czukowski / phpunit-mock-dibi

Dibi (smart database layer for PHP) mocking for PHPUnit

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Dibi mocking helpers for PHPUnit


A mock-object library for database queries testing, without having to initialize in-memory database from fixtures. Rather, every query executed by a tested code can be set to return a pre-defined result set, affected rows count or last insert ID. All with a familiar interface similar to PHPUnit Mock Objects.

This is an adapted version of czukowski/phpunit-mock-db package for uses of Dibi - smart database layer for PHP by David Grudl. Dibi is a database connection library that includes a powerful query builder and supports a variety of relational database systems.


Install using Composer:

composer require czukowski/phpunit-mock-dibi
  • Dibi version 4.x is supported with PHP 7.2 or newer.
  • Dibi version 3.x is supported with PHP 5.6 or newer.


Use Cz\PHPUnit\MockDibi\MockTrait trait in a test case class, this will enable methods for creating database mock instances. Just call createDatabaseMock method passing a Dibi\Connection instance that uses one of the mock drivers provided in this package, and a mock object will be added to it and registered to the test case class.

There is a handy factory class for mock Dibi drivers in Cz\PHPUnit\MockDibi\Drivers\DriversFactory so you don't have to create driver instances yourself (see its source code for methods available).

Example how to create mock Dibi Connection:

$dibi = new Dibi\Connection([
    'driver' => $factory->createMySqlDriver()  // or whatever other driver you may be needing.

Examples how to set up expected queries and mock results:

Return a pre-defined result set on any database query:

        ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'foo'],
        ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'bar'],

Return a pre-defined result set on any database query and expect it to be executed exactly once:

        ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'foo'],
        ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'bar'],

Return a pre-defined result set on each specific database query, expecting each query to be executed exactly once:

Note: the order in which the query expectations are being set up doesn't have to be same as the order in which the queries will be executed.

Also note: the whitespaces will be ignored in query constraints, so they can be loaded from well-formatted files, which could be especially useful for long and complex queries.

Also note: different Dibi drivers may use different characters to quote identifiers, eg. backticks for MySQL or square brackets for MS SQL Server, etc. Query constraints will use Dibi Translator to transform queries so there's no need to take extra care to have identifiers quotes matching the currently used driver.

$mock = $this->createDatabaseMock($dibi);
    ->query('SELECT * FROM `t1`')
    ->willReturnResultSet([['id' => 1, 'name' => 'foo']]);
    ->query('SELECT * FROM `t2`')
    ->willReturnResultSet([['id' => 2, 'name' => 'bar']]);

Expect mixed queries, some at specific invocations (note: SELECT query is set to return an empty result set):

$mock = $this->createDatabaseMock($dibi);
    ->query('INSERT INTO `t1` VALUES (1, "foo")')
    ->query('INSERT INTO `t1` VALUES (2, "bar")')
    ->query('SELECT * FROM `t1`')

Expect same query executed exactly three times and return different last insert IDs on each consecutive call:

    ->query('INSERT INTO `t1` VALUES ("a", "b", "c")')
    ->willSetLastInsertId(1, 2, 3);

Return affected rows count:

    ->query('UPDATE `t1` SET `foo` = "bar" WHERE `id` = 1')

Match SQL query using PHPUnit constraint (note: whitespace will not be ignored when using default PHPUnit constraints):

    ->willReturnResultSet([['id' => 1, 'name' => 'foo']]);

Set up different outcomes on consecutive calls for INSERT queries using a consecutive calls stub builder:

    ->willThrowException(new RuntimeException('Deadlock'))

Although not normally needed, it is possible to set up custom callbacks to handle database queries (callbacks don't have to return anything):

$mock = $this->createDatabaseMock($dibi);
    ->willInvokeCallback(function ($invocation) {
    ->willInvokeCallback(function ($invocation) {
    ->willInvokeCallback(function ($invocation) {

By default, mock object is set to throw an exception if an unknown (unmatched) query is executed, but this can be disabled:

$mock = $this->createDatabaseMock($dibi);


This work is released under the MIT License. See for details.


Dibi (smart database layer for PHP) mocking for PHPUnit

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%