> pkill node      //kill running node proceses

Deploy to Cloud Foundry

Clean-up the CF space in your trial account if you already used it before. Make sure that there are no services or applications deployed.

Generation of the XSUAA service configuration file xs-security.json:

cds compile srv/ --to xsuaa > xs-security.json

In this unit we use MTA to do the deployment to CF

npm install -g mbt

You can generate the MTA.yaml from CDS and do manual modifications or simply use the already generated and adapted mta.yaml in the branch and directly generate the .mtar file


If you want to generate the MTA.YAML yourself please do the following:

  • Generate the mta.yaml with the HANA dependency
cds add hana --force
cds add mta
  • Add the path to the generated xs-security.json in the MTA.YAML
         path: ./xs-security.json
         service-plan: application
  • Add the application block in the MTA.YAML
     ##############    APP   #########################
     - name: capire-bookshop-app
       type: nodejs
       path: gen/app
          memory: 256M
           - name: capire-bookshop-srv
        - name: capire-bookshop-uaa
        - name: srv-binding
          group: destinations
             forwardAuthToken: true
             name: srv-binding
             url: ~{srv-url}
  • Make sure to use service hanatrial instead of hana in the MTA.YAML
     service: hanatrial


Generate the .mtar file for the deployment and deploy to cloud foundry:

mbt build -t ./
cf login -a https://api.cf.eu10.hana.ondemand.com
cf deploy sap.capire-bookshop_1.0.0.mtar

Get Support

Check out the cap docs at https://cap.cloud.sap.
In case you find a bug or need support, please open an issue in here.


Copyright (c) 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. This file is licensed under SAP Sample Code License Agreement, except as noted otherwise in the LICENSE file.




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