This application should serve as an example of my abilities with React, Typescript and GoLang as well as serverless technologies.
Original idea for the product was much larger, however it is important to start with a minimal viable product that I'll feel is good enough to show to people. To avoid feature creep and ensure I stay focused during the lifetime of this product I need an achievable list of high level requirements.
- Users can login using Gmail. They'll need to login to play the game.
- Users will be matched with opponents automatically based on preferences (with default preferences provided)
- Users will play a game of chess if any of them leaves early, the other will be victorious.
- Games will be timed.
- Game will work on mobile devices.
- Leader board
- In game chat
- In game betting
- Reconnect to game on browser refresh
- Pure Components I want every state in the front end achievable by dispatching a set of redux actions
- Fully mocked out backend for fast iteration on the frontend
- Infrasctructure as code using CloudFormation
- Serverless
- Kanban
- Sockets as first class citizen
- One socket to rule it all
- Reusable Components